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  1. Sandpig

    Gaspari not at Olympia

    I was just checkin the floor plan to see where we (Cutler Athletics) will be located and I noticed Gaspari doesn't have a booth. I realize they are for sale or something but I would think you'd stiil want to keep your name out there.
  2. Sandpig

    Jay Trains Arms. Appearance by the Rock

  3. Sandpig

    Jay and The Rock

    Not sure how many of you have seen this yet. apparently they ran into each other at Gold's the other day and now they are like best buds. Always tweeting back and forth now like a couple teenage girls. :p
  4. Sandpig

    Las Vegas Patriots Classic IFBB Bikini

    Went and watched the prejudging this morning. Here's some of the pics I took.
  5. Sandpig

    Clean Bulk?

    Ok guys is it possible? I want to stay lean throughout the summer as I've mentioned before. I only weigh 177 lbs and I'm currently eating over 4,000 Kcal/day And that doesn't include my cheat meal on Friday. Apparently it's not enough. I'm still every bit as lean as I was a week and a half...
  6. Sandpig

    IFBB Greater Gulf States Pro

    I know there's not much Bikini talk on this forum but just want to congratulate my friend, Amanda Latona on her win. Yes she's a friend. Not like Jay is but hey. I really got to know her at Jay's surprise birthday party last August. She's really cool and down to earth.
  7. Sandpig

    Sandpig Pics

    Ok lets give this a shot. Hopefully I made the pics small enough.
  8. Sandpig

    Mouth Gaurd?

    Anyone wear one? I started a couple weeks ago cause my dentist told me I needed one. Not only do I have to wear it in the gym but to bed too. I hated it at first but after getting used to it, I kinda like it now. Having that thing in there, I can feel how I would unconsciously grind my teeth...
  9. Sandpig

    Jay Cutler TV

    I just want to let everyone know that Jay's video channel on You Tube is back up and running. he says there will be lots of content coming up. I believe there will be nutrition and lifestyle segments along with the usual training footage. If you are a fan of Jay's be sure to check it out...
  10. Sandpig

    M4BTeam Pre-Summer Transformation Contest

    From this morning at 182 lbs Didn't like the way the back shot came out, although I have no idea what I was expecting.
  11. Sandpig

    M4BTeam Pre-Summer Transformation Contest

    Here goes 5' 10" 192 lbs Bodyfat 16%