It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As I posted the other day I stopped dnp (and everything else) to give my body a break (after going out etc) but I have restarted it at 1 cap per day. I really noticed a big difference with water dropping off after stopping it but some has come back since readding 2.5iu hgh. I am using black tops and they always fill me up with water. I should note I never use the traditional fatburners many like to use and it's been many years since I have used t3 or clen. I have also used minimal dnp so I am still learning how my body responds to it. As posted in the past I have had fantastic results with the minimal dnp I have used. Although the one time I tried 2 caps I had a bad allergic reaction a few days in so I have always kept it to 1 cap per day. I find it so effective and at 1 cap I don't get any bad side effects apart from the lack of energy in the gym. I took my 1st dose earlier so I feel warmer now but nothing too bad. I took it just before leaving for the gym so my energy levels weren't effected tonight. I had an amazing workout and done something similar to last PUSH day.

Warm Up.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps). 24kg, 18kg and 12kg.
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps). Low was with 2.5pps, med 1.5pps and high 1pps.
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Decline Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off). Loading was with 3.5pps and drop off with 2.5pps.
Unilateral Cable Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight for each arm.
Lying EZ Bar Skullcrushers supersetted with EZ Bar Tri-cep Press... 2 working sets.

My diet the last 2 days has been a bit different. It wasn't even planned but I am running with it as it suits me well and how I feel like eating. Frequent meals made up of mainly protein and keeping an eye on overall food volume.

1.5 litres of water (lemon, ginger and 15g glutamine).
Chicken breast, blueberries, raspberries and coffee.
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers and onions.
Chicken breast, bacon and avocado sandwich (restaurant).

40mg avar, 200mg DNP, 5ml synthetine and preworkout powder (with 5g AAKG and 5g taurine).
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 15g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g creatine).
Cajun chicken and mint sauce.
Steak with BBQ sauce.

2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Cajun Chicken with blueberries, blackberries and coconut.

Tomorrow will be similar (minus the restaurant food) with most of my meals consisting of meat with salad, vegetables, berries or just sauce. Some of the sauces I have are next to no calories. I love mint sauce and that is mainly made up of sugar and salt but literally 10g carbs (sugar) per meal so nothing too bad and I enjoy it a lot. So carbs are being lowered but not for long. I am feeling good and in 1 week I will be much closer to where I want to be.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will now be adding in 1-2 high protein yoghurt meals per day. I prefer 2 brands with the main being the FAGE 0% fat greek yoghurt. I have bought 500ml pots which contain per 100ml 0g fat, 3g carbs and 10.3g protein. As I like to have smaller frequent meals I will probably split that into 2 small meals. So per 250ml that's 7.5 carbs and 25.75g protein. I will mix in 2 scoops of grape flavoured eaa's into each serving to bump up the protein content. In addition to probably adding some mixed berries into each portion to bump up the carb/anti-oxidant content. These taste incredible so it's worth trying if you haven't already. Just buy an EAA product in a nice fruit flavour (grape, lemon, blueberry, passion fruit etc) as they go great with yoghurt.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The recent additions of DNP and HGH have lead to some water retention especially on my waist. I am still only on 1 cap DNP per day but I can definitely feel it. The other night I had cottage cheese, kiwi and raspberries pre bed (just over 50g carbs) and I soaked my bed sheets through the night. DNP has a long active life but I have started taking it post workout just so I have a little more energy when training as I feel the heat most a few hours after taking it. Things are going well and I am feeling good if you don't count the regular fatigue caused by the restricted calories, dnp and hgh.

I am eating approx 6 times daily now. Mainly chicken breast for meat but I have at least 1 steak daily as well. I am having 2 pots of 0% fat FAGE greek yoghurt daily as well. I will always have the yoghurt with 3 scoops (1 serving) of grape flavoured EAA's and berries. I have been having that meal 1st and last thing most days. Sometimes I replace the yoghurt with cottage cheese pre bed if I want more carbs (15g yoghurt and 30g for cottage cheese). Pre and post workout I usually have meat and 4-5 salted (heavily) rice cakes so 24-30g carbs. I prefer rice cakes when dieting because nothing would depress me more than to have 30g carbs from rice. Whereas 5 rice cakes feels like a decent amount and I enjoy them and it's only 30g carbs. Post workout I will usually add in a piece of fruit as well. The rest of my meals are meat with vegetables or salad and I always have berries in my salad.

FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and strawberries.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers and onions.
Chicken breast, 5 rice cakes and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

200mg mast e, 150mg test e, 40mg avar, 5ml synthetine and 2.5iu HGH.
TRAIN (3 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of CNP expansion, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, 5 rice cakes and broccoli (500g).
Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, blueberries, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), kiwi and black cherries

My last 2 training days have been good. I took DNP afterwards and used a decent preworkout so I could really push intensity to the max. As I didn't do any lower back loading for my back I added in some heavy stiff leg deadlifts on leg day.

Warm Up
Unilateral Calf Presses... 2 working sets for each side and both together.
Calf Raises... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set (heavy and lower reps).
Good Mornings... 1 working set (light and high reps).
Unilateral Leg Press... 2 working sets for each leg.
Hack Squat... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).

