ZacharyKane's Offseason with Gorilla Farm


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Hey guys, so I was one of the people fortunate enough to be picked by Gorilla Farm to try out some products and run a log. For those that are curious about them, check out the testing results, but I'll definitely be detailing my own experience here as well.

For some background, I just came off about 24 weeks of prepping, I did the USAs and North Americans this year. USAs was OK, North Americans things just didn't go well at all. My main critiques being that I needed to bring my arms up and just overall size along with bringing the fullness and sharpness I seem to have in the weeks leading up to the show. So I'm taking a whole year off, and the plan is to get out of the no-man's land of being a small light-heavy or sucking down to middleweight. I looked my best around the 185lb mark, so I need about 10-15lbs over the next year to really hold my own in the class.

I'm still in a clean out phase for about 4 more weeks before I go in for my yearly check up. Don't want this new GP freaking out over my blood work. So since the show I've been really on it as far as health supplements and eating a healthier diet. So right now I'm on very minimal gear as well, 10mg of test prop and 2iu of GH a day. Surprisingly, I'm getting stronger in the gym and actually gaining some tissue.

Since I still have a little bit of time left in my clean out, the plan is to add a few things that really shouldn't skew my bloods too much. So in addition to the 10mg of prop and 2iu of GH, I will be adding in 25mg of proviron, 10mg of GW-501516 and 20mg of S4 (Andarine). Remember, the goal is consistent and steady gains of tissue and strength. Once I clear my doctor's appointment in a few weeks the fun will really start.

This weekend I'll get some pics thrown up and actually weigh myself (been avoiding it since the show!). Thanks everyone if you hung in this long and let's make some progress!


Mar 27, 2014
There gw is great stuff
There- mk677 is off the hook also- can't wait to try out there S4 next
You will have fun on the gear


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
The S4 is a completely new compound for me, so I'm very curious how I'll respond, especially over the next few weeks while I'm still on a TRT dose of test. I should know pretty quickly how well things are working!

There gw is great stuff
There- mk677 is off the hook also- can't wait to try out there S4 next
You will have fun on the gear


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
To start things out I figured I would break down a few of the basics of nutrition, training, gear, health, etc.

Since I've got about 4 weeks left of my cruise/clean out before my annual check up, my big focus has been on making sure my health is inline before starting to up any appreciable gear use. Off the top of my head, here's a list of what I'm currently taking as far as health is concerned. I'm sure I'll miss something, as it's a process each night, but can't perform my best if I don't cover all my bases!

-MPA Supps Heartsolve and Cardiosolve
-Greens formula
-Joint formula

The next big thing I am focusing on is digestion and gut health. Last offseason I literally almost died due to some extreme stomach issues where I would go days on end without being able to eat or drink anything due to just constantly vomiting. Luckily things are very under control now, but I'm also not taking any chances. So every day I have some things I'm doing to ensure proper gut health, waste elimination, and nutrient utilization.

-Fiber (morning and night)
-Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother every morning on an empty stomach
-MA Supps Veda-gest, one cap with my two post training meals
-Nutrient Partitioning agent with my high carb meals (pre and post workout)
-Glucose disposal agent (pre and post workout meals, off days from the gym I just take it at night)

Stress management and ensuring quality sleep are also staples I've really been working at to improve. A lot of controlling both revolves around one's own mindset (for stress, I recommend reading some books about Stoicism) and also solid night time habits to ensure restful sleep. A few of the things I do are:

-No screens for an hour before bed
-Night mode turned on devices for the hour before that
-Sleep support supplements (melatonin, ZMA, GABA, Full Spectrum CBD Oil)

Nutrition is pretty simple. I've been trying to not eat like an asshole since coming off my season, but my appetite is just crazy. Right now my daily caloric intake is around 3500 split between 6 meals. First two meals of the day have no carbs since I like to stack my carbs around my workout window. Calories will go up slowly each week until I find a good spot where I'm not starving every hour but also not adding too much in the weigh of fat. Remember, slow and consistent gains are the goal for the next year.

