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  1. DragonRider

    Quick Reference Guide

    This is a handy quick reference guide to commomly used steroids and anti estrogens. Anadrol 50 ® (oxymetholome) Active Life: Less than 16 hours Drug Class: Highly Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (Oral) Average Dose: Men 50-150 mg/day Acne: Yes Water Retention: Yes, high High Blood Pressure: Yes...
  2. DragonRider

    Quick Reference Guide

    This is a handy quick reference guide to commomly used steroids and anti estrogens. Anadrol 50 ® (oxymetholome) Active Life: Less than 16 hours Drug Class: Highly Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (Oral) Average Dose: Men 50-150 mg/day Acne: Yes Water Retention: Yes, high High Blood Pressure: Yes...
  3. DragonRider

    Quick Reference Guide

    This is a handy quick reference guide to commomly used steroids and anti estrogens. Anadrol 50 ® (oxymetholome) Active Life: Less than 16 hours Drug Class: Highly Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (Oral) Average Dose: Men 50-150 mg/day Acne: Yes Water Retention: Yes, high High Blood Pressure: Yes...
  4. DragonRider


    I just found this somewhere where most people would not have seen it, so I wanted to make it a seperate thread where everyone could give a proper welcome to kayholetrip :welcome:
  5. DragonRider

    Happy Birthday

    Is today really CAWB and Freejay's birthdays? If it is, why did I have to find this on another board? You're both banned. :Happybirt
  6. DragonRider

    Everyone Please Read

    AnaSci is really expanding and as a result we are attracting female members to the board, so it appears that it is time to add some new rules to the board. 1. Please be respectful to our female members. They are our sisters in the iron and deserve the respect we would give our sisters. I like...
  7. DragonRider


    Hi everyone...sorry to bug you....was wondering if what your thoughts were on someone with Hypothyrodism taking HGH...I'm on T3 therapy...what about Clen? Would that be a better choice for me?
  8. DragonRider

    The Best Supplement

    The Best Supplement For adding serious mass or getting ripped If you are like 90% of bodybuilders you want to know the best way to pack on the mass. The other 10% are struggling to improve definition while maintaining what they have worked so hard to achieve. Properly applied supplements play...
  9. DragonRider

    The Best Supplement

    The Best Supplement For adding serious mass or getting ripped If you are like 90% of bodybuilders you want to know the best way to pack on the mass. The other 10% are struggling to improve definition while maintaining what they have worked so hard to achieve. Properly applied supplements play...
  10. DragonRider

    Unique and odd at the same time

    Be patient. It takes a few minutes to download. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/robotbody.html
  11. DragonRider

    New ride

    This is my new ride. I hope I can get it paid off before someone pulls out in front of me again. Actually, I hope I'm through with my share of accidents.
  12. DragonRider

    Interesting read

  13. DragonRider


    It's been a day or two since I've been on the boards. Last Tuesday (the 10th) I was on my way home from work, looking forward to working out when a little old lady in a mini-van pulled in front of me and totalled my motorcycle. I am pretty lucky. I was on the inside lane of a four lane highway...
  14. DragonRider

    Computer Problems

    Well, I don't know what happened yet, but even with virus protection I seem to have caught a virus that has wiped out my computer. I came home from work yesterday and the screen was blue. It won't allow me to run any scans virus programs and I can't even reload the original program. I'm on my...
  15. DragonRider

    Basic Board Rules

    Basic Board Rules 1. Absolutely no source posting. This includes asking for sources in the open forums or posting about them in the open forums. 2. Obtain permission from an Administrator or Moderator prior to posting about a scammer on the open forums. 3. Absolutely no flamming. This...
  16. DragonRider

    PLEASE READ: Board Rules

    Here are the RULES of AnaSCI. Please review them before posting. 1) NO SOURCE POSTING. Do not post a source or tell people to e-mail you for a source. That post will be deleted as it endangers the existence of this board, the source, and you. 2) Do not post ASKING for a source. This is for...
  17. DragonRider

    Be Safe, Ask for a spot

    Former Steeler dies while lifting weights http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7265804/ I can see the headlines now. Steroids cause heart flutter.
  18. DragonRider

    Soy Protein - Warning

    Soy Protein Sucks by Author L Rea http://www.anabolicbeast.com Though most know me for my books, columns and articles on AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids), over the past several years I have written on supplements extensively as well. After all, chemistry is chemistry whether it is food...
  19. DragonRider

    Important posting rules

    This will be the protocol for all future posts. http://users.adelphia.net/~kamel/Posting.html OK, It's a joke, but it's funny.
  20. DragonRider

    Alcohols effects on the weekend alcoholic

    Here are a couple of studies of the effects of alcohol on those who like to imbibe occasionally. Better stock up on the tribulus and anti-estrogens. Alcoholic beverages as a source of estrogens. Gavaler JS. Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, University of Oklahoma College of Public...