

Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Sorry I was bored so I was just looking back through some of the old threads here. I really got stuck on a couple that have to do with fitness Chic's or sexy women in general. I gotta say is there anything more amazing than a women who takes really good care of herself and works hard to look good? I mean some of these women are absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I realize some of it is genetics but some of these women deserve such props for working hard to look just fucking amazing. And I'm so lucky to have one of those types of women sleeping beside me right now. She's been sleeping beside me for the last 25+ years in fact. No I'm not that old, we just started dating at age 15 and never stopped. I consider myself extremely lucky that my wife is a perfect 10 in body and mind. ( No bullshit). I'm gonna attempt to post a few pics today. ANYWAY my question is would you guys prefer to be with a women who has like a perfect 10 body but comes with say like a 5 in personality and values or would you prefer a 5 in body and a ten in personality? I'm interested in seeing which one gets more votes. Like I said I got really lucky in both but if you would of ask me the above question 20 yrs ago vs. now its funny how my answer is almost 100% different.... AR....


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
A relationship is like a pie. Many pieces of it reflecting the many different features of a person that we all have. The key is to finding a partner that gives you the most pieces of that pie that fit with yours.

I do think you have to prioritize those features. If you put looks at the top, in most cases you will be disappointed in the end result, a failed relationship. You also though, as you stated, have to find someone where there is a lasting physical attraction.

I would say personality is the most important to me, someone who you can live with and understand each other day to day, year to year, for the duration.
I also want someone who's looks are compatible with me. So that not only will I find her attractive all the time but her me as well. Career, religion, financial status, family etc. are of much less to no importance to me.

So for me; personality, the ability to be/live with them harmoniously day to day, someone I can trust 100% no exceptions and lastly but still importantly someone with a strong mutual attraction.

Make any sense? :)


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Can't put it any better than that M!!!! I'm just always curious how opinions differ based on age, life experiences, values, religion, etc. I enjoy hearing peoples opinions and why they feel or think that way....AR....


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I have learned that having a relationship with openess (not having to hide gear use!) for eg. is to me more important than a perfect body and looks. I enjoy spending time with my lady except when she is pissed of and the same goes for her when I am a bitch. What I am trying to say is I guess I like having her as a friend as well. As, a side note my wife is retired from BB and now she is a tri-athelete and Ironman competetor so....the whole body face thing is mighty fine. Lastley, I do enjoy being with girls who are a little thick in the ass. Not all the time do I want a perfect body. Chubbies need love too. Dont snitch me out fella's. LOL


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Mind, intelligence, values, and personality first. Looks not that big...as long as there is a vagina LOL. But in the looks department I always date petite girls.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Looks are subjective. I've been with 10's, including my ex wife, whose demeanor and personality made them a 4 at best, and to me that's a very ugly person. I've also seen overweight not so pretty women with a heart of gold and even a 10 wouldn't do them justice. My perfect woman is one who "I" think is a perfect 10 in looks and body and a personality that makes me want to be with them 24/7. Luck for me, I have been blessed to have found that person. Remember body and looks can change both ways, but there personally seldom will, and if it does its probably not her fault.
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Aug 28, 2005
Attitude and personality are all big for me. I like my women beautiful but if she's is a negative hateful person,,I'd rather do without. A women with the looks of a 10 can easily be brought down to a 5 if she's mean and rude.


Mar 27, 2014
I like them nice
Hate shallow bitches
Shallow Hal
A good nice real decent girl - there are many pretty ones with genetically kick ass bods out there - millions of them - If they have money it helps to right?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Personality means a lot to me. I've met very attractive women that are so shallow it turns me off.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I will say from working in strip clubs as a bouncer, I have met alot of gorgeous women. 90% were horrible people by ANY ONE'S STANDARDS! This has nothing to do with them being dancers. Just personal interactions....wtf


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I am kinda surprised how many of us are saying "the person" is more important than the "Looks". correct me if im wrong, but isnt a part of BBing and fitness about "looks"? Most women think we as men are only concerned about thier looks. Just an observation by me, I feel its absolutely true inregards to the "person" is more important than the looks (to a point). There is a saying," show me a 10, and I will show you a dude who is tired of fucking her."


