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  1. jsjs24

    Running out

    of protein. Man this sucks, I just ordered another 10lb bag on the 29th of dec........the tracking says it won't be here til Tues. I will be out today and now I need to buy some more. :angry:
  2. jsjs24

    Good Night

    Good night armani and whoever else might be on.
  3. jsjs24

    Myrick's signature

    That is fu**ing hilarious!
  4. jsjs24


    I'm gonna hit it for about 15 mins........be back shortly.
  5. jsjs24

    Welcome Chelle

    Everybody say welcome to Chelle....she is a mod over at ironbodybuilding.com and is a member at FG and a few others I believe. Good lady with good knowledge. Welcome aboard and thanks for joining Chelle :D
  6. jsjs24

    gear pic

    It's on FG at this link. http://www.fitnessgeared.com/forum/showthr...&threadid=30454
  7. jsjs24

    Off to work

    Take care guys, I have to go to work now. Be home around 2am west coast time.
  8. jsjs24

    board skin

    Do you all use the standard one or invision. I like the invision one....it's blue, better than the orange imo.
  9. jsjs24

    Where is everyone at

    Come on guys....we need to start some new threads and talk on this board. I see some people on here sometimes and still no new posts.
  10. jsjs24

    My cycle

    Ok guys, this is up at fg but for those of you that haven't seen it here it is. http://www.fitnessgeared.com/forum/showthr...&threadid=28020
  11. jsjs24

    Great site

    Gunter Schlierkamp's web site is loaded with great info imho. Check it out sometime if you haven't already. I have looked at most of the top pro bodybuilders web sites and this one is by far the best imo. Check out the nutrition section. www.gunters.net
  12. jsjs24

    Cooking oils and transfatty acids

    I posted this on FG too, it's some good info to know. I've been doing some research today about different diets and I came across some interesting info on www.gunters.net in the nutrition section. Here is a quote from Gunter; "If vegetable oil is used to fry or cook foods, it loses its...
  13. jsjs24

    How to attach a picture

    I never do it so I don't know how. Some boards have a browse button but not this one that I can see. I want to copy the license plate.
  14. jsjs24

    Off to the gym

    Ok guys I'll be back in a couple hours. It's arms day, can't wait to feel the pumps!
  15. jsjs24

    favorite ug labs

    I think we should start posting our favorite ones from experience. Right now I can say shanghai labs is really good stuff. Accurately dosed, filled, and the test e is pretty painless. I will let you know how the prop is later. Next cycle I will be using proline eq and shanghai labs cyp. I'll...
  16. jsjs24

    Thanks Jack

    I just ordered 19lbs of carbs from www.supplementdirect.com , good deals there. I saw you had posted them on fg.
  17. jsjs24

    A great shake

    My favorite shake: 8oz skim or fat free milk (8g pro usually but 11g in mine) 1 cup water 1.5 scoops chocalate optimum whey (35g pro) 1/2 cup quaker oats oatmeal (5g pro) 1 banana Sometimes I add 1 tbsp peanut butter
  18. jsjs24

    Hello everyone

    Hi everyone, I was asked by Jack Hust to check out the board here. I already see some fellow fg members here. Looks like a cool board and I look forward to being a part of it.