why Anadrol


Registered User
May 18, 2005
I think mostly because of the great amount of strength gains it produces......Some individuals report keeping their anadrol gains, but how they truly know this is beyond me.....unless they did an anadrol only cycle.. :cool:


May 2, 2005
Most people including myself are open to any sort of mass be water or muscle.... It makes you strong as hell when mixed with test.


Registered User
my past experience with drol has always been to use it as a jump start on a cycle intro it durringt the first fewweeks other than that i would not even consider using it alone or otherwise. The biggest thing I have ever gotten out of drol (and this was the old A bombs) was some unreal streength increases you get big by lifting big so added with the rest of the cycle those strength gains were very bennificial....i cant evr really remember noticing any "gains" from drol besides bloat and i sure as hell never wanted to gain that in the first place. On the other hand orals like drol or D=bol most of the gain is from bloat anyways so it is kinda hard to get an accurate account of how much muscle you may have gained where as with soemthing like tren you wont have huge gains but you can definately notice the changes over time as long as you dont mind getting shut down pretty fast...My .02


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
mr.nitrofish said:
why would you take Anadrol if the ability to keep your gains are so low?
For the same reason you would take many other orals. As a jumpstart for your cycle.
It's intoxicating to see the huge jumps in strength. The hope is you will solidify those gains when the injectables kick in 4 to 6 weeks later.
Which is why any veteran will tell you to never do an oral only cycle.
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Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
I've always used dbol until this cycle and the anadrol was awesome. After not working out for awhile the strength and weight increase at the beginning was awesome.

Lord Odin

New member
Jul 21, 2005
In Gods Grace
A-Bombs bro. First of all they are very harsh on the system and about 80% of the gains are from water retention. D-Bol it is less water bloat and depending on what kind you use, they actually can produce very solid gains using them with an injectable. The reason most people stack orals and injectables is to get a synergistic effect that acts as a catalyst to increase protein synthesis and cell volumization which ultimately increases muscle growth and amplifies strength dramatically. With proper PHT and a bridge, I have seen people keep nearly all thier gains from cycle to cycle after a A-Bomb/Injectable cycle. It the knowledge that is key in this effort though. Now the two types of D-Bol that produces much less water retention and is less androgenic is Romanian D-Bol(Naposims) and the Russian D-Bol(Blue tabs). The pink thais(pink tablets) have the most water retention and is more androgenic. The A-Bombs are even more androgenic, which is the major reason you have such high water retention and increased risk of gynocomastia.

The number one reason why people use the A-Bombs is the insane strength gains and they will literally transform you into a beast when working out. You actually have ot make yourself leave the gym. They will cause increased levels of aggression and much more intensity in your emotions and workout. Thus one must weigh the risk factor against the benefit factor in your specific cycle goals. Any other questions you have bro, feel free to ask...that is what we are here for in this community. To help each other out and get freakishly Massive!!!

Stay True to the Iron!!


there is nothing better IMHO than the amazing increases in strength you get from anadrol. gains can be kept to some extent depending on how much water prevention product you take and also depending on timing. if you use it to start a cycle and make sure you dont stop its usage till your injectibles have kicked in, then gains will be more keepablei i have also found that when i run igf with the drol, i keep a good bit more of my gains.


Lord Odin said:
A-Bombs bro. First of all they are very harsh on the system and about 80% of the gains are from water retention. D-Bol it is less water bloat and depending on what kind you use, they actually can produce very solid gains using them with an injectable. The reason most people stack orals and injectables is to get a synergistic effect that acts as a catalyst to increase protein synthesis and cell volumization which ultimately increases muscle growth and amplifies strength dramatically. With proper PHT and a bridge, I have seen people keep nearly all thier gains from cycle to cycle after a A-Bomb/Injectable cycle. It the knowledge that is key in this effort though. Now the two types of D-Bol that produces much less water retention and is less androgenic is Romanian D-Bol(Naposims) and the Russian D-Bol(Blue tabs). The pink thais(pink tablets) have the most water retention and is more androgenic. The A-Bombs are even more androgenic, which is the major reason you have such high water retention and increased risk of gynocomastia.

The number one reason why people use the A-Bombs is the insane strength gains and they will literally transform you into a beast when working out. You actually have ot make yourself leave the gym. They will cause increased levels of aggression and much more intensity in your emotions and workout. Thus one must weigh the risk factor against the benefit factor in your specific cycle goals. Any other questions you have bro, feel free to ask...that is what we are here for in this community. To help each other out and get freakishly Massive!!!

Stay True to the Iron!!

One helluva post LO.......solid!!!!!


Sep 19, 2004
Lord Odin said:
A-Bombs bro. First of all they are very harsh on the system and about 80% of the gains are from water retention. D-Bol it is less water bloat and depending on what kind you use, they actually can produce very solid gains using them with an injectable. The reason most people stack orals and injectables is to get a synergistic effect that acts as a catalyst to increase protein synthesis and cell volumization which ultimately increases muscle growth and amplifies strength dramatically. With proper PHT and a bridge, I have seen people keep nearly all thier gains from cycle to cycle after a A-Bomb/Injectable cycle. It the knowledge that is key in this effort though. Now the two types of D-Bol that produces much less water retention and is less androgenic is Romanian D-Bol(Naposims) and the Russian D-Bol(Blue tabs). The pink thais(pink tablets) have the most water retention and is more androgenic. The A-Bombs are even more androgenic, which is the major reason you have such high water retention and increased risk of gynocomastia.

The number one reason why people use the A-Bombs is the insane strength gains and they will literally transform you into a beast when working out. You actually have ot make yourself leave the gym. They will cause increased levels of aggression and much more intensity in your emotions and workout. Thus one must weigh the risk factor against the benefit factor in your specific cycle goals. Any other questions you have bro, feel free to ask...that is what we are here for in this community. To help each other out and get freakishly Massive!!!

Stay True to the Iron!!
Please explain "Bridge"


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Blackbird said:
Please explain "Bridge"
In its simplest form a bridge is something that connects one thing to another such as land masses. In this case it refers to connecting one cycle to another.
In the old days, low dose Dbol might be used as a bridge from one cycle to the next. Nowadays, we use substances such as GH or IGF-1 that allow us to fully recover our HPTA while helping to maintain and solidify gains from cycle to cycle.


anavar in the range of 20-30mg ed is also common to use during a bridge to help maintain gains while in pct therapy. it has very little affect on natural test levels so a normal pct should not be interfered with buy var.

Lord Odin

New member
Jul 21, 2005
In Gods Grace
DragonRider said:
In its simplest form a bridge is something that connects one thing to another such as land masses. In this case it refers to connecting one cycle to another.
In the old days, low dose Dbol might be used as a bridge from one cycle to the next. Nowadays, we use substances such as GH or IGF-1 that allow us to fully recover our HPTA while helping to maintain and solidify gains from cycle to cycle.

Great Answer on the Bridge bro...I like bridging with Primobolan also. It is hard to find now, well at least the real deal anyway. There is alot of people who carry and UG Labs, but it has been alot cheaper for me to buy the powder then make it myself. But it is alot of good suggestions above though. The Var I think, like Pincrusher said is what most people use now for bridging, but I LIKE THE NEEDLES MOMMIE!!! YIIIPPPEEEE!!!

Stay True to the Iron!!