Warm Up.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Seated Machine Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 4pps and 1 drop off with 3pps).
Unilateral Cable Pushdowns... 1 working set for each arm.
Lying DB Extensions... 1 working set for each arm (with assisted reps).
Machine Dips... 1 working set.
Seated Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Machine AB Crunches... 3 working sets.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Another good day and I am starting to see fast changes now. My mate saw me today and was surprised how fast I have brought my waist in but there is always room for improvement. I haven't even been doing any vacuums but I will start now. I was thinking about trying 2 DNP caps for a few days to finish on but I honestly don't need it and I can tell I will struggle but I may just do it for experimental purposes. The last time I tried 2 caps I had a massive allergic reaction :eek::D Although I am taking an anti-histamine daily whilst using it this time to help matters. I am also taking in natural anti-histamine foods and supplementation so my body is more prepared this time for the increased dose.

I never posted my PULL workout last time but it was higher volume and incorporating many different exercises/angles. I trained in a different gym that has many different back machines so I took advantage of that. Tonight I was back in my usual gym but trained in a similar way...

DB Pullovers... 1 working set.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Row... 1 working set.
Unilateral High Cable Seated Lat Row... 1 working set for each side.
Smith Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Inverted Row... 3 working sets with 10 secs rest in between each set.
Barbell Shrug... 1 working set.
Seated DB Deadlifts... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Seated EZ Bar Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading with 25kg per side and 1 drop off with 15kg per side).
Standing DB Hammer Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading with 30kg db's and 1 drop off with 18kg db's).
Abs for 15 mins.
Stretches plus pso-rite.

I started today with a protein bar. The 5% Nutrition Knock out the Carb bars in peanut butter chocolate chip taste amazing but I am disappointed with the chocolate, almond and coconut ones. It's still a treat when dieting but nowhere as nice as the others.

5% Nutrition Knock out the Carb Protein Bar and Coffee.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and raspberries.
Beef Mince with broccoli (500g).
Chicken breast, 4 rice cakes and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

40mg avar, 5ml synthetine and 2.5iu HGH.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, 4 rice cakes and 1 banana.
Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, blueberries, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), kiwi and raspberries.

I took my DNP post workout and I feel nice and warm now. I may go to my parents tomorrow and if I do just 1 DNP cap but if I don't I will probably take 2 (1 AM/PM) and do the same on Sunday. I haven't decided yet but chances are I just stick to 1 cap. Regardless, I will be coming off in a few days and when I do it will be mainly protein and vegetables for a few days then I will start reintroducing more carbs back into my diet.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I stayed in my parents over the weekend. I had some treats (mainly chocolate) on Sat night. I was so depleted they only made me look better the following day but I was a bloated mess that night. It was nice to see my parents and I had 2 days off the gym as well. I started today in my parents so had 3 eggs, 3 bacon and toast for breakfast and the rest of the day was my usual meals with some extra carbs. I had more carbs because I destroyed my legs and I had some slin (5iu) with my preworkout synthetine (plus aas) so I added a kefir yoghurt preworkout, 50g intra carbs from HBCD's and postworkout was 5 rice cakes and 1 banana. The rest of my meals consisted of meat, vegetables, rice cakes, low fat/carb yoghurt and berries. The next few days will be very restricted and all my carbs will just be from vegetables and berries. I need more low days just to quickly strip the last bit of fat I want to take off then I will be happy. I will come off the 200mg dnp in a few days and then slowly reintroduce carbs and I should fill out very nicely. The gym was crazy busy tonight but I managed to get everything done and I pushed my working sets to the extreme.

Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Standing Leg Curls... 2 working sets for each side (including partial reps, top for 1st set and bottom for last set).
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Good Mornings... 1 working set (light and high reps).
Machine Hip Thrusts... 2 hard sets.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Split Squats... 1 working set for each leg.
Goblet Squats... 1 working drop set (DB then bodyweight).
Stretches and Pso-Rite.

My last meal tonight will be 1 full FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with 3 scoops (1 serving) of grape flavoured EAA's with some added blueberries and raspberries.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
More of the same. I just destroyed PUSH and feel great. I know some want to see updated pics so I asked some ran*** guy in the gym to take a few and I am pleased with how they turned out. I still have a little fat to drop to attain the look I want for myself. It's worth nothing because I struggle to drink loads of water I always load up around training so my stomach is always is softer when I train. I probably drank about 5 litres of water pre and intra tonight. Although the rest of me is always pretty hard most of the time.

5% Nutrition Knock out the Carb Protein Bar and Coffee.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and strawberries.
Chicken breast, 4 rice cakes and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

40mg avar, 3iu apidra, 3ml synthetine, 2.5iu HGH and 1 banana.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 30g HBCD's, 10g glutamine, 5g AAKG, 5g taurine and 5g creatine).
200mg DNP.
Beef Mince with spinach and broccoli.
​Beef Mince with spinach and broccoli.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and raspberries.

Tonight I was thinking to do minimal movements per body part but multiple working sets with minimal rest periods to increase intensity but keep overall volume controlled. I later decided to go with drop sets with 2 drops in weight for most movements due to the same reasoning and it felt great.

Warm Up.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Seated Shoulder Press... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight (3pps, 2pps and 1pps).
Pec Deck... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Shallow Incline Smith Press... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight (3pps, 2pps and 1pps).
Lying DB Extensions... 1 working set for each arm (with assisted reps).
Standing EZ Bar Overhead Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Cable Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Abs for 10 mins.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated in awhile so lot's of missed info which I will skip but I have been working hard. As mentioned I was on DNP then come off due to going out but I restarted it and stayed on for another week. I had the above pics taken whilst on the dnp. Afterwards I relaxed for a few days which meant the same diet but a couple of cheat meals because I went on a date and we had some drinks and food. Then another night we ordered pizza and dessert. Since then my diet has been very restrictive (chicken/beef, greens, Fage 0% yoghurt, berries and some rice cakes) and things are going well.

