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  1. J


    What is the best thing 2 do before doing lifitng (Like half hours - hours) 2 get energy n stuff.
  2. J

    Victor C

    What are the punishments for Victor for what he is being charged with?
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    Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

    Is HGH any good? I read a thing where u can keep alot of what u gain on it is that true. I just recentialy been hearing about it with this whole Giambi Steroid scandal.
  4. J


    Is it true that if u get a air bubble in your syringe and inject it into you that u can die Or is that just a myth?
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    Dbol n Test

    Some of my freinds been taking just Dianabol and they have had Great gains on that let alone. But when over alot went away.. until next cycle. Why is it good 2 stack with Test..? Whats Test Do Help u 2 keep ur gains.?
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    Is Anavar a good Class 1 steroid that would goo good with Dbol. If soo How many mg's should u take a day of 2.5mg?
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    When should u take 50mgs of dbol... in the moring or when. If u have a pill of 50mg or 25mg's?
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    Best Liver Protecter

    What is the Best liver protector (detoixfier) out there. and do they work well or is it worthless
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    Is Gluatmine a good supplement that should be taken after a workout 5gram? I have heare that it is but i wasnt sure if it is a waste of time or money 4 this supplement
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    Liver Values

    Is it true that after a cycle, your liver will restore back 2 normal health if u take the same time off a cycle as u did on?
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    Steroids n Beer

    Do u think it would be a wize idea for a person to Drink during a cycle. Not regularly but twice a week.
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    Steroids n Prohormones

    Do you think it would be a good idea to stack a steroid with a prohormone (M1T)for good gains in order 2 save some $?
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    Dbol Which one is better

    Is there a diffrence between the diffrent brands and kinds of dbol out there. Does anyone work better than others. Like the British dragon, Thia, Napism, Blue hearts, Or are they all the same quality.
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    Lift everyday?

    Is it good 2 lift 5 times a week or only 3 times a week to optain good results
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    Steroids good or bad

    Are steroids as bad as all the Doctors and health educators and other people make them out to be. or are they just over reacting with what they have heared or seen happen 2 some people?
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    Chew orals?

    Is it better to swollow and oral tab or chew it up and let is disolve in your mouth? Or does it not really matter.
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    Fake BD Dbol

    I ordered some british dragon dbol about a month ago 10mg's and i took it for a couple weeks. Nothing really happened. How can u tell if it is fake which i assume it is
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    Do Andro's = steroids?

    Can Andro's give u the same results as steroids? If not why does the goverment want to band them and make them illegal?
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    Good sources

    The source What are some good Internet sources :)