The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should receive an order from muscleandstrength very soon. I ordered loads of stuff :D So some new pre workout reviews can start. In the next few days I will have...

Nutrex Hemo-Rage Under Ground - 30 Servings Peach Pineapple
Ronnie Coleman Yeah Buddy - 30 Servings Sour Berry
ProSupps Mr. Hyde Zero - 30 Servings Fruit Punch
RedCon1 Total War - 30 Servings Blue Raspberry


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007


Which one shall I try first? Gonna train back in about an hour. They sent me a sample of USN's 3XT-PUMP which contains 400mg caffeine. Maybe I will try that as it's mainly stimulant based so not sure why they have pump in the name. I don't like taking very effective pump products when training back due to my lower back tightening up.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
cannibal ferox preworkout....that shit is intense as fuck! It's by chaos and pain.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
cannibal ferox preworkout....that shit is intense as fuck! It's by chaos and pain.

Yes it's a great pre workout. I used the older version with DMAA and that was good. I still have it in my cupboard. I remember working all night but I really wanted to go the gym in the morning. I double scooped it. I can remember standing there waiting for the bus and it just hit me like a brick wall. It almost reminded me of my old days when I used to party :eek: I have never been so wired in my life!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Review time

USN 3XT Pump Pre workout Lemon and Lime flavour- The ingredient list is very basic and mainly caffeine, yohimbe and theacrine. This was a sample sachet so 1 scoop so I even licked the sachet to make sure I got the full dose :eek::D I just looked and it gets good reviews online and I can see why. Firstly this is one of the worst tasting pre workouts I have ever had. To me that was a good sign as I figured it should be strong.

Great energy but that's it. Nothing fantastic and you could get a similar effect with a few caffeine pills. To me this felt nice but I can tell for someone sensitive to stimulants this may be too much. It has 400mg caffeine and 50mg teacrine to give an indication. I just went online to recheck the ingredients and I noticed a 3 star review. It was a guy who said he is only 170 pounds and it was too strong and he couldn't stop shaking after using it. Overall a good product but I wouldn't recommend guys go out and buy it.

Not pre workouts but I may as why review whilst I am here...

Oh Yeah Almond Fudge Brownie- I just ordered these for a nice snack. They were out of most flavours but these sounded fairly nice. Not great macros and as a result they taste amazing :D Most protein bars have that well protein powder taste which isn't great. Most bars are also fairly hard and have a chewy rubber like texture. This is just like a chocolate bar you would buy in any store. Great taste and texture and an enjoyable snack. Not the greatest macros but if you are not dieting for competition they are ok. 14g protein, 18g carbs, 9g fat (0g trans fats).

Muscletech Amino Build Next Gen White Raspberry flavour- You have to laugh at the "shown to boost strength by 40%" on the label :eek::D I just like having a nice drink whilst training and if it contains aminos then a bonus. I go through a lot of amino products. There is not too much to write here other than the ingredient panel looks decent. The taste is very different and really nice. I had 3 scoops in a large bottle of water and drank that whilst training. It contains some electrolytes such as coconut water, watermelon juice and sodium chloride so a nice little touch but you find that in most amino products these days.

I will be using synthepure for 2 fruit smoothies per day and that is always my main protein. But I like to use flavoured whey in my oats of a morning. I am looking forward to trying Mutant's Isosurge Coconut Cream flavour and Dynamik's Prey in Chocolate cheesecake flavour.

My next pre workout review will likely be on RC's Yeah Buddy :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I couldn't sleep last night at all. I did get up quite late yesterday but it was 100% the USN 3XT Pump product. I took it about 9pm and was literally sat up at 6am wide awake. I tried to go to bed but was lying there over an hour and couldn't sleep. So I feel rough now as well as full of cold. I have been training eod but I think I may go tonight and hit calves and shoulders then spend about 30 mins in the sauna. If I do go the gym it will be 1 scoop of Yeah Buddy to try next :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't been well recently but still trained twice. I came off all hormones recently so that probably hasn't helped my immune system and general recovery. Anyway on Friday I trained calves and shoulders. On Sat I was in bed all day and tonight I trained legs. I used Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy both times.

After training the first time on it I was going to write I need another day to access it properly. Reason being I wasn't well but super hyped up for the gym anyway and that just added to things. Tonight was more of the same but gave me a better undertstanding of the product.