I started loading carbs in yesterday and it felt good. The carbs I like to use are always a mix of rice and fruit. However I did have some cereal with almond milk for my 1st meal today and yesterday. Post workout I like to have jasmine rice, chopped dates and honey. Pre workout jasmine rice and pineapple. Other times some salted (aromat) rice cakes or jasmine rice with goji berries or mango.

I was on 200mg mast e and 150mg test e every 2-3 days with 40mg avar daily but I have changed things. I have experimented with higher mast before but this time combined with dieting etc it was putting my joints in a dangerous position. My right shoulder has been bad for awhile and it got to the point I was in bad pain trying to lift it over my head. Obviously everything combines but I knew it was a hormonal issue worsening things so I swopped over to 500mg test and 200mg mast. I also loaded in 300mg deca this week as well. The difference after just 1 week is crazy and I should be gtg in another week but it's definitely something I need to monitor in the future especially because I love to really push things in the gym. I will now lower doses to 300mg test and 150mg deca for a few weeks then I will go down to 150mg test only. I said to myself to try an enhanced cruise of 200mg test but maybe I will add in a little deca (100mg) to my 150mg test but will decide on that in a few weeks.

The other night I had some guy take a pic in the gym and I am pleased. I am leaner than before but due to my hair it may not been seen in the pic but it's noticeable in person. I will sort out new pics very soon.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I got new pics done. I am pleased with how they look. I think I have made big improvements in my legs amongst other areas. I have bad genetics because I have such long limbs (6ft 2) and I trained brutally hard for years squatting heavy weight with good form and still had chicken legs so I am pleased then have started improving more. It only took 20 years and I think my calves will need another 10 years but I will keep trying :eek::D I still have lot's of room for improvement but these pics have given me more motivation to improve things further.

I had dieted using lower carbs then I loaded some in over a few days. I was planning 400g first day but it was more 700g and then the same the next day. On the day I kept food lower and kept carbs mainly to rice, rice cakes, dates, bananas and honey. I could have done more but I didn't want to go overboard as my depletion was far from extreme and this is a nice amount which my body soaked up. To help matters I added in a GDA and digestive enzymes before most main meals. Before the pics I took 3ml synthelator, 20mg cialis and 1 serving of CNP's Expansion. Even at 3ml the synthelator hit me hard and brought out my vascularity very nicely. I should have got some pics taken of my legs the next day after loads of cheat food because my legs veins were crazy for me.

My plan moving forward is to just relax and enjoy training and get my shoulder back to 100%. I have had many treats the last 2 days but will now keep it to mainly clean food and just what I usually eat with more rice. That includes lot's of lean meat, low fat greek yoghurt, eaa's, eggs, rice, fruit (pineapple, berries, mango, avocado and dates), greens, extra virgin olive oil, walnuts and cashew butter.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm back. I haven't updated this log since the end of Sept. Where do I start. I will just go over what I have done and don't follow it because it's a mess :D I was going to do TRT (20mg per day) but I just wanted a mental break so I stopped injecting everything. After about 3-4 weeks I started feeling a bit shit so I went on TRT at 20mg per day and then I lowered things to 15mg per day. Obviously it hadn't been long and because I was still training hard and eating fairly well I was looking good for me. I added in 2ml syntheselen with 1ml synthetine (plus l-carnitine tartrate caps) with preworkout slin and that really helped my look whilst on TRT. My diet had lot's of treats in but the basics were all there. Although I started eating a giant bowl of granola (2000 cals) pre bed every night and after about 1 week of that I was getting fat so I stopped it.

I have missed out lot's of stuff but moving forward I had planned to go down to 10mg test and when I wanted to blast again (new year) I would move up the doses over time but I partied a bit and didn't inject and then decided to just go back to 20mg test p per day. Everything was going great and I had to order more slins pins for my test p injs and the site ran***ly had M1T caps so I added them in. I went against my plans and started taking 10mg and I literally mutated in 5 days. I felt toxic as well but I literally looked like I had been on a full blast for weeks after a few days of using it. My plan was to just carry on with 20mg test p and 10-20mg M1T and later on add in more injectables (drop the M1T) or go back to TRT and add things in after approx 2 months. Notice I stated don't follow what I do. Anyway I was about 5 days in on M1T and end up going out and getting really fucked up and partying all weekend. Since then I dropped the oral because I felt like I had poisoned myself and I only just restarted my 20mg test p today.

Obviously it's not ideal but just stating the truth. If you took a way a few nights of partying nothing would be bad but I hate the feeling afterwards and it's simply bad for my health and is far from ideal when you use AAS and I am not getting any younger. I had nosebleeds for 3 days after my weekend so it's definitely not good. I also felt like complete crap and had a really sore throat and my body felt very dry. I value my health so when I do things like that I always feel guilty but I did have fun but I always go too far. I am back now and feeling good so it's only progress from here and I won't be partying again. I haven't even ordered AAS and my plan is to just do sust (have 3 vials in stock) with m1t then I will add in some npp later on and go from there.

