Search results

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    What is Flax Seed Oil and how can it benefit me?

    What is Flax Seed Oil and how can it benefit me? I was faced with this question when I started hearing about Flax Seed not long ago. It's become a 'buzz word' in society and seems to be making great strides in increased health for many. I wanted to join that wagon of wellness and so I...
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    What is Flax Seed Oil and how can it benefit me?

    What is Flax Seed Oil and how can it benefit me? I was faced with this question when I started hearing about Flax Seed not long ago. It's become a 'buzz word' in society and seems to be making great strides in increased health for many. I wanted to join that wagon of wellness and so I...
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    Testosterone Therapy: No Prostate Cancer Link

    By Jeanie Lerche Davis WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD on Thursday, January 15, 2004 Contrary to Belief, Testosterone Doesn't Raise Risk of Prostate Cancer, Study Shows Jan. 15, 2004 -- One of doctors' greatest fears about testosterone therapy is that it may cause prostate...
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    High-intensity Interval Training: The Optimal Protocol For Fat Loss?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here an article from my alma mater, WSU comparing HIIT to steady state cardio. HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING: THE OPTIMAL PROTOCOL FOR FAT LOSS? James Krieger As exercise intensity increases, the...
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    High-intensity Interval Training: The Optimal Protocol For Fat Loss?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here an article from my alma mater, WSU comparing HIIT to steady state cardio. HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING: THE OPTIMAL PROTOCOL FOR FAT LOSS? James Krieger As exercise intensity increases, the...
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    HGH vs Testosterone

    Growth Hormone vs Testosterone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Karlis Ullis, M.D. and Joshua Shackman, Ph.D. I was one of the first private practitioners in the country to dispense growth hormone as part of an overall anti-program hormone...
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    In vitro and in vivo effects of 17beta-trenbolone: a feedlot effluent contaminant.

    In vitro and in vivo effects of 17beta-trenbolone: a feedlot effluent contaminant. Wilson VS, Lambright C, Ostby J, Gray LE Jr. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Reproductive Toxicology...
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    Alcohol and Hormones

    Alcohol and Hormones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hormones are chemical messengers that control and coordinate the functions of all tissues and organs. Each hormone is secreted from a particular gland and distributed throughout the body to...
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    Cool site

    www.waybackmachine.org It lets you look at web sites from the past. If they took down their photos though, then you just see an "X" where the pic used to be. Its still pretty cool though.
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    Markus Ruhl video

    http://home.cogeco.ca/~hp1/ruhl.htm Kind of reminds me of myself :p
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    LIVE election results per state

    http://network.ap.org/dynamic/files...ECTION=POLITICS Roll over each state to see the up to date percentiles.
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    Shoe laces

    Is it just me or do all the damn tennis shoes come with laces that are too long? Every pair of shoes I have bought in the past few years have laces long enough to wrap around my calf before I tie them! I'm always stepping on them and they come loose for me to trip. Am I the only one that picks...
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    Steroid control act of 2004

    :rolleyes: 108th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 3866 To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide increased penalties for anabolic steroid offenses near sports facilities, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 1, 2004 Mr. SENSENBRENNER (for himself, Mr...
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    Official get tee out of the negative

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    My points

    How the hell did I end up w/ negative points? Did Imdaman1 jack with me somehow??? :confused: LOL
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    Provides any recipe you could imagin with nutritional information. Great site. http://www.allrecipes.com
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    Lifting videos

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    Congress Will Reclassify Pro-Steroids as Controlled Substances This Week

    Congress Will Reclassify Pro-Steroids as Controlled Substances This Week Senate bill 2195 passed the Senate late last night (Wednesday, October 6, 2004)! This bill reclassifies Prohormones (PH) and Prosteroids (PS) as anabolic steroids and makes them controlled substances. The bill is currently...
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    Bromo is used for Prolactin induced gyno. You can get it from online overseas pharmacies. It isn't a scheduele III drug as are steroids so there shouldn't be a big concern about it going through customs. Bromo causes side effects in 61% of those who use it, however the sides aren't serious. The...
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    BodyBuilding & the Endocrine System

    BodyBuilding & the Endocrine System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: David Robson Many health benefits are to be gained through bodybuilding. In fact, bodybuilding's training regimes and dietary practices can enhance cardiovascular, mental...