Gear right now is super simple, 10mg of test prop a day and 2iu of GH. I'll be adding in S4 and GW501516 along with proviron at 25mg this week, but that's it. I'll do a run of test/npp/mast with some EQ to kick start my run of things for the offseason. I have no set agenda or idea on dosing, as I only plan on increasing it when it becomes necessary. Honestly I'm making progress on very little test and gh right now since everything else is so on point. All gear right now minus the GH is from Gorilla Farm :)

Training wise, I'm going back to DC training. I like the way it's structured and I can deal with the mindfuck of training only a few days a week. If you're doing it right, that's all you should be able to do. I'll probably end up splitting legs out into their own day though, simply for the reason that I train legs with two of my buddies and it's the only time of the week I get out of the house...


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Yesterday was my first day of my new training block using DC training. Pre workout I took 10mg of the GW, 25mg S4, and 25mg of proviron. For ease of consistency this will remain my dosing pattern until progress stalls.

Despite the pretty intensive training session, I felt like my endurance had a nice bump and felt a little stronger than I have been lately. I've decided that I'll stick with DC for at least a 12 week run to try and put on some overall mass before switching up to a mountaindog program I have on deck to refine things a bit more afterwards.

Here is how things went in the gym, I didn't write down my warm up sets, people only care about the main working set anyways right? Stretches were done after each set and held for one minute or as close to it as I could stand.

Smith Incline Bench - 230 x 9, 5, 4
Nautilus Shoulder Press - 270 x 12, 5, 3
Close Grip Bench - 185 x 12, 5, 3
Lat Pull Downs Medium Mag Grip - 207 x 7, 4, 1
Rack Pulls - 405 x 15


Mar 27, 2014
How was your heart rate after the GW and S4?
I did the GW, mk and dbal together- my heart rate was threw the roof.
I couldn't even stand.
Don't know what part it was that got me.
I'm going to try the GW alone starting next week again..
Can't wait to see how you make it


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
My heart rate with the GW and S4 didn't elevate, if anything it was typically lower than usual and came back down faster between sets. Sometimes I wear my apple watch for that reason just to track how different compounds would effect me.

GW by itself definitely tends to keep my heart rate a bit lower during cardio, which makes me wonder if that's part of the endurance aspects of it, more efficient cardiovascular function? Not sure....

How was your heart rate after the GW and S4?
I did the GW, mk and dbal together- my heart rate was threw the roof.
I couldn't even stand.
Don't know what part it was that got me.
I'm going to try the GW alone starting next week again..
Can't wait to see how you make it


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Yesterday was workout B1 for me, and I'm freaking wrecked today from it. Strength is still going up and I finally stepped on a scale Friday morning, 202. Honestly about right where I expected myself to be!

Here's the breakdown from yesterday's training session, today was just 35 minutes of cardio. Per usual, only tracking working sets!

Hoist Preacher Curl: 80 x 15, 8, 5, 2
Reverse EZ Curl: 65 x 10, 6, 5
Leg Press Toe Presses: 180 x 10 (these are done as a 5 second eccentric, then a 15 second hold in the stretched position, then fast back up. Freaking brutal and this is the cadence for all calf exercises going forward)
Hoist Seated Leg Curl: 220x8, 5, 3
Barbell Squats: 45x6, 135x6, 225x6, 315x6, 365x6, 225x20


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Sunday was workout A2, so mostly upper body. Only a few days in with the GW, S4 and proviron but I'm already noticing a difference in my stamina and how quickly I'm recovering between sets. I seem to be a bit fuller too, though being offseason fullness isn't much of any issue.

As usual, only showing working sets here and weighted stretches were done after the working set.

Nautilus Flat Press: 280 x 9,4, 2 1/2
Cable Upright Row: 77 x 9, 6, 5 (This was kind of light, need to up the weight for sure next time)
Reverse Grip Bench: 195 x 9, 6, 4
Pull-Ups: Bodyweight x 8, 4, 3
Cable Row (slightly supinated grip): 209 x 8, 4, 3


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I hope you do better with DC than I did. I got strong really quick and when I started upping my lifts by 2.5 lbs at a time I started tearing shit apart. All my serious injuries were from DC training, so please be carful and know your limits.

I'm pumped about your journey. Following ya buddy!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Thank you for the warning! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on recovery and taking some extra time to get to my working sets!

My plan is to run DC for maybe 12-16 weeks and then switch to a program by either John Meadows or something my coach and I come up with.