Right now I am looking half decent considering the above so it's only a good place to start from. My diet is good and I plan to increase calories moving forward. I have just started 2.5iu HGH as well. Today I also took 8iu slin preworkout with 2ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen. I had an intra shake of EAA's, HBCD's, Dextrose, Creatine, Glutamine and Taurine.

A few months ago I started having issues with my right shoulder. As a result I took away heavy shoulder pressing then later changed my training and started incorporating more super/giant sets with moderate weight on PUSH day. I was still training as usual for PULL and LEGS. However I really enjoyed the change in training so I started doing it on all days. I could write about training for hours and I have had some great and unusual workouts recently. I will start logging my workouts again. Right now I just do what I feel like and I am enjoying it. I have basic movements with progressive overload in mind and that usually involves 1 heavy set then 1 back off set. However, after that I also do "pump" work and that involves moderate weight and various intensity techniques such as super/giant/drop sets.

It's a hybrid of both styles of training and I really enjoy it and have done it before and know as long as I control the volume and working sets I can make great progress. I will be training approx 5 days per week following a Push, Pull, Legs system. I do all stiff leg deadlifts on pull day now because it was too much on my CNS including them on leg days.

I will post some new pics when I get the chance. My nutrition will be on point but nothing too excessive so I just want to put on lean tissue and not jump up in weight too much. Today I ate...

Protein Bar, 85% dark chocolate and a coffee.
5 whole eggs, chorizo and granary bread.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and strawberries.
Steak, red and yellow peppers, onions and wild rice.

20mg test p, 2.5iu HGH, 8iu Apidra, 2ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 80g HBCD's, 40g Dextrose, 10g glutamine, 10g creatine and 8g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Steak, red and yellow peppers, onions and jasmine rice.
Cottage cheese, blueberries, raspberries and mixed nuts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going really good. I have pretty much just been eating when hungry and moving along nicely. Although when I was on 10mg M1T even at that low dose it killed my appetite so I was force feeding just to eat my standard food what I have ate daily for ages. As a result I dropped it and my appetite surged after I did and I have started gaining more weight since. I am very detailed in many ways but I am also very relaxed. I haven't even ordered AAS but I will need to now. Obviously when it's someone new to all of this you always recommend to have your full cycle before starting but for me as long as I have a spare vial of test I am gtg and can just come down if needed. I did have 2 vials of sust so I have started with 0.5ml EOD so it works out at 525mg sust per week. I am going to order NPP and tbol (etc) and will add the NPP in at 100mg EOD when I get it and go from there. I will move up in increments and see how I feel and adjust when needed.

Now I have just started using insulin post workout. When I dose it pre I never usually go over 8iu and often it's at 6iu to match my intra carbs as too much can make me feel off as you are essentially chasing the insulin and it's not ideal. I decided to keep it simple and just dose it preworkout. I always eat at least 200g carbs in the 2 hours post workout so I figured go with a high dose and I have added in 20iu apidra. I am only dosing after legs and maybe 1 back day every 2 rotations so approx 3 doses every 8 days.

Today was PULL day and consisted of...

Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Machine High Row... 1 working set.
Pulldowns... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drops off).
Unilateral DB Rows... 1 working set for each side.
High Cable Seated Row... 1 working set.
Low Cable Shrugs... 1 working drop set (2 drops in weight).
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Stretches plus pso-rite.

I always do my stiff leg deadlifts on pull day now as the volume (and cns stimulation) was too much for leg day. As a result I am extra careful adding other lower back loading exercises. Pulldowns can cause me issues with my distal bi-cep tendon but today I put 2 d-handles so I could use a neutral grip and they felt great. I done the same for the high cable seated rows as well. I used the matrix cable station and attached a long straight bar and 2 d-handles through that bar so I could pull the same way as the pulldowns. I have done P/P/L for ages but today I decided to miss out bi-ceps and abs. I am going to throw in a bi-cep, tri-cep, ab and calf day tomorrow just for a change as my legs could do with another day off but I still want to train. Then I will hit legs hard the next day.

5 whole eggs, jasmine rice, spinach and cherry tomatoes.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour), blueberries and raspberries.
Steak, red/yellow peppers and coconut, quinoa, brown basmati and wild rice.

TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 50g HBCD's, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine and 5g taurine).
2.5iu HGH and 20iu Apidra.
Coco Pops, banana with synthepure mixed with almond milk. (150g carbs)
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple. (100g carbs)
Steak, red/yellow peppers and 10 salted rice cakes. (75g carbs)
Cottage cheese, blueberries, raspberries and mixed nuts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going great. I finally ordered some bits so will have them soon to add in. Right now I am on 0.5ml sust (150mg) EOD so that is 525mg per week. I had half a vial of deca so I just added that in and will dose it at 0.5ml (150mg) EOD as well. No real thought and just using what I have but when I receive my NPP that will be added in at 1ml (100mg) EOD so 350mg per week. I will change the deca over to probably 0.5ml E4d's (to match my EOD inj days) so 300mg every 8 days. I will leave that for a bit and when I want/need to bump things up I will up the test to 750mg per week. Although I just realized I ordered test c instead of sust and will swop over and that's dosed at 250mg/ml so I will just do 0.8ml (200mg) EOD when I move up which works out at 700mg. That will be a nice cycle for me. I have tbol coming to me as well but I have ran***ly been throwing in orals preworkout recently so I will wait and add that in later on at 40mg preworkout. HGH has been dosed at 2.5iu per day but I may try 5iu for a change and see if I can stay awake as I am extra sensitive. My insulin dose is 15iu post workout and I take that ran***ly but usually after LEG and PULL days.

