your being new to bodybuilding story.


Oct 1, 2014
One thing i've realized the past week or so, as far as gear goes. I have to learn to identify the shit info verses the real info. people tell me oh, to get started do this, this, that and this. why someone else is going no don't do that. because of this, that, and this. not saying that any of you guys are wrong. i really appericate the info you guys have shared with me. and so far i have taken everything to heart from here. For example when you guys recommend something, (and i've noticed that for the most part everyone agrees.) you give an acronym or the name of something. i'm not sure if i'm looking for a brand, the name of something particular, or just a general name for a group of a particular gear. It's overwhelming for me to try and decipher everything. i have noticed that you guys will give me a general name for a group of a particular gear. I'll go look at it and there will be two or three brands. then i'm like, out of these what one is better. It has been brought to my attention, that's why i get in trouble b/c i'm not suppose to do that. I understand the whole sponser dill, but in reality one has to be better than the other. and at the same time i also realize that everyone's body is different and responds differently. Whit i am asking when i do mistakenly ask those questions, is what one is the mildest of the group. i don't wanna throw my body in full force and have a bad reaction to something. anyways, i think that is all i have to say.......for the next 15 min. lol


Jun 10, 2013

The brand would be like taipan or venom

Testosterone cypeonate will always be called just that no matter what company you get it from whether its an underground lab or Watson from your dr.

But like I've told you before ask questions send one of us a pm if need be. I still learn shit all the time and none of us knew anything when we first started its a learning experience most of it being trial and error with our own bodies.


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Hell most of us are still learning its why i pesonnally come to the boards there is really just nowhere you can get real world knowledge of some of this stuff its not like you can go to your doctor and ask, just keep reading everything you can find and asking questions from vets like Phoe2006


Feb 2, 2013
One thing i've realized the past week or so, as far as gear goes. I have to learn to identify the shit info verses the real info. people tell me oh, to get started do this, this, that and this. why someone else is going no don't do that. because of this, that, and this. not saying that any of you guys are wrong. i really appericate the info you guys have shared with me. and so far i have taken everything to heart from here. For example when you guys recommend something, (and i've noticed that for the most part everyone agrees.) you give an acronym or the name of something. i'm not sure if i'm looking for a brand, the name of something particular, or just a general name for a group of a particular gear. It's overwhelming for me to try and decipher everything. i have noticed that you guys will give me a general name for a group of a particular gear. I'll go look at it and there will be two or three brands. then i'm like, out of these what one is better. It has been brought to my attention, that's why i get in trouble b/c i'm not suppose to do that. I understand the whole sponser dill, but in reality one has to be better than the other. and at the same time i also realize that everyone's body is different and responds differently. Whit i am asking when i do mistakenly ask those questions, is what one is the mildest of the group. i don't wanna throw my body in full force and have a bad reaction to something. anyways, i think that is all i have to say.......for the next 15 min. lol

There is a "fog" of war in any new learning experience and bbing is no exception. The slang as well as true technical terms can take some time. My advice is just keep your heading and spend your time searching and finding answers to your questions. In a few short months you will have a good grasp on most of it.

In the mean time I will give you what I consider solid advice.

1. Regarding cycles: KISS there are things to know, but in the early stages of experimentation you do not want to mix and match too much. Example: if I do a Test E, Deca and dbol cycle my first time out how will I know how I respond to each individually? What is doing what? So, instead I run a Test only, then next time I add deca, then the third I add the dbol. You need a baseline.

2. Regarding sources: Do not go for the cheapest, go for the source that has the best rep and been around a while. Safety, it number one and a quality source is invaluable when difficulties arise.

Good luck,


Mar 8, 2014
These boards, and especially this one in particular, are an invaluable tool to anybody's career in bodybuilding/fitness/steroid use, etc. A couple years ago before I decided it was time to take it to the next level, i spent 3 months combing articles on absolutely everything...from orals to injectables, pct, ai's and serms, pins and injection sites, dosages, etc. I treated it like a college course and spent close to an hour every single day learning as much as i could before I jumped in. I suggest any new guy to the game do the same thing, because there really is soooo much information to take in. It's the people who dive in uneducated that have problems with sides, gyno, not getting the most out of their cycle, etc. Of course reading only gets you so far, you have to apply things in real life and learn how your body reacts to certain things, because everybody is different. But if you take the time to have a good idea what's what first, you'll be much better off. Read away brother, it just takes some time thats all. But one thing's for sure, you're in the right place here with the good bros of Anasci :headbang: