Search results

  1. The Grim Repper

    Kigtropin Serum Test

    Hey all. Was asked if I'd participate in the testing, so I thank ICL for their trust. The protocol followed was typical: 10iu I.M. into deltoid exactly3 hours before blood draw. Monies for blood work were paid for myself, I have not been remunerated in any way (other than being provided...
  2. The Grim Repper

    You say potatOH I say poTAHT-o.

    We have always heard people call test enanthate 'enth' and propionate 'prop' for short - prop pronounced as you would when describing a part of a plane, "Pr-AH-p" - rhymes with 'stop'. A couple times lately I've heard people say 'prop' and pronounce it with a long 'O" sound as in 'dope' or...
  3. The Grim Repper


    Alright, not really a recipe and not a 'discussion', but I had gotten out of an extended meeting here at work and was running late for a feeding. It's a high carb day today and time's of the essence, so why not combine everything? 1 cup oats dry( 2 .5 cup servings) 1 cup Fage total 0% fat...
  4. The Grim Repper

    TB500, ACT1 and BCP 157 Log

    I'm going to be administering TB500, ACT1 and BCP 157 to bring some relief to my pet capybara's quadriceps tendonitis. According to his last MRI, there is very little in the way of cartilage issues, no arthritis, but the tendons are beaten up and micro and partial tears plague the right one...
  5. The Grim Repper

    Chris Aceto - Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss

    Chris Aceto - Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss
  6. The Grim Repper

    Ouchenate Ester?

    So yesterday was just a routine 1cc shot into the left gluteus minimus.. Not so much. As the needle reached its full depth, that twinge (think minor nerve ache) in the area came then, went. After the shot, the ache erupted down the leg, pretty much down to the calf. I was curious as to why...
  7. The Grim Repper


    Hi all. Haven't been here in ages. Dealt with health issues and completely sidelined my training and everything else! But I'm back in the game, cleared for takeoff. Nice to be back and looking forward to playing an active role here at anasci.org. TGR
  8. The Grim Repper

    Blood Work - Update

    Hey all, The past 12+ months have been very interesting to say the least. After suffering a major setback in the form of a shoulder injury late last summer consisting of a torn labrum (cartilage) and fraying of two rotator cuff tendons, I was not at all happy. However, a new addition to our...
  9. The Grim Repper

    Blood Work

    Just out of curiosity, how much information on clotting factors is revealed in the blood work, if anyone knows. I'm not sure much info on that at all in my experience. I was plagued with injuries last year at the end of my last cycle (a pretty modest one as well considering my experience as...
  10. The Grim Repper

    Max-OT on Cycle...

    Hey all. Wanted to get some opinions on training Max-OT style while 'enhanced'. Max-OT training focuses on heavy weights, abbreviated training of a bodypart once a week. That's direct training, anyway and a focus on recovery. For example, a once per week chest workout might consist of a 4...
  11. The Grim Repper

    Time of injection/ingestion..

    I've heard the debates as to the 'best' time to inject/ingest anabolics. Some argue right before an event where aggression is desired could be an opportune time to throw some dbol down the ol' gullet or pin 100mg of Test Cyp. Some say it doesn't matter - long acting esters, steady blood...
  12. The Grim Repper

    Bulking Diet By Grim...

    As I'm new here (although not new to the iron) I didn't want to come into your 'home' empty handed. So, I wanted to post a bulking diet of my design that hopefully some will find useful. The diet focuses not only on macronutrient ratios but more importantly IMO the timing of these nutrients...
  13. The Grim Repper

    Hi Everyone

    Just joined and I'm glad to be here. Seems like a lot of knowledge and good people hanging around! TGR