I threw in an arm, calf, ab and stretching day last week because I didn't do bi-ceps in PULL and my legs needed a break but I wanted to still train. Great workout and a nice change. I supersetted bi-ceps and tri-ceps throughout. I lifted heavy for arms as well and it felt good. I done 25kg per side EZ Skull crushers, 25kg per side EZ overhead tri-cep extensions, 32kg db hammer curls, 25kg per side EZ seated bicep curls and maxed out all machine work. I probably overdone calves because I was hitting them hard for easily over 45 mins.

For legs I trained over 2 hours. Basically just destroyed myself but a well thought out plan and I took my time between working sets. My gmy has a hack squat and it's super heavy due to the resistance and machine weight. On my hack squats I can easily do 6-10 pps for 12+ reps but this one is crazy heavy. I maxed out with 3pps and my back off set was 2.5pps. My girl came to the gym with me so she videoed both of those sets so I will see if I can post them up. I could have done slower negatives but I was amped up from preworkout but they were good sets. my legs have been sore for days because I hit every muscle hard.

Push was another 2 hour workout. Lot's of warm ups for my shoulders then a variety of lateral raises. Really good form and most working sets are not too heavy.. well they are considering the form but I could lift double with different execution. Then I done some Bradford presses (because I was waiting for the smith) with light weight but high reps. I like to merge body parts so my first chest movement from shoulders is usually an incline chest press and this time only a low incline. 2 working sets with 3.5pps and 2.5pps. Then it was flyes, machine presses and dips. Notice I merge chest to tri-ceps using dips. For tri-ceps just a variety of movements and 1 working set for each.

I just trained pull and it was similar to my last workout (over 2 hours as well). I finished my upper-mid back movements with a giant with 5 exercises and light-moderate weight top push as much blood in there as possible. Then it was DB stiff leg deadlifts for 2 working sets (the same weight). Bi-ceps this time was mainly moderate weight and lot's of squeezing and time under tension. Although I did do 1 set of cable curls with the full weight rack and a fast pace and got 29 reps. Then it was bodyweight abs and stretching my back out. I finished with some calf presses and the final set was 2 mins straight of torture... the last 30 secs I was barely moving. My mate come over and I got him to try it and he lasted 55 secs :eek::D

5 whole eggs, jasmine rice and spinach.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour) with blackberries and raspberries.
Steak, red/yellow peppers and coconut, quinoa, brown basmati and wild rice.

3ml synthetine and 50mg adrol.
TRAIN (4 scoops of EAA's, 50g HBCD's, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine and 5g taurine).
2.5iu HGH and 15iu Apidra.
Crunchy nut corn flakes, banana and synthepure mixed with almond milk. (150g carbs)
Chicken breast, long grain rice and pineapple. (100g carbs)
Cottage cheese, raspberries and salted mixed nuts.

Not a lot of meat but my appetite is a little down from the preworkout orals but I will make sure I fit in at least 3 meat meals tomorrow. Although the above is today and I haven't had the last meal yet so depending upon what time I go to bed I may add in another meal and that will be meat if I do. I also cooked 2 large chicken breasts for 2 meals but decided to eat both together. I am going to have a kefir coffee now so chances are I have 7 meals today. It's worth noting it states on the synthepure label 2 heaped tablespoons is 30g and I have 5 tablespoons so that is 75g protein just in that meal. The FAGE yoghurt is 55g protein plus I add 3 small scoops of EAA to that as well. Most steak meals are around 60g protein not counting the rice. It's only the 5 whole egg and cottage cheese meals that are lower (around 30g protein each) so over time I may bump those up with some meat or 1-2 spoons of synthepure or even some EAA's. Although with cottage cheese I usually add in mixed nuts and I quite a lot so easily over 20g protein so about 50g protein in total for that meal.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My current health supplements...

Fish Oil (High EPA)- 6g per day.
Garlic Oil- 8g per day
Vitamin D- 8,000iu per day.
Vitamin C- 1g per day.
Green Tea Extract- 900mg per day.
Ginkgo Biloba- 120mg per day.
Nattokinase- 8,000FU per day.
Curcumin (liquid)- 2 servings per day (240mg curcuminoids).
ZMA- 1 serving prebed.
Synthergine- 4ml per day.

Digestive enzymes (including bromelain) before certain meals.

The above pretty much covers most areas including inflammation, immunity, sleep, recovery and liver health.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a bit of an epiphany. Well more a seriously bad hangover :eek: I had been training and eating great but I started going out more and well it wasn't good. It's not healthy and it ruins all the hard work I put into things. I went out last week and got back about 11am wired off my head and the next day I couldn't eat and the day after I ate 1 meal and some fruit. I was also feeling a bit anxious so I have told myself that is it. I am getting too old for that crap. Things are still good but I consider this a new start and I won't be drinking for awhile.

I was on 150mg sust EOD but I have just come down to 0.1ml (25mg) test c daily now. It's more a mental thing but I just wanted to get back on track and feel healthy then I will start adding bits in. My plan is exactly the same it's just a few weeks later then I originally planned. I will add in 100mg NPP eod and up my test c dose to 125mg EOD. Over time I will up those doses and add in tbol as well. My diet is back to where I was a few weeks ago and I have trained the last 2 days....