Going on it's ingredients I expected the energy factor to stand out a lot more than pumps. It's main pump ingredients are only 1g citrulline and 500mg agmatine sulfate. However they must be properly dosed and from a good source as the pump is great on it. The first night I had a lot of honey pre training but tonight didn't eat much so a better circumstance to judge and it was great.

Yeah Buddy is definitely more geared towards the stimulant factor but it's a nice clean and sustained energy. I have a high tolerance to stimulants so it doesn't feel strong to me but it's apparant. It contains a patented time released caffeine and it definitely stays with you. I took it over 6 hours ago and I definitely still feel it's effects. Therefore, this product is best taken at least 6 hours before bed but for the slow metabolizers of caffeine that could be even double to be safe. All in all a very good product.

My plan was to use each pre workout for 1 week at a time to properly gauge their effectiveness but I think I will try a new one next time I train :D HYDE is so popular and weirdly I have never used it but now I have their brand new one so I will try that. It's exactly the same as the old formula but it contains no artificial sweetners, colours or flavours.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have used 1 scoop of HYDE pre workout training chest and tri-ceps on Tues and tonight training back. As people know I have a high tolerance to stimulants so my response could be different to many. For me it simply felt great... no anxiety, jitters or ill feeling. The energy feels smooth and long lasting. The pumps are great with HYDE too. All in all a great pre workout. I am sure if someone new to pre workouts took it they could find it too much but for me it was smooth sailing. I am using the version without artificial sweetners and flavourings so the taste isn't great but not too bad.

Before using HYDE I used RC's Yeah Buddy and interestingly they are very similar in effect. In fact there is not too much difference between both of them at all. Looking at their ingredient panels this should be no surprise as they are very similar. Each have around the same caffeine content and that is made up of both short and long released forms. They each have similar amounts of beta alanine, citrulline malate and agmatine sulfate. They also both use similar amounts of Choline Bitartrate and both include other energy/focus ingredients. I definitely recommend both to everyone.

It's hard to score them out of 10 so far as I am sure if I used either after say a 1 month break the response would be much more dramatic. Although they are both a safe 9/10... two of the best I have used.

I forgot to mention about the flavour of Yeah Buddy the other day. I ordered the sour berry flavour and it's not nice at all and I just seen online that taste gets scored bad. I figured they added that sour flavour to try and mask the bitterness (they failed). Although perhaps the other flavours are much better but it's not important to me as pre workouts are small.

Incidentally I just noticed there is a HYDE v3 that looks really good but I am in no rush to try it. I may go back to Yeah buddy next training day or I may try the Nutrex Underground preworkout :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been busy and tried quite a few different products over the last week or so.

Firstly I did try the Nutrex Underground pre workout the day after my last review. Nothing spectular but it did feel really good and gave me a big boost in energy with no crash afterwards. I haven't tried it since but will so today as I am training back. As I have mentioned in the past I prefer to take a preworkout that won't give me great pumps when training back as it can sometimes make my lower back extra sensitive. I will know more after I use it again but thinking about a 7/10 after the first use.

One day I also tried one of my fav combos of Savage Roar and Full as Fuck and it always performs... good energy, focus and pumps.

I have to say I am loving Yeah Buddy by Ronnie Coleman. I used it twice last week and it gives great focus, energy and even pumps.

HYDE is very similar to Yeah Buddy but last time I used it I felt out of breath all session. I felt decent but was struggling for breath the whole way through. So far I definitely prefer Yeah Buddy to it. I will need to experiment more with both products though.

I might as well mention some of the other things I have used recently...

Ronnie Coleman Amino Tone (Cherry Limeande)- not much to say as it's just an amono product but it tastes great and I am enjoying it. It's a BCAA product but with some other useful ingredients added to it.

Dynamik Prey Whey (Chocolate cheesecake)- tastes amazing in my oats and no major bloating.

ProSupps PS Whey (Campfire Marshmallow)- tastes really nice and tried it in my oats one day and it was very good (nowhere as good as chocolate though).

