Why So Stingy?


New member
Jul 3, 2006
I am ready to hit my 3rd cycle. first stacked a test prop with a deca most of the way through and jump started with dianabol. second was with equipoise instead of the deca. I was going through an acquintance which is no longer possible, so firgured maybe someone would let me know who's not going to rip me off. i guess the whole payment and order is all done electronic and anonymous? appreciate all the help, i was supposed to start cylcing for the summer and have been bummed as hell.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
vns said:
I am ready to hit my 3rd cycle. first stacked a test prop with a deca most of the way through and jump started with dianabol. second was with equipoise instead of the deca. I was going through an acquintance which is no longer possible, so firgured maybe someone would let me know who's not going to rip me off. i guess the whole payment and order is all done electronic and anonymous? appreciate all the help, i was supposed to start cylcing for the summer and have been bummed as hell.

LOOK!!! ALIN or IVATAMINS..yer problem is solved..have been in bus for a long time and you will be very happy wth either...fr more feed back on them go to or other board www.professionalmuscle.com tons of guys use them over there, all the time for years..nuthin but good reps..you are safe with them


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
why so Lazy? Lol
Theres 5 million steroid sources on the internet and your telling me you dont have one you can count on? All the Int sources here you see advertising are 100% legit and some of the best around. If you take the time to get to know them Im ceratin in time youll agree. goodluck


New member
Jul 3, 2006
Yeah ur full of it buddy, u know 90% of them are a scam.

Good first post? Sorry big dogg didn't know I was here to kiss your ass. Didn't know muscle heads were so sensitive. After reading your responses I seriously have to reevaluate any product being offered on your forum.

I don't know whether it's the fact that your still so sore over losing your money a couple times on the internet or maybe even it makes you feel exclusive in some odd way that you are so reluctant to help a person with a sincere mutual interest. I could maybe understand one acting out of a sense of protection for their supplier, but still seems outrageous that uncle sam would spend time sittin here typing away when he can't even check 12% of the parcel's imported to this country.

The internet is a giant pool of lies, filth, deception with small fragments of truth. I find difficult to believe anything a company or website has to say because it's only really said for one purpose, to make money. Too many points of view and conflicting ideas. This is where forum's had really boomed years ago, as a sharing of unmarketed sincere knowledge and became very useful to me as well as thousands of other after market engine builders on a global level. The only place its safe to say you have a good chance of getting a true honest answer. But if people have gotten just too stuck up to give it to you, and help someone whos wearin your old shoes and possibly at the same time save them the trouble of your bad experiences, well that just sucks. And that is why there are comapnies out there able to sell amps of water and so forth as a fuckin medical agent, this is what allows them to stay in business and hell who knows maybe you guys are workin for em. This is exactly where I would have my people was i crooked enough to own some company slinging bogus product. Ive seen it time and time again on all these themed forums, and the only good reason that really made sense to me would be the fact that these companies are making some decent dough doin what theyre doin, and if they can keep the ligit guys such a secret when they'r not even breaking the law. Its a majorly fair market, and until we see the more positive cash flow and people involved and supporting this thing for the right reasons, would definitely start the transition to being able to acquire our goods right here at him without fear of criminal punishment. And again, maybe i am wrong. Im aware there are many of those out there who like the fact that they are not easily accesible to the general public so they feel the have a bit of an edge on everybody else. Well i really only took the things to find pride and confidence, to name a couple, in my personal progress. If someone else can benefeit from that same thing as well, Im all for it. We shouldn't be forced to break the law to enrich our bodies with a naturally occuring chemical, purely for the purpose of physical advance. Clearly the worst consequences from steroids are nothing but physical, but legal.
Thanks for being so helpful


AnaSci's Hillbilly
Aug 6, 2004
Tisk tisk. Theres nothing I love more than someone who asks for help sarcastically, gets it, then writes a novel about the injustices of the anabolic boards. If you already know how this game is played then why the fuck did you bring your sorry 2 post ass here. There are good guys on this board that will bend over backwards to help ANYONE. Kiss my ass


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
vns said:
Yeah ur full of it buddy, u know 90% of them are a scam.

Good first post? Sorry big dogg didn't know I was here to kiss your ass. Didn't know muscle heads were so sensitive. After reading your responses I seriously have to reevaluate any product being offered on your forum.

I don't know whether it's the fact that your still so sore over losing your money a couple times on the internet or maybe even it makes you feel exclusive in some odd way that you are so reluctant to help a person with a sincere mutual interest. I could maybe understand one acting out of a sense of protection for their supplier, but still seems outrageous that uncle sam would spend time sittin here typing away when he can't even check 12% of the parcel's imported to this country.