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I am kinda surprised how many of us are saying "the person" is more important than the "Looks". correct me if im wrong, but isnt a part of BBing and fitness about "looks"? Most women think we as men are only concerned about thier looks. Just an observation by me, I feel its absolutely true inregards to the "person" is more important than the looks (to a point). There is a saying," show me a 10, and I will show you a dude who is tired of fucking her."

Speak for your self, from a powerlifter you bodybuilders are fuckin weird!

I know that saying as "show me a hot girl and I'll show you a guy sick of her shit!"


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I am kinda surprised how many of us are saying "the person" is more important than the "Looks". correct me if im wrong, but isnt a part of BBing and fitness about "looks"? Most women think we as men are only concerned about thier looks. Just an observation by me, I feel its absolutely true inregards to the "person" is more important than the looks (to a point). There is a saying," show me a 10, and I will show you a dude who is tired of fucking her."

I don't think anyone is saying that looks don't matter at all. Just that at some point her looks won't compensate for a shitty personality. Obviously, physical attractiveness is usually what begins a relationship. If you don't find someone at least marginally attractive, you'll not have any interest in getting to know their personality.

I definitely agree that she needs to have a good personality to go along with her looks. I'm probably more flexible on looks than most here. The fatties do it for me just as much as the fit chicks. And they tend to be lower maintenance as well as easier to get into bed. Nothing wrong with low hanging fruit, IMO.

But yeah, if we're talking about a relationship, at some point personality actually outweighs looks. Looks fade, and I'm not that good looking to start with. At some point you have to talk to them, and it helps if you're compatible mentally as well as physically. That's part of why I'm so bored with my current g/f. We don't see anything the same way. And frankly, the way she processes information and makes decisions lacks any sort of identifiable logic. Physically she hasn't changed much since we got together 8 years ago, but because of our personality incompatibility, I really don't find her physically attractive anymore. It's everything I can do to have sex with her these days. If it weren't for Cialis, I probably couldn't.

At some point you're going to stop fucking, and you'll have to talk to her. And if you don't like the things you hear coming out of her mouth it's going to be a long, miserable life.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I don't think anyone is saying that looks don't matter at all. Just that at some point her looks won't compensate for a shitty personality. Obviously, physical attractiveness is usually what begins a relationship. If you don't find someone at least marginally attractive, you'll not have any interest in getting to know their personality.

I definitely agree that she needs to have a good personality to go along with her looks. I'm probably more flexible on looks than most here. The fatties do it for me just as much as the fit chicks. And they tend to be lower maintenance as well as easier to get into bed. Nothing wrong with low hanging fruit, IMO.

But yeah, if we're talking about a relationship, at some point personality actually outweighs looks. Looks fade, and I'm not that good looking to start with. At some point you have to talk to them, and it helps if you're compatible mentally as well as physically. That's part of why I'm so bored with my current g/f. We don't see anything the same way. And frankly, the way she processes information and makes decisions lacks any sort of identifiable logic. Physically she hasn't changed much since we got together 8 years ago, but because of our personality incompatibility, I really don't find her physically attractive anymore. It's everything I can do to have sex with her these days. If it weren't for Cialis, I probably couldn't.

At some point you're going to stop fucking, and you'll have to talk to her. And if you don't like the things you hear coming out of her mouth it's going to be a long, miserable life.
Nicely put.


Mar 27, 2014
Lil sully- when is it time for the right one for you- you deserve it man - It's time


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I don't know that I believe that there's a "right girl", at least not in a till death do we part sense. I feel like marriage is an antiquated social convention in a modern society. We live so much longer than we used to, that the concept of being pair bonded to the same person for the rest of our lives is a much more daunting reality. It was one thing to spend the rest of your life with one person in the Middle Ages, when the rest of your life most likely was only the next 20-25 years.

