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  1. dozisthebeast

    Prostate supplements?

    Currious, anyone know of any supplements for prostate health? Other then saw palmetto lol
  2. dozisthebeast

    New classic physique division

    Just read about the new classic physique division for the pros and amatuers! Sounds good, less gut bloat, classical lines, mass but not freaky. Now I'm currious to see what it's gonna be like, I still like the freaks, the huge guys, but I think this will be good for bodybuilding and will...
  3. dozisthebeast

    Anyone ever had a problem with alcohol?

    I've struggled on and off with binge drinking, this last one fuck ed me up good, didn't lift for like 2 months, but a lot of that had to do with work, but mostly was just saying fuck it, left my nice ass job, and I'm down like 25lbs, but on the plus side I sobered up, my liver enzymes aren't...
  4. dozisthebeast

    haven't been on in a while!

    And by "on" I mean on here lol. But I wanted to stop by and say hello to all my iron brothers and sisters, I recently got a new job, then a pretty sweet promotion so I haven't had much time to do anything other than work, but I'm finally getting my time managed alot better. Got into the gym...
  5. dozisthebeast


    Ahhhhhhhh so pretty:)
  6. dozisthebeast

    taipan equipiose

    Just got theese lil guys, gonna jab em in the am! taipan is fast and reliable as they get!
  7. dozisthebeast

    2015 Arnold classic

    so i just checked out the videos of the callouts at the classic. Justin Compton looked really good! That dood has mad potential! Branch and Dex made up te rest of the first callout, branch looked really good looks like the clear winner unless compton can dryup a lil more. I have to say theres...
  8. dozisthebeast

    new cycle!!!

    Been running t500, 500mg every ten days for about 6 weeks, added Anavar 50mg ed for the past 4 weeks, will be adding Equipose 400mg a week, and Masteron Prop 100mg eod. Im super excited, never ran equi or mast! Ill keep you all updated on results:)
  9. dozisthebeast

    anyone ever dated a woman bodybuilder?

    Ive always wanted to date a femal bb, lol date not have one come over and kick my ass like i keep seeing ads for! But to acctually hang out with one. just another long day at work posting my random thoughts:)
  10. dozisthebeast

    lifting weights for a living?

    Just here putting in some long ass hours at work and thinking about how cool it would be to get paid to do what i love doing to most. Im not talking about being a pro bodybuilder or anything but like training people, sharing my knowlege and passion for lifting weights with others, but at the...
  11. dozisthebeast

    taipan test 500

    Got this beauty a few days ago took a 1/2 cc had a lil soreness a few hers latter but went away, I def wouldn't do a full cc I think itd feel like a pretty good charlie horse, and also wouldn't recommend shooting a spot you either just worked out or are going to that day. I'll take another 1/2...
  12. dozisthebeast

    got some HGH questions

    OK used gear off and on for 20yrs or so, never used growth hormone. I've had a few injuries that kept me from being able to hit the gym or any thing much else so I've got so gut flab I wanna rid myself of, and I heard it helps a lot plus I'm gonna run some test with it. 1st question- if it...
  13. dozisthebeast

    frozen Tren

    I was down south recently and left my tren in my car it was cold and my teen froze! Its pretty thawed now its liqued but has crystals in it. So I looked at other posts and I hear its still good to use but I need to reheat it to get the crystals to dissolve, is this right? And if so how exactly...
  14. dozisthebeast

    new here

    Hello everyone, im new here, out in the southwest. Been lifting since i was 14, mowed lawns all that summer to buy my first weider cast iron 110lb weight set. 25 years later im still doing it. Im not a health an fitness net, just love lifting weights, getting a pump, being big and strong. Fav...