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  1. thebrick

    Any advice to break thru a deadlift plateau?

    I ain't a kid anymore, but I would like to hear some ideas on how you increased your deadlift max. How you approached it and the results. Seems I have been stuck around the same weight for a while.
  2. thebrick

    List Of Drugs That Cause GYNO

    – By purplehaze Drug Side Effects – Gynecomastia Male Breast Enlargement There are many possible reasons for male breast growth. If caused by a medical problem, this should be corrected first. Such issues can be investigated by your internist or an endocrinologist. In most cases there is no...
  3. thebrick

    How many years of training did you have before your first cycle?

    I was a little late to the game. I starting training seriously when I was in my early 20's. Made some very good gains "au natural" too. I was big, but kinda chubby. I thought eating alone would get me big. :rolleyes: When I was 39-40 I did my first cycle and man, what a difference. The muscle I...
  4. thebrick

    Anybody know anyone that has had a shoulder replacement?

    The doctor says its in the cards for me at some point down the road. Everything has been done that they can do. Obviously, I am putting it off as long as possible. Once its replaced, I've been told it will be no more heavy lifting in the gym. Screw that. Shoulder replacements are much less...
  5. thebrick

    Did you know Androgel is a "controlled substance"?

    I was in for my bloodwork recently and my Doctor informed me of that little tidbit. I thought that was pretty funny. So be careful how you use that stuff :D
  6. thebrick

    I'm lovin' using slin pins for my oils

    After many years of the 25G 1" or even 1.5"... its a piece of cake to end-load a slin pin. Anywhere, shoulders, bi's, tri's. Easy, easy, easy. Icc each side, not a problem. Just make sure your oil is not too cold. Its a very nice option when you want one. Perfect for those short esters too...
  7. thebrick

    Thanks for the invite K1

    Good to be on board
  8. thebrick

    Measuring Body Composition: Part 2

    BY LYLE MCDONALD In previous articles, I’ve addressed the question What Does Body Composition Mean?, showed you how to do Body Composition Calculations, and taken a look at Body Composition Numbers. On Wednesday, in Measuring Body Composition: Part 1, I took a look at some methods of tracking...
  9. thebrick

    Measuring Body Composition: Part 1

    BY LYLE MCDONALD In previous articles, I’ve addressed the question What Does Body Composition Mean?, showed you how to do Body Composition Calculations, and taken a look at Body Composition Numbers. Consistently in the comments section of each article there has been at least one question...
  10. thebrick

    Overtraining and Overreaching: Results Part 2

    BY LYLE MCDONALD On Wednesday, I described my own (very) recent experience with overtraining and depression that occurred this summer, in Overtraining and Overreaching: Results Part 1. Today I want to continue/finish up with that by looking a little bit at what I think happened and why I’m...
  11. thebrick

    Overtraining and Overreaching: Results Part 1

    By Lyle McDonald I’m going to take a quick break from the Categories of Weight Training series today and Friday, I’ll get back to the other series next week. Now, some regular readers of the site may be wondering why I haven’t prattled self-indulgently about my own aerobic training or inline...
  12. thebrick

    A Primer on Nutrition: Part 1

    By: Lyle McDonald Essential vs. Non-essential Nutrients The body has a requirement for somewhere around 60 nutrients on a daily basis for normal functioning. Please note: as nutritional science has progressed, it’s now become apparent that many, many more nutrients may contribute to optimal...
  13. thebrick

    A Primer on Nutrition: Part 2

    By: Lyle McDonald Fat and Cholesterol Although I recently examined Fat and Cholesterol in some detail in A Primer on Dietary Fats Part 1 and A Primer on Dietary Fats Part 2 back in May, I want to take a briefer, more streamlined look at them in today’s article. Readers wanting more details can...
  14. thebrick

    Calorie Partitioning: Part 2

    By: Lyle McDonald Dieting So you start your diet, reducing carbs, calories or both. Blood glucose and insulin levels are going to be reduced. This is good, it releases the ‘block’ on fat mobilization. Additionally, catecholamine release typically goes up, further increasing fat utilization...
  15. thebrick

    Calorie Partitioning: Part 1

    By: Lyle McDonald At a very fundamental level, the problem that natural bodybuilders and athletes have is one of partitioning; that is, where the calories go when you eat more of them or come from when you eat less of them. In an ideal universe, every calorie you ate would go to muscle tissue...
  16. thebrick

    Categories of Weight Training: Part 2

    Categories of Weight Training: Part 2 By Lyle McDonald Last week in Categories of Weight Training Part 1, I made a quick introduction to the series and talked about metabolic/depletion type training. I won’t sum any of it up here, just click the link. In that article, I also listed the three...
  17. thebrick

    Categories of Weight Training: Part 1

    Categories of Weight Training: Part 1 By Lyle McDonald The following series of articles was originally published in the newsletter (back when it contained more than just links to the update). Since the archive of the old newsletter is questionable at this point, I wanted to get this information...
  18. thebrick

    Helios Manual

    Manual for HELIOS use. posted by: basskiller Helios was originally developed by an idea from the legendary body-building guru Dan Duchaine. Generic Supplements is selling this extremely potent solution on the bodybuilding market. The ingredients (Clenbuterol and Yohimbine HCL) are forbidden in...
  19. thebrick

    Benefits of Message Therapy

    By: Lisa Sutton Massage therapy is often regarded as an extravagance, a luxury, or an expense awaiting justification. Few actually regard a massage as a viable form of medical treatment. But it is. Massage therapy is actually the simplest and oldest form of medicine. There are references to...
  20. thebrick

    Fighting Gynecomastia

    By: Eric Potratz 16 Ways to Fight Gynecomastia Eric M. Potratz has developed his education in the field of endocrinology and performance enhancement through years of research, counseling, and real world experience. Over the past five years he has been a private consultant for hundreds of...