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  1. TexasCreed

    Lust Bust game

    This game is freaking hilarious. Dont get caught looking at your bud's sis. http://www.onlytuesday.com/games/gameload.asp?gameID=7
  2. TexasCreed

    Happy B-day TexasCreed

    Hey thanks guys, appreciate it Anasci. ya jerk, just kidding dont ban me.
  3. TexasCreed

    Python vs Alligator

    Funny but true shit. The carcass of a six-foot American alligator protrudes from the mid-section of a 13-foot Burmese python. W Python Explodes after Eating Alligator Python Explodes After Eating Alligator LAST UPDATE: 10/6/2005 8:05:21 AM Posted By: CyberBob This story is...
  4. TexasCreed

    Fantasy Basketball Yahoo

    Anyone interested in starting up a fantasy basketball league under yahoo? Its free and pretty easy to use. Its a little early, but we can start registering and then have the draft. SIgn up here.
  5. TexasCreed

    FSH & test production

    Okay, so i just had another check for the old sperm count, and im still low in terms of volume and motility. basically my guys are few and the few ones cant move good, or do not have good shape. On the bright side i still got some. They did a fsh and testosterone test yesterday and i'll get...
  6. TexasCreed

    Texas Workforce Commission

    Mainly for people in texas, if you ever been unemployed and received a check, how long did you stay on it upon new job? i have a new job now, and was just wondering, hate to get in trouble, but would love a little overlap.
  7. TexasCreed


    Now, I have a theory on this but need to hear others. So im like in pincrusher's same situation. I have low count due to back in the day not knowing enough. BUt i believe i still had some left, now about 2 months i had the itch to get back on and took one winny shot of about 2 cc, and then...
  8. TexasCreed

    Danny bonaduce on steroids

    Did yall see the preview for that show on mtv or vh1 about danny bonaduce admitting he is on steroids and all that? I believe it is on vh1 and it hasnt showed yet.
  9. TexasCreed

    Another Bust

    These fucking people who bust the users/sellers piss me off when their like " guys should just hit the gym and earn mass" no shit dickhead. Assuming everyone gets roid rage. Most Recent Bust - Aug 25th http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder....=73218678899847 ZANESVILLE - A 29-year-old New...
  10. TexasCreed

    Holloway Case

    Anybody has news on the missing girl in aruba? i heard a witness said he saw her dumped in a landfill they already checked. and also that they found a limb that washed up on shore. anybody has new info?
  11. TexasCreed

    Im back

    Whats up fellas, this move has been tough, especially moving from a house to an apartment. And doing it by myself to the 3rd damn story. Another reason why bb is great. im getting dsl hooked up wednesday. i'll get back to yall's pm's as soon as i can.
  12. TexasCreed

    Anyone watch 20 20 last night?

    IT was about that 11 yr old body builder. We talked about it before and they wondered whether his dad had him on roids. He has been working out since 3, and was ripped as hell. and now that is dad is in jail, he doesnt work out with weights due to c.p.s., but is still ripped. Very interesting.
  13. TexasCreed


    I just got a new job with a major university and will be moving down to central texas. Its a bad ass job as an admissions counselor(what im doing now) but not selling since this is a major university. i get my own office, expense account. And best of all, i have lots of friends there and i get...
  14. TexasCreed

    Read this!

    I pretty sure i know the answer but let me get some feedback. so my normal test was low last time i checked and that led to low sperm count. but the doc said it was because i had some thick veins in the ol'e nugget pouch, which heats up and kills the sperm. so im thinking maybe it wasnt the...
  15. TexasCreed

    Ranking the Roids Info

    This I used a while back, again each person reacts different to each roid, and it all depends on diet and routine. But this is a good breakdown of what levels each roid is on and its strengths and benefits. http://www.steroids101.com/rankroids.htm
  16. TexasCreed

    646 pound catfish caught

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Fish Tale: Thais Catch 646-Pound Fish By DANIEL LOVERING, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 53 minutes ago BANGKOK, Thailand - This big one did not get away. Thai fishermen netted a 646-pound catfish...
  17. TexasCreed

    HCG and Proviron

    Are these fine together? not combined at same time, but just same time periods???
  18. TexasCreed

    hcg and nolva

    can anyone find the article or thread about taking hcg at the same time nolva? some say no and some say yes.
  19. TexasCreed


    Me and the wifey were at the bar last night, and before we left the house we were drinking and somehw started talking about roids. well at the bar we got on it again, and she said she was more pissed that i was injecting. so she said, as soon as we get pregnant you can get on. as long as she...
  20. TexasCreed

    See Britney Spears Naked

    Just complete each maze http://www.extremefunnypictures.com/funnypic602.htm