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  1. BigBob

    Nolvadex Question

    Quick question about nolvadex and side effects. I've never really used AI's in the past with the exception of pct. But I am using Metatest and oral dbol. And I thought I would try it out and see how it works on cycle. Although I like the effect physically, the sides at only 20mg cause me...
  2. BigBob

    Happy St. Patricks Day

    All us micks on the East Coast are celebrating. :sSig_woohoo2:
  3. BigBob

    Pro Muscle

    It seems to be down a few days now. Their YouTube page is suspended. Did I miss anything?
  4. BigBob

    Cholesterol Myth??

    So I read the whole thing and it confirms my belief. However I am not in the medical field and don't know much about Dr. Mercolo. What do you guys think? Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Cholesterol Myth That Could Be Harming Your Health
  5. BigBob

    woman's Viagra is synthetic Melanotan.

    I think they screwed up in the article a referd to melatonin but meant melanin. But it looks like bodybuilding was at the forefront of this new drug. We all knew the benefits of Melanotan! Viagra pill for women that costs £12 and also helps you slim: Drug could be on bedside cabinets by end of...
  6. BigBob

    Low prolactin levels tied to sexual dysfunction in men?

    I thought it was the other way around? Am I missing something? http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/men-bedroom-woes-linked-surprising-hormone-article-1.1524654
  7. BigBob

    Witch Hunt?

    I have tried the stuff and didn't think it was addictive at all. I thought it was more potent than ephedrine. But who knows how much of this stuff people take. Popular sports supplements contain meth-like compound
  8. BigBob

    Bad shot

    Hey guys, I've got a knot under my skin. It's in my delt. I am assuming that it was an inject gone wrong. I have been massaging it but no change yet. Any advice? It doesn't hurt and is not to noticeable. I just don't want it to become a problem. Thanks. BB
  9. BigBob

    Honor, Integrity, Character

    Great story. Why a high school football coach suspended nearly every player on team - CBS News
  10. BigBob

    How Big Are Yours?

    Interesting BBC News - Testicle size 'link to father role'
  11. BigBob

    Fake DEA agents calling

    Got a call from someone claiming to be DEA. Sounded convincing at first but then after going over what he said and how little info he had Then when I pressed him for details and his contact all he did was leave his #. I have dealt with the feds and police and They never warn you they are coming...
  12. BigBob

    bimagrumab ???

    Found this on the news today. Cant find too much info on it yet. Only press releases. Myostatin inhibitor? About BYM338 (bimagrumab) and the Novartis commitment to research in muscle therapeutics BYM338 (bimagrumab) is a novel, fully human monoclonal antibody developed to treat pathological...
  13. BigBob

    Advice for low back pain.

    Hi Fella's, So I was doing dead lifts today and after 5 reps I felt a shooting pain. I stopped immediately. I have never really had any back problems. The pain is very low and it almost feels like my balls ache. Anyone ever experience this? I included a picture of the area its in. My form was...
  14. BigBob

    Aldo and Jung

    This may be a dumb question. I was watching the weigh in last night and I noticed that both of them keep sipping on some brown or dark colored liquid. What is it and why the need to be always sipping. Something about dehydration and cutting weight? Or is it something much more sinister like...
  15. BigBob

    B12 tainted with steroids

    Have to get some before they pull it off the shelves :D But seriously fucked up for unsuspecting people. FDA Warns: Steroid-Tainted Vitamin B Pills Causing Impotency A vitamin B dietary supplement called B-50 contains two anabolic steroids and has been cited as causing unusual hair growth in...
  16. BigBob

    5000 year old man had heart disease

    The evidence points to genetic predisposition to heart disease and the guy was lactose intolerant..... Maybe modern diets aren't the sole reason for our modern woes. I am often of the opinion that much of this is fear mongering to make people money. :confused: Here is the article...
  17. BigBob

    vasodialator/vasoconstrictor or clen?

    I am goign to do a Spartan Race next Sat. It is up in a mountain and it requires Running up ski slopes. Now I am a very large 6' 1 290 lbs. I have been training now mostly by walking fast uphill and stair climber. I can keep my heart rate up at 150 steadily. However on these courses I find that...