Universal Carbo Plus (unflavoured)- I have had this for awhile but just starting using it. Only 1-2 scoops (17-34g carbs) intra training. It's great so far. Texture like sugar and mixes easily but is not very sweet. No bloating at all so far with the smaller amounts added into my intra shake.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just had an amazing back/biceps/abs workout that lasted about 2 hours. I am throwing in a few longer sessions just to burn more calories but will be going black to shorter ones very soon. I used 1 scoop of Nutrex's Underground Black and it felt great. It gives a decent pump as well as great energy. Although I was getting very tired the final 30 mins of training. I am off all hormones so that is a major factor in regards to my energy levels and stamina so I guess I can't expect a miracle from a pre workout powder. All in all a very good product. After using it again I will definitely stick with that 7/10 rating.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been rotating brands a lot recently. I started using kaged muscle again. It's like PRE JYM on paper but in reality not as good. But it's what you would call a complete pre workout that should add to your physique over time (aminos and anti-oxidants etc added). It's a good product but too mild for me stimulant wise. I would rate it at 7/10 but it's not worth the added cost. Well if you don't consume any aminos around training it would be useful adding in a pre workout like it. But for me I use aminos anyway so it's completely not needed for me.

Last night I used Hemo Rage Underground as I was training back and I didn't want the pump to be too intense (lower and upper back issues). It's a good product (7/10) as I have previously mentioned but it does stay with you a long time. I had sustained energy through training but no big hit so it doesn't feel really strong. But I was wired post workout and could not sleep at all even 8 hours later. I should add I did use 1.5 scoops and it's a 1 scoop formula :eek::D

Everytime I go in my cupboard to pick I am always drawn towards Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy. Whenever I want the best performing I go with that and it always delivers. Definitely worth trying if you are unsure what pne to get next.

I have 2 pre workouts I am saving until the new year to experiment with. Redcon's Total War and Musclerage's Limitless. Both of these look great so hopefully they perform well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been experimenting with Musclerage's Limitless and Blackstone Labs Dust v2. I also have an unopened tub of Total War by Redcon1 which on paper looks amazing.

I received loads of Dust v2 samples so I can try out all the different flavours. The red ice and blue sky both taste really good. I was expecting it to be stronger but I was not disappointed. From what I had heard I thought it would be more of a hit you in the face type of energy. For me it was just a nice flow and nothing too strong. Moreover, I tried this after a 2 week break from pre workouts so I was definitely more sensitive to it's effects. The pump from this product is great. I have only used it twice but so far I will give it a 7.5/10. I still have the cotton candy flavour to try and will do soon.

Muscle Rage's Limitless- I bought the cotton candy flavour and it's one of the nicest tasting pre workouts I have ever had. I think I have used it 4 times so far and this stuff is great. Nice clean energy with no crash afterwards. It would be better for me if it had more of a kick to it but that is the stimulant junkie in me wanting that. I have been using 1.25 scoops the last 2 workouts and that feels really good. I will up to 1.5 scoops (my max) soon and see how that treats me.

I did start using MK-677 recently so that has only added to fullness and pumps. But it's safe to say Limitless is amazing for pumps and one of the best I have ever used in that regard. If I had to score it probably an 8 or 8.5. I will experiment with it more and may be that score will change. It gives you everything so I definitely recommend this one. Here is the ingredient panel...



Registered User
May 1, 2015
As I get older, I am finding that Caffeine no longer loves me as much as I still love it. On that end, a host of preworkouts no longer are an option to me. I just started using APS Mesomorph. It does a great job of giving me a burst of energy, alertness, and get-er-done-ness without the caffeine problems. It also tastes great in grape. Not sure how good of a preworkout it is from a "what is in it" standpoint, though. That is not my strong suit.




AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to post in this thread for awhile. I will update what I have been up to later. I want to mention that Mesomorph is one of the highest ranked pre workouts so you are not alone. I have this thread on a few forums and many experienced pre workout users mention Mesomorph as one of the best. In fact apart from ProSupps HYDE it's probably the highest ranked from forum posters I have seen. Although I still haven't used it but plan to.

As I get older, I am finding that Caffeine no longer loves me as much as I still love it. On that end, a host of preworkouts no longer are an option to me. I just started using APS Mesomorph. It does a great job of giving me a burst of energy, alertness, and get-er-done-ness without the caffeine problems. It also tastes great in grape. Not sure how good of a preworkout it is from a "what is in it" standpoint, though. That is not my strong suit.




Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
redneck catfish Cooley Today has been such a good day - YouTube

Jump to about 1:20 on Video


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I can't believe I left this thread for so long. I have been really busy but been experimenting as usual. I was getting super tired post training and I thought it may be due to crashing from pre workouts. So I started training without them a few times and every time I was the same. I concluded it must solely be down to my MK-677 usage and simply training hard.

