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  1. roadglide83

    High volume injecting.

    So we all know everyone has issues with PIP from time to time some worse than others. I know myself it can seem like I am sore everywhere and trying to find new spots to pin and that's at around 2 grams a week. My question is how do some of these guys that are running 2-6 plus grams a week find...
  2. roadglide83

    Tren...offseason or precontest?

    What is everyone's opinion on running tren. Do you like it better for offseason bulking cycles or precontest time or do you use it for both? And also do you prefer using tren E or tren A?
  3. roadglide83

    HCG While cruising?

    I know if you plan on coming off after your cycle it's good to run HCG while on but if you stay on test all year does it really matter if you run HCG while on cycle or while cruising? And I'm not worried about having children.
  4. roadglide83

    Insulin without GH

    I was thinking about running insulin only a few days a week just on my lagging body parts. I can tolerate high amounts of carbs while staying fairly lean so just wanted your thoughts on this and if it's ok to run without GH. I thought might start around 4-5 IU and bump it up if needed.
  5. roadglide83

    Longest time on gear.

    What's the longest amount of time you have stayed on heavy amounts of gear. Not talking about cruise dosages but anything over 500mg/week.
  6. roadglide83

    Switching orals.

    Do you think there would be much benifit of switching orals every 3 weeks? Like switching between winny tabs, dbol, and Anadrol all ran around 100mg? Just thinking the body might not get more of a Shock factor instead of just running same thing for 6-12 weeks. Yes I know most don't run orals...
  7. roadglide83

    Another short cycle thread

    I am really looking into trying short cycles around 6 weeks long. Some guys say its perfectly fine to use long esters like test cyp and deca or tren enth etc. What I was thinking was to front load everything and increase my normal dose by almost double for the 6 weeks and then cruise for a...
  8. roadglide83

    Prami dosages

    I currently take .25mg of arimidex per day while on cycle and just ordered Prami due to prolactin issues. What dosages should I run for the Prami to start off and also should I keep running my arimidex the same? Do most people only take Prami when on 19nor drugs or do they run it on all cycles?
  9. roadglide83

    High test and dbol cycle

    Has anyone just ran a high test cycle around 1g/week and maybe 50-80 mg dbol/day with good gains?
  10. roadglide83

    switching compounds

    I ran a cycle of deca and test this past winter with great succsess and was wondering how long you would wait until it would be worth while to run deca again? After the deca I did a 10 week blast with tren and test but was thinking I should wait awhile to run Deca or another 19nor again to give...
  11. roadglide83

    EQ..Good or bad

    Whats the deal with EQ. On another board I visit everyone hates it and says they wouldn't touch the stuff if it was free. But here it seems like more people like it. I know it needs to be ran for longer periods of time like 14-16 weeks plus and I have heard 600-800mg is a good range. Any input...
  12. roadglide83

    winstrol amount

    I have ran many different combinations of AAS but never injectable winstrol. What is the average mg/week dose and how often do you inject?
  13. roadglide83

    GH...Long term or short term?

    I have been under the impression that it takes around 6 months for GH to really take effect and have a noticeable difference. Is this not true because I will see other guys run it very heavy for 2-3 months and then stop. What is the correct protocol on how to run it for muscle building purposes?
  14. roadglide83

    Boston Loyd

    I'm sure to some of you this is old news but what are your thoughts on this guy? He claims he was shooting 12cc of gear a day getting ready for his show that he ended up winning. I actually like the dude and think he seems pretty honest but his drug methods seem so extreme!! Do you think what he...
  15. roadglide83

    Synthol question

    For the people who have used synthol do you feel it effected your training in a negative way? Like you were to sore to train arms or calves etc. due to injections in that area?
  16. roadglide83

    Blast/cruise time with long esters

    What is the optimal amount of time to blast with long esters? Generally I stay around 12 weeks blast but have heard others only run 8-10 weeks. I usually cruise for 4-6 weeks between. And yes I am on prescribed TRT. Thanks.
  17. roadglide83

    New member

    Hey everyone. I have been lurking for a little bit and decided to start being more active on here. I'm from the Midwest and have been lifting for over 16 yrs and have used aas for several years on and off. I am currently blasting and cruising this entire year and my current blast is I-V cyp300...