With modern life expectancy being 2-3 times longer than it was just a few hundred years ago, perhaps we should start to embrace the idea that humans, like most other mammalian species, aren't predisposed to life long pair bonding. Really, in a lot of ways we already have. Marriage has become a disposable institution in the last 50 years. A couple can be married and annulled in the same weekend in most states. And even long term marriage is nothing more than a financial contract. At least, that's what the government defines it as. When a couple gets divorced, the precedings are simply a matter of equitable division of assets.

I suppose for those that are religious there may be more meaning attached. But, even that hasn't stopped the divorce rate from climbing past 50%.

Even in the framework of family, marriage may not be as significant and necessary as a lot of people want to believe it to be. There's a fairly significant amount of study that indicates that in the majority of mammalian species, including lower primates, the male that ends up carrying out the duties of the parental role has a low probability of being the genetic father. More often than not, one male creates the offspring, and another male carries out the role of parenting the offspring. And based on anecdotal evidence in modern society, this may actually be much more prevalent in humans than we wish to acknowledge. So long as the child has someone in its life to fill both roles, does it really matter who the biological parents are? Obviously, this is a much more complex topic than can be fully explored in this forum, so I digress.

Holy shit, I just realized how much rambling I was doing! My bad. Let me get back on track. So what about those fit girls with their tight asses, huh?


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I don't know that I believe that there's a "right girl", at least not in a till death do we part sense. I feel like marriage is an antiquated social convention in a modern society. We live so much longer than we used to, that the concept of being pair bonded to the same person for the rest of our lives is a much more daunting reality. It was one thing to spend the rest of your life with one person in the Middle Ages, when the rest of your life most likely was only the next 20-25 years.

With modern life expectancy being 2-3 times longer than it was just a few hundred years ago, perhaps we should start to embrace the idea that humans, like most other mammalian species, aren't predisposed to life long pair bonding. Really, in a lot of ways we already have. Marriage has become a disposable institution in the last 50 years. A couple can be married and annulled in the same weekend in most states. And even long term marriage is nothing more than a financial contract. At least, that's what the government defines it as. When a couple gets divorced, the precedings are simply a matter of equitable division of assets.

I suppose for those that are religious there may be more meaning attached. But, even that hasn't stopped the divorce rate from climbing past 50%.

Even in the framework of family, marriage may not be as significant and necessary as a lot of people want to believe it to be. There's a fairly significant amount of study that indicates that in the majority of mammalian species, including lower primates, the male that ends up carrying out the duties of the parental role has a low probability of being the genetic father. More often than not, one male creates the offspring, and another male carries out the role of parenting the offspring. And based on anecdotal evidence in modern society, this may actually be much more prevalent in humans than we wish to acknowledge. So long as the child has someone in its life to fill both roles, does it really matter who the biological parents are? Obviously, this is a much more complex topic than can be fully explored in this forum, so I digress.

Holy shit, I just realized how much rambling I was doing! My bad. Let me get back on track. So what about those fit girls with their tight asses, huh?

dude just dump her already............


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Lol. That honestly wasn't about her. I've felt that way since long before she and I met. I was just feeling really effusive last night and got off on a tangent.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Lil Sully Although your spot on with all the science and the evolution of humans. And I agree we weren't designed to be with just one mate. We are born to carry on our species. Its a primal instinct in all of us but I believe where we differ from our primate friends is our ability to think and feel emotionally for another person. Yes the divorce rate is out of this world but I think that has to with several reasons. Many I'm not going to bore everyone with. But certainly more than our primal instincts and our living longer. In not a religious person by any means but I do believe that marriage with the right person can be easily for ones lifespan and abso!utely means more than a financial contract. As mentioned before I meant my wife when we were teenagers. I wasn't even driving then. We havn't been apart since. We have three children, all mine, and Im pretty confident death will do us part. So if we live to the average age of let's say 80. That will mean we have been together for somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 yrs. Yes its rare these days but true love and long happy relationships can and do exist. I guess my point is if you havnt found someone who makes you want to ignore all those primal instincts and throw all those facts and studies you mentioned out the window then in words that Psych so delicately said: just dump her. Lmao. I'm afraid your way overthinking the laws of attraction and relationships my friend.... AR....