Warm Up.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
High Incline Smith Press... 1 working drop set (3.5pps, 2.5pps and 1.5pps).
DB Flyes supersetted with DB Press... 2 working sets.
Cable Press/Fly Hybrid... 1 working set.
Incline Press Up... 3 working sets with 20 secs rest between each set.
Unilateral Cable Pushdowns... 1 working set for each arm.
Close Grip Bench Press... 1 set of 30 reps.
Tri-cep Extension supersetted with Machine Dips... 1 working set.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 2 working sets.
Incline Bench High Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Unilateral Pulldowns... 2 working sets for each side.
Unilateral DB Rows... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.
Shrugs (on shoulder press machine)... 1 working drop set (5pps, 4pps, 3pps, 2pps, 1pps).
Hyper Extensions... 2 hard sets.
Unilateral Reverse Cable Bi-cep Curls supersetted with Cable Bi-cep Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
DB Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
DB Hammer Curls... 2 working sets.
DB Wrist Curls... 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Press... 3 working sets.
Stretches plus pso-rite.

Before last week I was up about 15 pounds in 1 month and still fairly tight. Here are 2 pics from 1-2 weeks ago...

Now it's onwards and upwards. I am looking fairly sharp again I just need to sort out a few digestive issues and that will take a few weeks of me being back on plan.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I stayed in my parents over the weekend and I got back earlier. I forgot my test so I couldn't do my daily pins but shot 25mg test c preworkout tonight. I feel really good now so I will probably just start my blast as soon as I get my stuff. There was a minor delay but I should have it any day now. As I posted it was more a mental thing and when I go out partying I prefer just coming off everything (or trt) for a very short time and then moving back upwards. I have been using a high dose of synthergine this week and my eyes look bright white and I am feeling really good so I will just starting increasing the dose when I get everything. I am going to sort out blood work soon and in the middle of my next blast as well.

I didn't post about this but it's very interesting. I had some myostatin inhibitors in my fridge from years ago. I used a few ages ago and I started having issues with both my distal bi-cep tendons straightaway. It took ages to go away and my arms have been fine for the last few months. Anyway last month I was looking through old vials and I had 1 vial of ACE-031 left and it had an expiry date of 2019 (I think). I thought fuck it and I decided to dose it all in one go. Within a few days my right bi-cep tendon started up again so it's definitely related. So no more myostatin inhibitors for me ever again.

My diet recently has mainly been steak/chicken and rice with fruit. I have been eating half chickens with the skin so much more fat than usual. I have also added some granola (usually prebed) but I will stop having that now. It's fine at first but after 1 week in I can usually notice the difference in my waist. No surprise as we are talking about a 1500 calorie bowl of cereal pre bed. Everything will be clean from now on. Lot's of beef (lean mince and steak), chicken breast, eggs, rice (jasmine and wild etc), pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, avocados, FAGE 0% fat probiotic yoghurt, mixed peppers, kale, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, celery, almond milk and rice based cereal etc.

I trained LEGS at a new gym yesterday and pretty much destroyed myself...

Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Calf Extensions... 2 working sets.
Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set.
Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Hack Squats... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press... 1 working set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Hip Thrusts... 2 working sets.

Today was PUSH in my usual gym...

Warm Up.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 3 working sets.
Standing DB Partial Lateral Raises supersetted with regular reps (30kg db's then 12kg db's)... 1 working set.
High Incline Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
DB Upright External Rotations... 1 working set.
Pec Deck... 1 working set with partial reps.
Machine Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Incline Press Up... 3 working sets with 15-20 secs rest between each set.
EZ Bar Skullcrushers... 2 working sets the later with dead stop reps.
Cable Pushdowns... 2 working sets (20 secs rest in between).
Cross Body Cable Pushdowns... 1 working set.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update. I have gone through some stress recently but all is good. Training has been brutal and I am really pushing it. As a result I am forcing myself to have more rest days. I am still doing PPL and most days haven't changed much but my last few leg workouts have been a bit different. I go to 2 gyms and 1 has a great leg press and 1 has a great hack squat so I have been rotating them and going as hard as possible on each whilst minimizing other volume to compensate. Although today was more standard and incorporated a lot of movements...

Hack Squat Calf Raises... 2 working sets. The last being a massive drop set which involved taking 1 plate of each side and placing it on the leg press (next movement) and rotating each movement over and over until all the plates were on the leg press machine.
Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets (the first being the drop set listed above).
Calf Extensions... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Lying Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Good Mornings... 1 working set.
Hack Squats... 3 working sets (dropping 1 plate each set) with approx 1 min rest in between sets.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 2 working sets for each leg.
DB Hip Thrusts... 1 working set of 50 reps.

When I use my other gym and hit the leg press hard I have also been finishing each workout with sled pushes moving up to a very heavy weight.

I started my new cycle the other week. I am using 125mg test c and 100mg npp EOD but not going to lie sometimes it's every 3 days. I was planning to wait on the tbol but I added it in straightaway at 40mg preworkout and I have taken it on a few off days as well. I haven't been blown away with tbol this time but I very rarely am these days and perhaps I need to push the dose more to get more of a wow factor from it. My gf says I have changed loads but I weigh exactly the same and I am not leaner but things are starting to come to life now. I have no plans to up the dose of tbol but I will up the test and npp dose now. I am thinking 0.7ml test (175mg test c) and 1.2ml npp (120mg npp) EOD and go from there. I will probably up both by 0.2ml (50mg and 20mg) every time I change the dose to keep things simple but progressive.

