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  1. silverback66

    Xcel DetonatorX pre-wo

    So I have a small non corporate supp shop in town that sells a lot of "underground" type supplement brands. Meaning not the big names (O.N., MusclePharm etc.) He carries a lot of PH's as well. Anyway he was showing me this pre workout the other day that actually contains 22.5mg of epistane per...
  2. silverback66

    New to TRT and curious about PIP

    So as some of you know I just started TRT. My first injection was done in my delt by a nurse at the clinic.. I just did my second Sunday night in my quad myself and it is much more painful then the first.. I have read some posts of guys talking about bad PIP with different compounds and them...
  3. silverback66

    iPod arm band

    So gym rat problems.. I can't find an arm band to hold my iPod at the gym that fits my arms.. anyone know of a good brand to buy?
  4. silverback66


    I have been craving jalapeños like crazy lately! I just can't get enough of the little fu@&ers haha. On steak, chicken, in my eggs, rice... Just eating them out of the jar.. I love my fiery little jollies! Haha that is all just thought I'd share To keep this post somewhat relevant.. I wonder if...
  5. silverback66

    TRT and fat loss with peptides

    So my doc just put me on 200mg test C every other week. I have a fairly high bf% (roughly 22%) but also already high muscle mass. (Total weight is 240lbs) I do expect getting my test levels up where they should be will help shed some of that fat but I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to...
  6. silverback66

    Iron deficiency and weight loss

    So my girlfriend has been having a hell of a time losing weight. Her diet and training are sound but it's been over 4 months and she is actually slowly gaining weight. I'm sure some is muscle mass because I have gotten her to start a pretty strict lifting program but he bodyfat doesn't seem to...
  7. silverback66

    Blood test results..

    I just had some blood work done because I have been experiencing some possible low T symptoms.. My testosterone level is at 292 and LH is at 1.3 I'm also just did estradiol and prolactin today but won't have results for a couple days. I'm 26 240lbs About 21-23%bf What do you think about...
  8. silverback66

    New member

    Hey everyone! I'm new around here. A little about me: I'm 26yrs old 5'10'' tall 240lbs 21%bf I play semi pro football, I have been training in that aspect since I was about 15 playing football in school. The last 3 or 4 years I have started to focus more on bodybuilding and training in that...