Why we juice....the hidden reasons


Registered User
May 5, 2017
Below is one of my friend's story,you guys can share yours

Kind of a strange topic, but I tend to believe that a lot of people that cycle do it for other reasons than "they just wanna be big". When I was in college I did a sociology report where I conducted anonymous interviews with steroid users, and read into the history of some famous known steroid users. I noticed that most of them had some kind of back story that seemed to link to the reasoning for them using steroids. Whether it be bullying, abuse, sexual abuse, insecurity, drug abuse, etc.

This led me to look into my own reasoning...

While it may not be as extreme as some cases...I discovered the reasons deep in my subconscious for my steroid use, that I didn't even know were the reasons behind it.

I was always a small, skinny, goofy kid. Always had aggression. I had to overcompensate with aggression for my lack of size and strength. I watched my mother (divorced) date a few guys...some who were real assholes to her in front of me and even pushed her around a bit. I had a sister 2 years younger who would bring home scumbag after scumbag. She'd come home with bruises, she got into drugs, etc etc. Having a single mom and a younger sister...I'm supposed to be the protector. Everytime i'd confront one of my sisters boyfriends I'd get my ass handed to me...and they were 2 years younger. It got to me that I was 130lb wimp who couldn't even protect my family. I started lifting at 19....packed on a good 40lbs...and plateaued. Still wasn't big enough to scare people (which is what I wanted to do)...and gains were slowing wayy down. So at 23 I ran my first cycle...and life has improved tenfold ever since.

If anyone would like to share their hidden reasons for cycling...I'd love to hear it. This thread my be a flop....but I found it interesting that sometimes you don't even realize the real reason motivating your life decisions.:action-smiley-055::action-smiley-055:


New member
May 5, 2017
Cause I wanna be a big warrior!my mama said I can get as big as I want!so I won't be defeated:D
I wish be 600lbs of muscle and fat in 2 years by gear lol


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Hmmm OK I'll play. My reasons are to me overwhelmingly clear. I have and extremely addictive personality as well as OCD. When I hit thirteen and picked up my first weight I was stuck. Obviously I didn't juice until I reached maturity somewhere around twenty. I would suppose it was a gradual progression just like a drug or alcohol addiction. I guess it could be compared with starting out with weed and gradually progressing to hard drugs like heroin or something. Or beer to moonshine. Those maybe not the best comparisons but I would think you get the point. I was always a really good athlete so I always had a decent looking body. Played college ball on a scholarship. But that was never enough. I wanted more. Bigger arms, bigger chest, deeper abs. In college I could bench 250. That again was not enough I had to hit 300 and then it was 400 and so on. Gear was my way of trying to fulfill that " gotta get bigger and better" addiction. Don't get me wrong I think I definitally picked a clean way of living for having an addictive personality. I just have to be very careful in the decisions I make. I don't think gear is a bad one....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I don't have any deep, complicated story about why I use. No history of addition, abuse, bullying, or anything else. I'm not compensating for anything or trying to distract anyone from my micro penis. Not that I don't have any short comings, I just learned to own them a long time ago.

I'm 6'4" in height and I already stood out in most crowds just because of that. I figured since I'm usually the tallest guy in the room, why not be the biggest, most jacked guy in the room, too? It's pretty simple, nothing secretive about it. Sometimes I wish I had a deeper, more meaningful reason for why I do the things I do. But, alas, I'm just a simple guy with basic motivations.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Damn Sully I really was expecting to see a really deep intellectual reason for you juicing. I'm blown away that that is your reasoning. I mean its OK I get it I just always enjoy your deep thinking on all issues....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Damn Sully I really was expecting to see a really deep intellectual reason for you juicing. I'm blown away that that is your reasoning. I mean its OK I get it I just always enjoy your deep thinking on all issues....AR....

Yeah, there can't always be some deep, existential reasoning for everything we do. I'm as much of a superficial asshole as the next guy. One of the best things in life is being able to own up to who you are and why you do things, even if there's not a really good explanation for why you do them.


New member
Apr 25, 2017
Yeah, there can't always be some deep, existential reasoning for everything we do. I'm as much of a superficial asshole as the next guy. One of the best things in life is being able to own up to who you are and why you do things, even if there's not a really good explanation for why you do them.

Why I like you ? No reason,just like you
Why I need to take steroids,cause I like it ,it is the simple reason,Lol,
:headbang::headbang:I like,so I choose it