I also have some eq to try and it's been years since I have used it. I have got bad anxiety from it in the past so I will be careful with it and as I am moving now I will wait another 2 weeks before I add it in. When I do it will only be a very low dose just to test it out and see how I feel then I will up the dose gradually if I am fine on it. I remember years back I used 900mg per week once and had no issues but after I started getting anxiety even 300mg would cause panic attacks so I have to be careful with it. I stopped HGH but have added it back in at 2iu per day. I would like to use 5iu per day but as I have always posted I can't function and I am super sensitive to it. Insulin is just dosed a few days per week now at 15iu post workout. I just restarted synthetine again and it's being dosed at 3ml preworkout.

Yesterday I ate a lot of meat...

Rump steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt, EAA's (grape flavour) with blueberries and raspberries.
Sirloin Steak, coconut, quinoa, brown basmati and wild rice with maggi sauce.

2.5iu HGH, 3ml synthetine and 40mg tbol.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 60g HBCD's, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine and 5g taurine).
15iu Apidra.
Chicken, honey and jasmine rice.
Sirloin steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.
BBQ roast chicken wings (34.2g fat, 9.3g sat fat, 28.8g carbs, 70.8g protein).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things definitely didn't go to plan but all is good. I started having issues with my hip and lower back and was in really bad pain but it's improving slowly now. I kept the doses fairly low but added in a few bits but have lowered everything. Reason being I started getting panic attacks and it's been frustrating. It's annoying how sensitive I am so I have come back down and I will just add in things I know are gtg. So it's going to be just test and nandrolone. I had a random brand of sdrol combined with Max LMG and was using that at 1 cap per day (2 caps for a short time) but have been very disappointed with it. It suppressed my appetite but I didn't really notice much from it and no real strength/size increase so a waste of time so I just dropped it. I did also add in a small dose of mast e but because of the panic attacks those 2 were the first things to go.

My last panic attack was a few days ago when I trained last. It was horrible because it was brought on by being out of breath. I was doing sled pushes and had 120kg on there then had my girlfriend sit on the sled to finish. To pull it's easy but to push I could barely move it 1 inch. I would never give up though so I pushed it the entire way and I couldn't have put more into it and when I finished I was so out of breath I started to panic. I couldn't take deep breaths because I was so out of breath so I just had to sit there for a few minutes whilst my breathing normalized. This is quite funny but I had another one going down on my gf because I couldn't breathe properly so we had to stop :eek::D Joking aside these are horrible attacks so I wouldn't wish them on anyone.

As I have dropped the mast e and sdrol it's just test and npp for now. I didn't inject for awhile but it's gonna be about 400mg test and 200mg npp for now and I will go from there. I am going to just get back to normal and then I will up both and carry on as usual but nothing else will be added. It's definitely 1 step back in some ways but I can carry on progressing now. I also moved homes and have been in my new place for 3 weeks so I am settled in and in a new gym. It's just work and the gym for now and getting rid of these panic attacks and I know what to do (and not what to do).

Considering all the above training has been good and my body hasn't regressed it just hasn't improved like I hoped. My last leg workout (panic attack one) was great. I will be training push tomorrow. By reason of everything and my current goals I have lowered my training frequency and been in the gym 3-4 days per week recently. That will be a solid 4 days now and in the summer months will be increased. Life doesn't always go to plan but I want to make the most of everything now. Today was an off day and I ate...

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast and blueberries.
Rump steak, Mediterranean vegetables and jasmine rice.
Chicken Soup with barley and vegetables.
Chicken, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Scouse (slow cooked stew) with chopped sirloin steak, potatoes, onions, carrots, beetroot and sourdough bread.
Scouse (slow cooked stew) with chopped sirloin steak, potatoes, onions, carrots and beetroot.

Here is a pic from 2 weeks ago and I am similar now so and the plan is to just carry on growing whilst staying relatively lean.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated for awhile so have lot's to tell. As posted I started felling a bit off and then I started having majorly bad panic attacks. They started happening daily and were especially bad when I would be out of breath so I had to modify my training. I wasn't too sure what was the main cause at the time but I now know. It was a combination of things but mainly a new cholesterol medication I was experimenting with. When ordering some bits I noticed it and had read various pubmed studies showing it's effectiveness in the past so I added in to my cart. When I was trying to get to the bottom of my issue I was confused because I had felt off before I added the medication but when I read consumer reviews it was bad review after bad review stating major anxiety (and depression) from people who had never suffered before. As a result I stopped it and within days my panic attacks went away so I knew it was that. Within 1 week I was taking preworkout again and feeling great but I was still careful when training. I would still train hard but lower reps and no crazy sets for legs that leave you out of breath too much.

Moving forward many weeks I have been training very hard but taking more rest days and relaxed my diet a little. By relaxed still good but just eating when hungry and not having any major goal apart from feeling better and getting back on track. I dropped the NPP and I was using a small dose of test and then I added in the primo I ordered. I was using 500mg test and 300mg primo then moved up to 750mg test. I didn't want to take too much because of my prior issues and was just building up the dose and seeing how I felt. I have been feeling good but after every injection day I always feel on edge so I can feel the difference. I take an SSRI which I usually don't feel like I need but at the moment it's definitely helping and I feel it take that edge off.

