Search results

  1. srd1

    Oxytocin and Epithalon Log

    Hey guys I ordered these 2 items from Superior Peptides and will be logging the results in this thread let me start by saying Elvia and johnjuanb1 have been great to me the whole order process took me about 10 minutes from account set up to completed order it was easier than ebay. Recieved...
  2. srd1

    Clen+T3 Questions???

    Ive been on these for about a week now stepping up T3 dosage Im @ 75 mcg right now and 120mcg with the clen. Right now Im at 244 pounds. Questions are I read a thread here that suggested a dosage of 1mcg per pound for T3 is that correct? Seams like an awfull lot to me ....if this is incorrect...
  3. srd1

    Fuck My Life!!!!!!

    Nothing like hearing your wifes 150 gallon saltwater fish tank go pop pop and salt water tidal waving your dining room god this sux! :banghead:
  4. srd1

    New Diet

    So here is my new diet a friend wrote up for me any opinions? Meal 1 2 scoops protein powder 1/2 cup oats 1 banana Meal 2 8 oz chicken beast 1/2 cup steamed rice 6 oz steamed veggies Meal 3 8 oz chicken beast 1/2 cup steamed rice 6 oz steamed veggies Meal 4 2 scoops protein powder 1...
  5. srd1


    Law Enforcement Makes State's Largest Steroid Bust - ArkansasMatters.com - Central Arkansas' Source for News, Weather, and Sports covering Little Rock, North Little Rock, Conway, Cabot, Searcy, Hot Springs, and the rest of Central Arkansas Any thoughts?
  6. srd1

    What is it???

    Several weeks ago GG sent me some freebies for having to wait on something a really long time and one of the items was a small bag of little round white tabs they have GG a line and 21 imprinted on one side of the tab nothing on the other side. Anyone have a clue as to what they are? Before...
  7. srd1

    Whats It Look Like ???

    Can anyone tell me what they think this is?
  8. srd1

    Injury Recovery Help

    Hey brothers Im doing some research for a friend he recently tore his bicept and the tendons around it. It was a really bad injury he goes in for surgery to repair it this monday. My question is have any of you had real experience with using peptides to spead up recovery from from a surgery or...
  9. srd1

    Rib Injury

    So allergies kicked me in the ass last week and in one of my retarded coughing fits I seperated a rib or some shit right under my right pec. Guys I have an extremly high tolerance to pain but every time I cough I swear I wanna pass the fuck out this is really fucking up my training. I went to...
  10. srd1

    T-3 Usage Question

    Sooo I ordered some t-3 and clen. ...my t-3 landed today but the clen is a week behind my question is should i go ahead and start the t-3 or wait till the clen gets here and start it all at once....Ive used clen before by its self in the past and had some pretty dramatic results but ive never...
  11. srd1

    Liquid Oral Dosage Question

    Hey guys just got some liquid cialis and was wondering about dosages ive never used liquid but im assuming you put it under your tongue just not sure on dosage can anyone help a brother out :-)
  12. srd1

    Teenager Gyno?????

    Was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this. My 17 year old son seems to have the symptoms but has never touched aas in any way shape or form (and yes im sure) protien shakes are about the limit for him. Hes very athletic football wrestling mma track. 6'2" 220lbs. Hes becoming very self...
  13. srd1

    Gun porn!!!

    Thought id post a few of my toys.
  14. srd1

    SRD1 Log

    All right gentlemen here goes...as many of you know if youve read some of my posts I have been out of the gym for over 5 years I gotten extremly fat and out of shape in those 5 years or so but I have recently found this completely awsome site full of great people and started eating correctly and...
  15. srd1

    B12 Questions???

    Hey guys ive tried searching for this but im getting mixed results. I recently bought a 100ml bottle of B12 1000mcg. I did a subq 1cc pin last week (stomach) and didnt seem to get anything from it. A friend said it needed to be pinned intramuscular. What do you guys recomend subq or...
  16. srd1

    Tren Dosage Question

    I was reading the thread on tren sides and realized alot of people are running 2 and 3 times what im running right now. Was thinking about upping my tren dosage but wanted to get some solid advice first. Im not prone to sides from tren but then again im not on the dosages alot of guys are either...
  17. srd1

    Winstrol Advice Needed

    Going to be starting a cycle soon that includes inj. Winstrol. Was wanting to gather some opinions on wether to just draw it up with the other oils and be done with it or is it more beneficial to do my winstrol shots seperate. My thinking is leaning towards seperate due to winstrol being water...
  18. srd1


    Hey guys just wanted to say hello. Been lurking for a couple weeks decided this was the board i wanted to be a part of so been registered for a week now. Just wanted to be guilty of saying I am soooooo thankful for the people on this board and their willingness to share their knowledge and...