Why can't I just take dbol alone?


New member
Jun 23, 2017
Why can't I keep gains on a dbol only cycle? I understand we are supposed to take test E with the dbol in order to make up for all of the testosterone lost during the dbol cycle. However how does taking taking test make me keep all my gains as opposed to just taking dbol alone. If I were to take dbol alone with a perfect diet, can't I keep my gains? (With Proper PCT at the end of the cycle)

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
For all intensive purposes Dbol is really only ever used as a kick starter to a cycle for the first 4-6 weeks while you are waiting for the Test to kick in.

Most if not all of the gains made are from water weight. You will gain strength using it and the water weight gained will lube the joints.

There are stickies in this thread right above your posts. You should read through those and get a better understanding of steroids and what they can and can't do and what their purposes are in a given cycle.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
How old are you and what's your experience with AAS? You can't be this vague and expect an answer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
No, no you cannot. And it doesn't really matter why you can't, because you're really not listening anyway. You've obviously been told this before, and likely read it in multiple other posts/threads on other sites. You're just coming here to try and find someone that will tell you that your ill conceived plan of running a Dbol only cycle is a great idea and that everyone else, everywhere else, is wrong. That's just not going to happen here.

There is a plethora of evidence from guys spanning multiple decades worth of experience, that shows that what you're wanting to do is the wrong path to go down. You can listen to them, learn from them, and reap the benefits of their wisdom, or you can insist that you know better than them and make the same mistake that countless others have made before you.

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes- Oscar Wilde.

I get the feeling that you're about to accumulate a lot of experience in the near future.

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves - Will Rogers

You're clearly not the first kind of man. And I highly doubt that you're the second kind. So, let us know how that electric fence turns out.


New member
Jun 23, 2017
I am completely aware that it is not the most optimal or safe way to run a dbol cycle. However I just want to understand the reason behind why running a dbol cycle by itself will restrict me from keeping muscle. What does taking test e with dbol do to keep the gains?

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Because Dbol doesn't build that much muscle. It mostly increases strength and size through water retention in the muscle belly. Depending on the individual, it can be 70% or more water weight. Testosterone builds actual lean muscle tissue, that's why it's used as the base of the cycle.

In addition, when using orals alone, without Test, there is an increased incidence of side effects, including sexual dysfunction. The Testosterone in the cycle keeps your body functioning properly so that your wee wee continues to work correctly.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright Willie, the issue is because it is a dht and it will suoress your natural testosterone as well has convert into estrogen. That is the reason why you can nit run it alone. Now back when it was used in the olympics (WWII era) doses were reported for medicinal androgen replacement at only 5mg daily. At that level it would only lower 50% of natural testosterone, fsh, lh, etc, and only a very low rate of conversion to estrogen. With that dose you would get a slight increase in muscle mass, strength and stimulate metabolic rates.

If it is an issue of injections, than consider an oral testosterone but keep in mind that 1. The Dbol is methylated and adding another alkylated oral compound increases liver enzyms more (liver damage) 2 oral testosterones are not effective.

This a super condensed breifing as this topic really requires that you personaly research the compounds and draw your own conclusion.

We can lead you to water but can nit force you to drink and we can only give a fool enough rope before he hangs himself. So consider the advice on researching more prior to jumpin on the AAS use. We just do not want to see guys ask for advice and not get fully educated and then end up screwing themselves up.

Introduce yourself and share your stats i.e.: age, hieight, bidy fat percentage, training history and goals.

Us vets are here to help and do nit mean to come off as judgemental dicks, it is just that sometimes we get trolled and we really do out in a kot of time and effort in detailed responses. As well as it becomes redundant and it also reminds us that we too were in that same position of seeking knowledge and got chewed out for asking something we shoukd have resesrched more on ourselves to have an educated informative speech about.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I am completely aware that it is not the most optimal or safe way to run a dbol cycle. However I just want to understand the reason behind why running a dbol cycle by itself will restrict me from keeping muscle. What does taking test e with dbol do to keep the gains?

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It is nkt aboit jeeping gains at all. That is uktimately on you with your post cycle therspy, nutrition and exercise plan. Guys loose gains because they loose strength and get mentally disciuraged. They end up eating shitty and nit working out as hard or as much because they looked good.

I exolained why you need at least testosterone above but forgot to mention that you shoukd consider an anti estrogen to help combat estrogenic conversion. If this is your first go than you habe no idea how your body will respond and do you want to habe bigger bitch titts than the chick you are frying to bone? Lol.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
It really just depends on the goals. If you are just wanting a little pick me up in size and strength, then dbol is fine, and can be ran alone. I've seen guys who ran dbol only cycles, I did myself to see how it effected me personally before stacking it with anything else (way back in the 90's), and some still gained considerable size and strength. I've seen the same with Anadrol. I'll say this, the gains will usually dissipate fast, but if you can at least end the cycle for a few weeks with some test, then it seems to help, especially mentally. For me, ending with test causes a more gradual decline in muscle loss than just ending with dbol by itself. If you wait long enough, you will eventually lose most if not all gains either way (rate will vary user to user from what I've seen).

