what's the Downlow on sperm count?


Sep 19, 2004
So, I haven't been on since maybe August or something like that. My pct then consisted of Nolva and clomid. My wife and I decided to have another baby but it aint happening. I'm am scheduling a sperm count but shouldn't I be back to normal by now? I know it takes some people longer than this to conceive but my daughter was conceived in 2 months so I'm a little worried. Does anyone have any solid info on gear and long term affects on sperm count? Kind of bumming here.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Blackbird said:
So, I haven't been on since maybe August or something like that. My pct then consisted of Nolva and clomid. My wife and I decided to have another baby but it aint happening. I'm am scheduling a sperm count but shouldn't I be back to normal by now? I know it takes some people longer than this to conceive but my daughter was conceived in 2 months so I'm a little worried. Does anyone have any solid info on gear and long term affects on sperm count? Kind of bumming here.

Dont be bummin'.If my wife and I can do it ,you sure as well can too.
Your counts should be at or approaching normal if you've been completely clean...And if you havent been a LONG time user/runner of HARD cycles.
Like I said,Ask Pin to comment on this...Pin you out there?

I can give you a good conception tip(you probably already know)
5 days after your wifes period ends and for the following 10 days + or -,
she is at max fertility. OVULATION. GO AT IT GOOD on those days.


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Blackbird- i hear ya bro, i've been off since mid february and my counts vary. I think your suppose to have like 60 million and i had 50, but then went two days later and it was like 12 when your suppose to have 15 or 20 mill. So, its weird. i've been tested and my test, lh and fsh are perfectly fine yet, my count is off. Whats worse is that i have swimmers that dont look right, and cant swim. My wife got tested and they said that she has polycystic ovaries which is cysts on the ovaries that sometimes messes up the ovulation time. she gets blood work this done. When we try to test her ovulation time, its all jacked. But im thinking if she has her period, then she must have her ovulation time. So, i here ya buddy, im ready to have a kid, and then also get back on. So, you may want to get her checked as well. Im taking Co enzyme Q10 that is suppose to help your count and your heart.


KELL is correct....I know exactly when I ovulate and if I may say openly...I am extremely sexually sensitive (horny) during those days. Its like my body is begging for the male body (conception). I'm sure your wife knows when she ovulates Blackbird? Hopefully its just stress and things will fall into place soon.

TexasCreed...I would have to agree, if she has a period, she must therefore ovulate but I guess it is difficult to tell detection time due to the polycystic ovaries. I know even when I was on turinabol...I had a period every 2 weeks and I still ovulated everytime after my periods. I guess each female is different. I wish you two the best of luck also :)


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
McKenzie said:
KELL is correct....I know exactly when I ovulate and if I may say openly...I am extremely sexually sensitive (horny) during those days. Its like my body is begging for the male body (conception). I'm sure your wife knows when she ovulates Blackbird? Hopefully its just stress and things will fall into place soon.

That exactly describes my wifes pattern.
She has a different kind of smile :D when she is ovulating.Gets real close and cuddly.
It's funny,I always know what I'm in for,for the next few days.


Exactly kell...I can definitely relate, close n cuddly. I've had my b/f refer to it as the Big O Festival (the big ovulation festival), which usually lasts 3-4 days :D


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
my wife's is off every month a little bit. like she was suppose to ovulate last wednesday but the test said she wasnt. and she tried it today 5 or 6 days later and it says she is. so hers is like irregular. well better go stab some bush


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
Blackbird said:
If we were 17years old we would have conceived ten times already.

What? You old folks can't hang anymore? LOL. But on a serious note, this may be a little too much info, but my dad told me a few years ago (when I told him that I was taking steroids) that I was conceived while he was taking them. I guess it's just genetics or the luck of the draw???


Registered User
Jul 22, 2005
Canada, EH
RE: Sperm count

Hay bro,

There could be other issues at hand here other than your AAS use/misuse. Did you know that alcohol can have a huge affect on your sperm count? Also, dependant on whether or not you are a bike rider, what type of "undies" you wear. There are many things that can lower your count. Add them in with AAS use, and...well you get the picture. I hope that this will shed a bit of light on this. Now please don't get upset when I tell you this, but I have 4 kids, have used/misued AAS for years (more than 10) and drink like a fish when I am off the gear, and it has not seemed to bother me much. Everyone is built differently and you could be just very sensitive to changes in your hormonal axis. One tip, when you eject your "boyz" into your wife, make sure you are nice and deep and stay penetrated for a few minutes after you blow. This will make sure that whatever you have will get to where it is going... I hope that this helps

Blackbird said:
So, I haven't been on since maybe August or something like that. My pct then consisted of Nolva and clomid. My wife and I decided to have another baby but it aint happening. I'm am scheduling a sperm count but shouldn't I be back to normal by now? I know it takes some people longer than this to conceive but my daughter was conceived in 2 months so I'm a little worried. Does anyone have any solid info on gear and long term affects on sperm count? Kind of bumming here.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
Big O Festival

McKenzie said:
Exactly kell...I can definitely relate, close n cuddly. I've had my b/f refer to it as the Big O Festival (the big ovulation festival), which usually lasts 3-4 days :D

McKenzie, in that Big O Festival can you translate the O as both ovulation and orgasm? I used to think that I gave my wife more orgasms during ovulation but recently some of her strongest ones have come the day before and the day after her period. I make sure to hit it as late and as early as she will allow. I wonder how those orgasms work in relation to ovulation?