The internet is a giant pool of lies, filth, deception with small fragments of truth. I find difficult to believe anything a company or website has to say because it's only really said for one purpose, to make money. Too many points of view and conflicting ideas. This is where forum's had really boomed years ago, as a sharing of unmarketed sincere knowledge and became very useful to me as well as thousands of other after market engine builders on a global level. The only place its safe to say you have a good chance of getting a true honest answer. But if people have gotten just too stuck up to give it to you, and help someone whos wearin your old shoes and possibly at the same time save them the trouble of your bad experiences, well that just sucks. And that is why there are comapnies out there able to sell amps of water and so forth as a fuckin medical agent, this is what allows them to stay in business and hell who knows maybe you guys are workin for em. This is exactly where I would have my people was i crooked enough to own some company slinging bogus product. Ive seen it time and time again on all these themed forums, and the only good reason that really made sense to me would be the fact that these companies are making some decent dough doin what theyre doin, and if they can keep the ligit guys such a secret when they'r not even breaking the law. Its a majorly fair market, and until we see the more positive cash flow and people involved and supporting this thing for the right reasons, would definitely start the transition to being able to acquire our goods right here at him without fear of criminal punishment. And again, maybe i am wrong. Im aware there are many of those out there who like the fact that they are not easily accesible to the general public so they feel the have a bit of an edge on everybody else. Well i really only took the things to find pride and confidence, to name a couple, in my personal progress. If someone else can benefeit from that same thing as well, Im all for it. We shouldn't be forced to break the law to enrich our bodies with a naturally occuring chemical, purely for the purpose of physical advance. Clearly the worst consequences from steroids are nothing but physical, but legal.
Thanks for being so helpful

haha, Damn Vern thats was Deep fella, DEEP!
Way off though. Spend a bit of time and do some research Just like Me and everyone else had to do in the beginning. You will come back someday and read this and see How far off base you are.

There are PLENTY of scammers out there. You know who there looking for?
Guys just like yourself who dont know shit from applebutter and think they can just come right out and ask for stuff like that without doing any research and what and who there dealing with. Goodluck to ya though. We have all been there and your in the right direction Just not putting forth enough effort to find the answers you need.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
vns said:
Yeah ur full of it buddy, u know 90% of them are a scam.

Good first post? Sorry big dogg didn't know I was here to kiss your ass. Didn't know muscle heads were so sensitive. After reading your responses I seriously have to reevaluate any product being offered on your forum.

I don't know whether it's the fact that your still so sore over losing your money a couple times on the internet or maybe even it makes you feel exclusive in some odd way that you are so reluctant to help a person with a sincere mutual interest. I could maybe understand one acting out of a sense of protection for their supplier, but still seems outrageous that uncle sam would spend time sittin here typing away when he can't even check 12% of the parcel's imported to this country.

The internet is a giant pool of lies, filth, deception with small fragments of truth. I find difficult to believe anything a company or website has to say because it's only really said for one purpose, to make money. Too many points of view and conflicting ideas. This is where forum's had really boomed years ago, as a sharing of unmarketed sincere knowledge and became very useful to me as well as thousands of other after market engine builders on a global level. The only place its safe to say you have a good chance of getting a true honest answer. But if people have gotten just too stuck up to give it to you, and help someone whos wearin your old shoes and possibly at the same time save them the trouble of your bad experiences, well that just sucks. And that is why there are comapnies out there able to sell amps of water and so forth as a fuckin medical agent, this is what allows them to stay in business and hell who knows maybe you guys are workin for em. This is exactly where I would have my people was i crooked enough to own some company slinging bogus product. Ive seen it time and time again on all these themed forums, and the only good reason that really made sense to me would be the fact that these companies are making some decent dough doin what theyre doin, and if they can keep the ligit guys such a secret when they'r not even breaking the law. Its a majorly fair market, and until we see the more positive cash flow and people involved and supporting this thing for the right reasons, would definitely start the transition to being able to acquire our goods right here at him without fear of criminal punishment. And again, maybe i am wrong. Im aware there are many of those out there who like the fact that they are not easily accesible to the general public so they feel the have a bit of an edge on everybody else. Well i really only took the things to find pride and confidence, to name a couple, in my personal progress. If someone else can benefeit from that same thing as well, Im all for it. We shouldn't be forced to break the law to enrich our bodies with a naturally occuring chemical, purely for the purpose of physical advance. Clearly the worst consequences from steroids are nothing but physical, but legal.
Thanks for being so helpful

Its a free world, so find another place where you'r attitude is better accepted.. in the meantime I'm comfortable we'll manage without your input here :D


New member
Jan 16, 2005

whats up bro!
good to see your still level headed and staying calm as always.thats what i first liked about you.you never got hot headed.cant say the same for myself though:eek: sometimes people just make me nuts:twisted: yeah i remember being where vern is now but i didnt have his attitude.man!
you couldnt be more off the mark if you tried,if you replying to rAJJIN.and i have to say you should be thankful that he isnt as you describe in your little rant you wrote there(too deep).there are people in this community and even this board that will help out but do you really think if you act like you did you will get anywhere.well lets just see.anyway rAJJIN is someone you will want to have on your side.