All this being said, for most other goals and situations, you will probably be glad if you took at least a small amount of test the whole cycle stacked with it.


Feb 7, 2013
a lot of misinformation from some vets in this thread. Not a dht analog thus why it's subject to 5-ar conversion.

Dbol doesn't cause "water to be stored in the muscle" it's glycogen uptake which lends to anabolism. Also the "lubricating" effect is not a real thing... synovial fluid up regulation hadn't been demonstrated to be of any significance via Dbol.

I've ran plenty of Dbol only and have made plenty of gains, that may not be the case for everyone, but to say that it's a bad idea is misleading. it may be a bad idea for one but not another. I'd keep AI on hand for sure. But like primo, Eq, Dbol can easily be ran without test. just have to keep the dose within moderation

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
It really just depends on the goals. If you are just wanting a little pick me up in size and strength, then dbol is fine, and can be ran alone. I've seen guys who ran dbol only cycles, I did myself to see how it effected me personally before stacking it with anything else (way back in the 90's), and some still gained considerable size and strength. I've seen the same with Anadrol. I'll say this, the gains will usually dissipate fast, but if you can at least end the cycle for a few weeks with some test, then it seems to help, especially mentally. For me, ending with test causes a more gradual decline in muscle loss than just ending with dbol by itself. If you wait long enough, you will eventually lose most if not all gains either way (rate will vary user to user from what I've seen).

All this being said, for most other goals and situations, you will probably be glad if you took at least a small amount of test the whole cycle stacked with it.

a lot of misinformation from some vets in this thread. Not a dht analog thus why it's subject to 5-ar conversion.

Dbol doesn't cause "water to be stored in the muscle" it's glycogen uptake which lends to anabolism. Also the "lubricating" effect is not a real thing... synovial fluid up regulation hadn't been demonstrated to be of any significance via Dbol.

I've ran plenty of Dbol only and have made plenty of gains, that may not be the case for everyone, but to say that it's a bad idea is misleading. it may be a bad idea for one but not another. I'd keep AI on hand for sure. But like primo, Eq, Dbol can easily be ran without test. just have to keep the dose within moderation

Well these 2 posts set us all straight. We pick up a lot of bro science as we go along and some just sticks I guess:eek:

My personal experience seeing it from guys that have, has been nothing more then the bloated look, which left fairly fast after they stopped.

But both of these guys make valid points.


Feb 7, 2013
Well these 2 posts set us all straight. We pick up a lot of bro science as we go along and some just sticks I guess:eek:

My personal experience seeing it from guys that have, has been nothing more then the bloated look, which left fairly fast after they stopped.

But both of these guys make valid points.
and that's totally true, most people who run Dbol only cycles look like shit cause most of those people are newbs who are going to go about totally wrong.

don't have diet and estro under control and in general don't know shit usually.

But in the hands of an experienced guy or under the guidance of some one experienced it can be totally fine.

But again most Dbol only cycles are run by knucklehead dipshits, but thats not the dbols fault lol

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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Hey Enig, can explain more in depth about it not being a dht or analogue please. Apparently I need to brush up on my research again. I hate bro science and always say for people to do their own research. I also do not like to give out bad info like I did saying it was considered in a DHT. I personally considered it to be a DHT, guess that is my fault for not being as scientific as you.

I know it is already in the 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase category but for the sake of learning... Maybe go in depth about the processes of the conversions for 19 carbon androgens from the 3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Although it is the 17α methylated*derivative*of*boldenone) to either directly convert to Estrone via aromatase enzyme or into Testosterone and then into Estradiol or from testosterone into dehydrotestosterone via the 5 alpha reductase. I would be curious if you know the conversion rates or any other info you have on the subject as mine is limited. All I know is that Metandienone binds to and activates the*androgen receptor and, it is metabolized into methylestradiol*by*aromatase.

Always looking for more knowledge as I have only had introductory college classes in biology, chemestry, bio chemistry, nutrition, physiology and kinesiology. I wish I could be a William Llewellyn.


New member
Jun 23, 2017
I appreciate the support in this particular topic and I thank you all for taking the time to provide a sufficient analysis of this cycle for me.

I have also read that dbol has some high nitrogen retention capabilities and nutrient partitioning capabilities. Is this actually true?

And if I do decide to run a dbol only cycle, what would be the most optimal dosage and for how many weeks should I run it without causing extreme harm to my liver?
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Mar 27, 2014
If dbal is what you want to run by its self- could you log it in the log section?
From the start to 6 weeks or so after


New member
Jun 23, 2017
If dbal is what you want to run by its self- could you log it in the log section?
From the start to 6 weeks or so after

I will definitely log my progress before, on, and after the cycle if I decide to start it.

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