Workout plan suggestions


Registered User
I have tried both of these, and was wondering which of the two you guys would suggest as a better plan. For the first few months I worked out I worked out 6 days a week and focused on 1-2 body parts a day. Then more recently I have been working 3-4 body parts a day and only going to the gym 3 days a week. I am currently on T-4 and test cyp 300 and deca 300. Any insight would be helpful! Thanks


Gettinhuge_pump said:
I have tried both of these, and was wondering which of the two you guys would suggest as a better plan. For the first few months I worked out I worked out 6 days a week and focused on 1-2 body parts a day. Then more recently I have been working 3-4 body parts a day and only going to the gym 3 days a week. I am currently on T-4 and test cyp 300 and deca 300. Any insight would be helpful! Thanks
it would all depend on how many sets you are doing for each bodypart. if you only did 2-3 warm up sets and one all out rest pause set for each muscle then the 3 days per week would be ok.
i prefer doing the 1-2 muscles per day with a 5 day split. train mon, tues, wed off, then hit it on thur & fri and take the weekend off for a thorough recovery. my split is like this:
tuesday=back& shoulders
thursday=legs split into 2 workouts quads in the am & hams & calves in the pm
wekends off
i sometimes change up the order but always do legs after a day off but not in the beginning of the week. sometimes i will skip the wed day off and take thurs off and do legs friday to give me the next 2 days to hobble around but not in the gym.


biggest thing to working out is that if you are really hittin it hard like you need to to get really big, you would not have any energy to do more than at most 2 muscles per day, a small and large muscle.
when i workout, i am usually so exhausted after my first muscle that sometimes i will split the training into an am & pm session and do the other muscle later that day after taking a nap. i am fortunate though as i only work 3 hours in the early am each day and can afford to do split training, most people dont have that luxury unless they can get to the gym before work in the ma then go after work.


Gettinhuge_pump said:
yeah I work a full time job with lots of Overtime. I am going back to school in Feb. so then I will be able to do an am and pm. Thanks for all the help bro.
with your work schedule i feel it is very important then to only do 1-2 muscles per day. your body is probably fatigued enough from work and you will subconsiously be holding back some at the beginning of your workouts to be able to finish a marathon multi muscle session. each workout should have you doing at least a few sets to total failure for each muscle trained.