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  1. formula1069

    Got to meet Phil Heath Yesterday

    More pics
  2. formula1069

    Got to meet Phil Heath Yesterday

    Pretty cool and down to earth guy and funny Talked to a small group of us for about a hour and then pics with all of us for about another hour Was funny to hear him talk about the shit with him and Kia this past Olympia Bad part was now i feel like I have toothpicks for arms and am small as...
  3. formula1069

    PeC Tear~~ Scott Mendleson

    That looks pretty freaking Bad, Mine sucked but wasn't anywhere near that bad This was about 3 years ago Still feel it and it will never be 100% again plus a huge hole in my pec now :(
  4. formula1069

    LFA Blood Serum Test Propionate

    I have been using LFA's Test Prop ONLY @35mgs ED (245 mgs per week) for 4 weeks before test, I want to use the same amount of mgs as last test to see what results would be I am very happy with results, as most of you know I have nothing to do with LFA and I am in no way associated with LFA LFA...
  5. formula1069

    LFA Blood Serum Test Cypionate 250mgs

    I have been using LFA's Test Cyp ONLY @250mgs once per week for 5 weeks before test, I have not been using anything else I am very happy with results, as most of you know I have nothing to do with LFA and I am in no way associated with LFA LFA did not ask me to do test and did not pay or...
  6. formula1069


    OK so i am kinda of a old fart and have never even downloaded any music yet, I am sick of the same old music i have loaded on my ipod and need some new music to listen to. I have not purchased any new music in over 10 years so you can see i am way behind Please list or recomend any good bands or...
  7. formula1069

    Some more Old Man Pics

    Current cycle 100 mgs Test P ed 100 mgs Mast ed 75mgs NPP ed 100mgs Var ed 10 ius rips ed 10-15ius Log pre wo
  8. formula1069

    Hulk Serum Test

    Test taken 9/10/2013 Last meal or any liquid was at 8:30 pm on 9/09/2013 Blood was drawn at 9:44 am on 9/10/2013 Injected 10iu's IM in right delt with a 1" needle at exactly 7:00 am on 9/10/2013 Test done by Direct labs If you want me to retest i will retest one more time If i did not do...
  9. formula1069


  10. formula1069


    My neighbors, the two cute young lesbians next door, asked me what I would like for my birthday. I was quite surprised, when they gave me a Timex! It was very nice of them, but I'm pretty sure that they misunderstood me, when I said: "I wanna watch!!!"
  11. formula1069

    Pics of my Pups

  12. formula1069


    Dudcki started one of these threads over at Alin Board and it is a good thread so time to start one over here Redneck Abs:
  13. formula1069

    Back in the game

    This is a pretty shitty log but i am just too busy to keep up with it Pic taken yesterday 7 weeks into cycle I am going to up my EQ to 800 per week Bumped up to 8 iu's rips ED last week I don't really feel anything from the EQ, I wish i could eat more i would be alot bigger right now They say EQ...
  14. formula1069

    Back in the game

    It's going OK I am starting my Slin this week, a little behind schedule I just can't seem to eat enough these days 215lbs but i would have to guess at least 10-15 lbs of fat to get rid of right now, plus i am holding a bunch of water from the rips at 6iu's ed right now I started adding in a huge...
  15. formula1069

    Back in the game

    I usually post this stuff over at Alin Board, but its been slow over there so i will start one over here This winter training and diet went to shit after i fucked up my knee in January and my business has been crazy busy this spring, but enough excuses time to get back to getting big. I gained a...
  16. formula1069

    Morons at The Gym

    It seems lately at my gym we have a epidemic of idiots lifting and not having a clue. Do any of you ever say anything to these people? #1 we have the newbies that just don't have a clue, and I want to say something to them so they don't hurt themself plus a little help never hurt anyone and...
  17. formula1069

    Prescription Trt plus low dose tren

    Talk about shedding, we just got our 4th Lab about 6 months ago :action-smiley-041:
  18. formula1069

    Next Cycle

    Starting to plan my next cycle and want to see what you guys think 12 weeks week 1-12Primo 100mgs ED week 1-10Parabolin 400mgs per week week 1-12Test C 200 mgs per week ( or 400 mgs?) GH and peps (possibly adding Slin but doing more research first) T-3 25mcg ED Aromastin 12.5mg ed HCG 500iu's...
  19. formula1069

    New to Board

    I have been a member over at Alin board for awhile and some mods recomended coming over here, so i firgure i would come over and check you guys out
  20. formula1069

    ProForm Labs Real or Fake ?

    I got a bottle of this from a buddy at the gym a while back before i found my legit source, i don't want to waste time trying it to find out if its legit, but i also hate to just toss it if it is real, anyone ever heard of them or has used this ugl brand? Thanks