I hope you do better with DC than I did. I got strong really quick and when I started upping my lifts by 2.5 lbs at a time I started tearing shit apart. All my serious injuries were from DC training, so please be carful and know your limits.

I'm pumped about your journey. Following ya buddy!
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Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
A couple workouts behind here, been an insane couple of days. We adopted a puppy so that on top of everything else has been a bit of a strain!

So here's workout A2!

Nautilus Flat Press: 280 x 9, 4, 2
Cable Upright Row: 77 x 9, 6, 5
Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195 x 9, 6, 4
Pull-Ups: Bodyweight x 8, 4, 3
Cable Rows: 209 x 8, 4, 3


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Yesterday was workout B2, I had a pretty brutal bodywork session Tuesday evening with a lot of the focus on my quads and hamstrings, so I got a pretty great pump!

Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 35 x 12, 6, 4
Hammer Curls: 35 x 8, 6, 4
Standing Calf Raises: 90 x 10, 180 x 8
Lying Leg Curl: 180 (full stack) x 12, 6, 3
Free Motion Leg Press: 5pps x 12, 6, 5


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Well my weight is up 3lbs in the last week, and that's even with cleaning up my diet more. So needless to say, I'm pretty certain even my low dose test and the addition of the SARMS from Gorilla Farm is helping keep me fuller and add some tissue. About 4 more weeks until I can really hit the gas, assuming blood work looks decent which I'm pretty certain it will. Then I can add in the other goodies I got!

Here is my training from Friday. Not going to lie, the 3 times per week is kind of driving me nuts, but I definitely need the extra recovery time, so I guess it evens out.

Decline Nautilus Press - 270 x 10, 6, 3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 80 x 15, 6 (these were easy-ish to press, but getting into position was sketchy, so I'll be finding a different exercise next time. Rack presses probably)
Hoist Seated Dip - 225 x 15, 6, 4
Close Grip Pulldowns - 209 x 8, 4, 2
Wide Neutral Grip Cable Rows - 143 x 8, 4, 3


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Thank you for the warning! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on recovery and taking some extra time to get to my working sets!

My plan is to run DC for maybe 12-16 weeks and then switch to a program by either John Meadows or something my coach and I come up with.

Who are you working with? Is he the one laying out the gear and meds/sups?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
I just started working with Austin Stout. I set the 10mg of test prop per day and my med/supplement protocol. He's changed the sups I'm using a tiny bit to add in some things to assist with controlling cortisol and stress, and this week we've added in lantus. The plan is to stay on the low dose test, gh, and insulin until I get my yearly check up in a few more weeks.

Who are you working with? Is he the one laying out the gear and meds/sups?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
So I started working with a new coach and with this baseline diet I'm on for the time being my weight has started to dip a bit. Which honestly is fine because it's also the first time I haven't added in extra snacks and treats for the last several days. Went from 205 to 199 over the last 4 days but look noticeably leaner and less watery, also feeling a bit better too (shocking, cut the crap food out and feel better...lol).

Monday was workout B3, which I may change the squat machine to front squats next time around, the squat machine didn't do much for me besides make my joints hurt. Just not a great machine for my body mechanics.

Barbell Curls - 60 x 12, 8, 6
Pinwheel Curls - 40 x 10, 6, 4
Seated Calf Raises - 45 x 10, 70 x 10
RDLS - 275 x 15
Squat Machine - 450 x 10, 5, 5


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Wednesday it was back to workout A1; not going to lie, I had a certain amount of anxiety going into the gym knowing I had a bunch of benchmark lifts to beat this time around. Anxiety may not be the right word, motivated might be a better way of expressing it. Weight took a dip at the beginning of the week and is slowly climbing back up. I've gotten a few comments this week that I'm looking "thick," so coming from a bunch of construction guys I'll take it, lol. I ended up beating every lift from last week in weight and was able to extend the stretches by about 10-15 seconds each :headbang:

Incline Smith Machine Bench - 250 x 8, 4, 3
Nautilus Shoulder Press - 320 x 10, 5, 2
Close Grip Bench - 205 x 10, 5, 3
Medium Neutral Grip Mag Grip Pulldowns - 212 x 10, 4, 2
Rack Pulls - 455 x 10