Like many of us I get stuck in 2 minds and I was thinking just grow and get bigger and leaner but it's always at the back of my mind I am not getting any younger and whilst I am tall is there really any point me getting to over 270. When I write 270 I also mean quite lean too as I don't like to get too sloppy. I got very close to 270 last time and I don't feel good nor look good the heavier I get. If I was trying to compete at a certain weight it would make sense but I just do this for fun so I said to myself why don't I just try and look as good as possible. It's healthier and I feel better at a lower weight.

I won't bore you with certain things but I was planning to not go away with my mates so I could save money. They booked a holiday a few weeks ago. I have been on a budget and not doing too much and mainly just working, training and relaxing. Anyway I won a bet today so I just told my mates today I will come away. I am not usually bothered about getting in shape for holidays but having a date in mind has given me such a boost and I really want to transform as fast as possible. They go away on the 17th June so it gives me exactly 1 month to transform. I will post more over the next few days but the diet will be very simple and I am making it up as I write this as I know my exact goals now.

Basically all the same foods but most of the rice will be replaced with salads or greens. The carbs I have will mainly be around the training window. I usually move down gradually but I only have 4 weeks so I will go straight into it. In addition to the carbs my protein will be increased and I will lower my fats. I have been adding extra virgin olive oil to most of my rice dishes recently. I have also been having coconut and hazelnut butter and some cheese occasionally so that will be dropped. I will still have some extra virgin olive oil, avocado and walnuts but in limited amounts. Protein basically as much lean meat I can handle. Carbs some jasmine rice and pineapple around training and the rest will be salads with berries and other low calorie fruits.

I am going to put my test back to 500mg per week. I will up my primo to 500mg and I may increase that to 700mg per week. I will add hgh back in at approx 2.5iu per day. 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen preworkout. I might order some winstrol and add in 50mg per day. I will wait a few days but I will add tren in which is probably stupid for me but I will go with 10mg per day first day and move it up. Even if it's just 20mg per day that makes a massive difference to me. If I could/can I would use closer to 50mg per day. Anything I use apart from test and primo will just be until I go away and orals will be dropped 5 days before to give my liver a break :eek:

I am also going to add in 1 DNP cap per day for the first 2 weeks as well. Training is going to be higher volume than I have been doing and just generally pushing it hard. I really don't want to but I think I will also add in melantotan 2 and that will be dosed daily starting super low for obvious reasons. I will post more soon. It's time to transform and I look forward to it :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had planned to post about a few things a few weeks ago but never bothered but I will mention something now even though it doesn't really apply to my current goal/diet. It's nothing ground breaking but for guys who are trying to grow but struggle with their appetite I was going to post about some of the meals I had been having because they make things so much easier. I love a big steak as much as anyone but if you are anything like me you may struggle to consume very large amounts of meat daily for long periods.

As you know one way of making that easier is to add a sauce but to go a step further I recommend making a giant pan of broth soup. Literally put in 300g protein worth of chicken in there and you can eat this for multiple meals. I also struggle eating vegetables at times so they would all go in there as well. Any left overs or bits of veg throw it in. The soup could be made with a simple combination of ingredients and you just add water and simmer for a few hours. If you want you could add a chicken stock cube for extra flavour but the ingredients will do that for you. If you want to thicken it just use a starch and I like to use rice, barley or noodles. I added alsorts to the one I had last and it tasted amazing...

Chicken Breast
Cannellini beans
Chicken Granules (Oxo)
5 Spice (cinnamon, fennel, star anise, black pepper and clove)
Pink Salt

Today I have started my diet so calories have been reduced...

5 whole eggs, onions, 2 pieces of toast and blueberries.
Sirloin steak, jasmine rice and 1 square of 85% dark chocolate.

INTRA (3 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine and honey).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
0% Fat yoghurt with raspberries and walnuts.

Most days will look similar to the above. It's a very easy and natural way for me to eat. I don't have long so I will just drop a few items (the obvious ones) in the near future. In the 3rd week the carbs will be lowered around training as I will deplete. At the moment I am having approx 250g carbs around the workout window.

Today was PULL day...

Warm Up.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Chest Supported T-Bar Row... 2 working sets (high and medium grips).
Machine High Row... 2 working sets (medium and low grips).
Machine Row (wide grip)... 1 working set.
Unilateral Underhand Pulldowns... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 1 working set for each side.
Barbell Shrugs... 2 working sets.
DB Curls... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Reverse Curls... 1 working set.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Machine Preacher Curls... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Press... 3 working sets.

I injured my back last week (plus they have some good machines) so I stayed away from certain barbell rows (etc) today but I will add them back in soon. You may have noticed I am not one for cardio but I do get in over 10,000 steps daily so I am active. Yesterday I clocked in over 17,000 steps.

I was away for a few days so I started some bits today. Today I dosed 250mg test and 200mg primo and now plan to do that every 3 days. That fits in a 3ml syringe so I went with that but I might add in another primo inj to increase the dose. I went crazy today and dosed 10mg tren a :D I was fine so I will go with 15mg tomorrow and go from there. HGH I count the vial as 15iu so I split it into 6 so that makes 2.5iu per injection. I dosed 2.5iu pre workout and I may do another pre bed which is more than I usually do but I will stick to that 5iu dose per day for the rest of this short run. Preworkout I dosed 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen and that felt great. Gonna add something else in but will have to order winny now if it's going to be that (that's what I feel like running) as I have none.