why some days are different???

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
Hello first off. I am a new member with some learning to do still. So I hope some of you all can help me out. Though, I have been doing steroids for alittle time now. About two years, off and on. Mainly test cycles. but, now I am on Dbol, and will be on test very shortly. But.... I have been on the D for almost 3 weeks and I have gained alot of weight. About 12 pounds. Thats alot for me. Body fat is alittle less than what I started out at. And I am not bloated with water. So its 12 lbs. muscle.... :p But on some days, I wake up looking "flat". I mean, before I go to bed I look big and full. And in the morning, I look thin again. This isn't all the time. Just everyonce in awhile. Once or twice a week. I am somewhat concerned because my chest just doesn't grow, and it has lately. Am I doing something wrong here??? I do not want to lose what I have been gaining. Can someone help. I eat alot, all the time. I try to eat every three hours. Bout 500-750 cals, carbs range from day to day and I eat atleast 40grams of protein everytime I grub. Is it still not enough? Please, I am confused. And has dbol gave anyone acne? Never in a forum have I seen this posted. I am getting it bad on my back. Any thoughts on any of this would be greatly appreciated...


Feb 25, 2005
I always go o sleep full and bloated, and wake up flat and hard. Especially after I take a dump right after I wake up. I prefer the hard look in the AM over the full/bloated PM look. But to gain, you must stuff yourself. Looking flat/thinner in the AM is normal. You are doing fine. You are not losing anything over night, except maybe your pump. Hit the weights after breakfast and it will all come back. If you reallly want to make sure you are gaining good, hurry up with the test, and eat 2 PBJ sandwiches and a tall galss of milk before you hit the sack. I do that a few days a week. I love PBJ's, and the PB will stick with you. Use whole grain bread though.

With DBOL anyways, that weight you have gained is very little muscle contrary to what you think. Anything that puts weight on that fast is purely water weight. Water is good for your muscles, just dont plan on keeping the weight from DBOL alone.

I used DBOL once for 5 weeks. It was pretty cool, but I prefer test prop for my jumpstarts. Personally it affects me fasster than dbol, AND helps me stay angry/agitated so I can bust my ass at the gym.

You need to hop on your test now. You should have started test the same day you started DBOL. Dont know your ester, but the DBOL will most likely wear off before your test kicks in, so expect a valley between your gear.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
lil hurk said:
Hello first off. I am a new member with some learning to do still. So I hope some of you all can help me out. Though, I have been doing steroids for alittle time now. About two years, off and on. Mainly test cycles. but, now I am on Dbol, and will be on test very shortly. But.... I have been on the D for almost 3 weeks and I have gained alot of weight. About 12 pounds. Thats alot for me. Body fat is alittle less than what I started out at. And I am not bloated with water. So its 12 lbs. muscle.... :p But on some days, I wake up looking "flat". I mean, before I go to bed I look big and full. And in the morning, I look thin again. This isn't all the time. Just everyonce in awhile. Once or twice a week. I am somewhat concerned because my chest just doesn't grow, and it has lately. Am I doing something wrong here??? I do not want to lose what I have been gaining. Can someone help. I eat alot, all the time. I try to eat every three hours. Bout 500-750 cals, carbs range from day to day and I eat atleast 40grams of protein everytime I grub. Is it still not enough? Please, I am confused. And has dbol gave anyone acne? Never in a forum have I seen this posted. I am getting it bad on my back. Any thoughts on any of this would be greatly appreciated...
Read about stacking my friend.Seems your on single compound sometimes use..a no no.
well, not a no-no but theres no point.you bloaters confuse me.Not me personally,its just that your pituatary gland excretes growth hormone while you sleep.Ive never woke up flat,but at least swollen enough I cant remove my wedding band.add gH(particularly) or AS's and its worse in the morning...because thats just how the pituitary mop flops.

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
The reason why I am only doing dbol is cause I've never done it before and a friend of mine only uses it and gains quite well off of it. So I thought I would give it a try. But, I love my test and decided to do 12 weeks on dbol and run 10 weeks enenthate. Tried propionate and it sucked after the 3rd week. To many pricking going on. And enenathate is long lasting ether. I do know about stacking. I have done much research, online and with some buddies who do do it. Though, thanks for the help bro. And the pbj is a good idea, I eat two aday already. But, thanks again


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Im very new to all this but 12 weeks of DBol is very bad for your liver, you should read more about it. Not trying to scare you but I read that dbol can cause liver cancer if used excessively and all the cycles I ever read dont recommend it for more than 6 weeks max. I might be mistaken but it should be checked out anyway just to be careful.Cya.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Dbol is a great substance. But, the reason you wake up flat is because your 12 pounds is mostly fluid gain. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Weight gain, even if it is from fluid helps your strength and over time will add more muscle. That is why we add test to the stack. Dbol gives quick size and strength gains and the test helps to make it permanent muscle.