I started Redcon1's Total War and it definitely delivers. I have the blue raspberry flavour. It has the standard bitter taste of most pre workouts but isn't bad. It delivers in all areas so gives great energy and pumps without any bad crash afterwards. I have used it about 5 times now and would give it a 8/10.

Occasionally I go back and use certain products I really enjoyed. One of those is Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy. Something that really makes it stand out is the initial euphoric feeling it brings. It also delivered in all areas and overall I find it to be a better product than Total War. I would probably give it a 9/10. This could be too strong for guys sensitive to stimulants so always start with 1/2 scoop to access your tolerance. It is very similar to HYDE but I rate it slightly better (HYDE 8.5/10).

Now my favourite one in recent months I keep going back to is Musclerage's Limitless. It provides amazing pumps and energy and just an overall sense of well being. It even tastes nice but that is not important to me. I give it a 9.5/10.

I have also started using humalog and synthetine pre workout and both of these are fantastic. My max doses will be 6-8IU humalog and 3ml synthetine and with that combo I get great pumps, vascularity and fullness.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Someone recently asked me my top 5 so I will post it here too. It's hard for me to give a top 5 because I used some when I was more sensitive to stimulants so perhaps they wouldn't have the same impact. But here it is...

1. GSN's NitroNOX Pro- Probably the best pre workout I have ever taken. This is amazing for energy, pumps, mood etc. It has everything and I recommend it to everyone. It's also the worst tasting pre workout ever :D

2. Musclemeds NO BULL- Great product. Amazing for pumps and good energy. Feel very different but in a good way. Some of the best pumps ever but they fade away after 2 weeks or so.

3. Dynamik's Savage Roar- Great product. Great energy, focus and pumps.

4. PRE JYM- What I call a complete pre workout. Has everything in it including aminos. Solid pre workout in every sense.

5. Musclerage Limitless- Great pumps and energy and sense of well being.

Worth mentioning...

Matrix Nutrition NO Pump Xtreme. This only has 80mg caffeine per scoop and is more a pump one. Incredible pumps and feel with a nice boost in energy. 2 scoops of this will give you ridiculous pumps and great energy. Great for trhe stimulant sensitive peopel out there.

Cobra Labs The Curse... fantastic product and very cheap. 1 scoop is good and 2 scoops are great. A very solid but basic product that outperforms it's label.

Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy- I really liked this. Again great pumps and energy. This gives me a euphoric feeling about 10 mins post dosing which is rare for me.

I ordered from Iherb yesterday and they are due to be delivered 2moro. Mainly just health supplements and weightgainers. They don't have many pre workouts but I noticed they have Musclemed's NO Bull so I added it. I am curious how it treats me now as it was great in the past. That contains Adenosine 5'-triphosphate which gives ridiculous pumps. I also recall it being very strong stimulant wise so curious how I am with it now. Depending what time it comes I should use it 2moro so will update how it goes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It come so gonna use it before training back. Time to put on 8.8 pounds of muscle and get 147% stronger :eek::D



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried NO Bull before but I need to try it again to judge it better. I was a bit disappointed but I took it too late. Over the years I have learnt I am best taking nearly every pre workout about 10-15 mins before training even if it states 30 mins like many do. They always kick in very fast for me.

When training back I sometimes like to start with abs like I did today. In the past I don't like the feeling of my pre workout kicking fully in when doing abs. When doing abs before back I like to do them very slowly and controlled and I don't want to be coming up on pre workout. So I drank it literally walking into the gym and in the changing room. This took much longer to kick in than expected so I will repeat 2moro and do it about 20mins pre training.

The pump I got at the end when training bi-ceps was amazing and I could barely shower properly afterwards. Plus I felt a surge of energy at the end of training. All in all very good but I will know more over the next few days.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been using around 1 scoop of Musclemed's NO Bull pre workout recently and it's good but not as good as in the past. I read they changed the formula but I am unsure of that. I took just over 1 scoop tonight and felt that a lot... I think that is my sweet spot.

So far I would probably say 1 scoop is a 8/10 and 1.25 scoops closer to a 9/10. I haven't used much creatine recently so I like the fact it contains 3 different forms. Although I am unsure of the total dose of creatine as it doesn't list it (it will be fairly high though). I should add though without fail I need to go the toilet as soon as I get the gym on this one :eek::D