what to know for 16yr old--testosterone


New member
Jul 1, 2007
im 16 and have been researching for awaile on alot such as steroids, training, diet. im wondering if anyone has any advice for me. ive actually took prohormones once, and found real good results from this even though i probably shouldnt say this b/c ive been told im too young for this. Ive gained 15 pounds from this and this was 4week cycle. all muscle too and is surprising because i hear people saying prohormones are waste of money and thats what i thought the 1st few days in my cycle until about 1week when i saw dramatic gains. anyway, im just trying to learn alot and want to do cycle of test-enanthate at 500mg/week and use clomid for pct after 1 and a half week after 12 week cycle of test-enanthate. I live in very violent and dangerous place and this is reason to turn to roids and i want to do it correctly so please help me by giving advice. If I wasnt even as big as i am now, which iam not big at all if your comparing in general but if you compare to others that are my age then yes im amoung biggest besides fat people, then i would already be hurt. I know how at my age i have lot of test running through me but its not about that, if i do cycle i know ill gain lot of mass and strength and this is what its about. yes i know posts are coming saying im too young but please understand and its better for me to at least get advice then for you to just criticize me on my age so then i can do this cycle safe and properly as i can. not too woried about injection, just have to make sure i shoot it in the right spot and be sterilized and go slowly and aspiratate. Im really debating if i should submit this thread but ive done this before and just backed out and exit because i dont want people thinking am a big idiot for doing this and i know dangers of aas for young people and already know am doing it eventually. its never been this hard for me to click link on computer as it is now. Just trying to learn


Registered User
May 6, 2007
First off Bro, you are way to young. Steroids can impair your growth since your growth plates are not fully formed. Basically say goodbye to growing (upward at least). Also right now your test levels are at their highest... all you have to do to grow is eat, train and sleep. Please do not consider AAS, it is very detrimental to you at this stage of your life. Instead focus on nutrition and training. You will benefit much more in the long run from focus on diet and training.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
bod1ggity said:
First off Bro, you are way to young. Steroids can impair your growth since your growth plates are not fully formed. Basically say goodbye to growing (upward at least). Also right now your test levels are at their highest... all you have to do to grow is eat, train and sleep. Please do not consider AAS, it is very detrimental to you at this stage of your life. Instead focus on nutrition and training. You will benefit much more in the long run from focus on diet and training.

bump this bod.....

your to young and i understand the whole....i need to get big to feel protected thing but even the small guys are rabid animals in a fight.....just take some martial arts to help protect yourself and get into aas later in life its not worth being a stump......


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
I understand your desires, but it really is not the best thing for you at this time.

My advice is to keep up with the training, learn about nutrition and keep studying the steroids - It may lead into a career choice for you like Endocrinology or whatever. I'd also start taking a good martial arts class and turn your body into an extremely athletic trained machine - where you are strong, function, know how to kick as as second nature, basically a fine tuned animal- you can do it. I'd put the steroids off for awhile and see what you can do without them; you must remember that if you truly need them to reach a slightly above average condition then you will lose it without them, and either end up taking them forever to maintain or because you screwed up you natural endcrinological system.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
I just wanna second all thats been said. Dude you are way to young . Second the best fighters in the world are the ones with the biggest hearts not biceps.Look I don't mean to critize and Im sure niether do the other posts. It would'nt be write to give direction if morally we found it wrong.Man just train and eat. The thing is if you start doin steriods now you will actually be inhibiting yourself in the long run. Just wait man.For real I gratuadated high school at 110lbs I did'nt do my first cycle till I was nineteen twenty years old. And truth is I wish I had waited a little longer.Hang in there Bro. And big respect to the others that posted in this thread advising young blood against cycling.


Registered User
May 6, 2007
I also want to say that the bigger a guy is does not mean that he's tougher. Learn some quality martial arts and your learn that no matter how big and bad a dude is, if you kick in his knee he will drop. I teach MMA and have practiced for a long long time and im nastier right now at 205lbs than I was when I was 260lbs... im faster more manuverable.


Registered User
May 15, 2007
I cannot comment on the AAS portion of this because i am new, but I would listen to these guys, they know EVERYTHING, seriously everything.
But I am a MMA fighter and I can tell you that taking a "martial Arts" class will help you IF and ONLY if you take the right classes a tthe right school. This is my field of expertise and I highley suggest you DO NOT take karate, tae kwon do, kung fu or any of that BS. Find a school that teaches one or several of the following... BJJ (brazilian jiu jitsu), Vale Tudo, NHB, Muay Thai, MMA. Find you a well rounded school that actual fighters train at. It will push your body, teach you to react when exhausted and show you how to freaking crush people. Trust me, i do this 6 days a week. I am fat, 250+ over 20% body fat, and trying to slim down, but i crush people like its my job regardless of their size and strength.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
bigdawg said:
I cannot comment on the AAS portion of this because i am new, but I would listen to these guys, they know EVERYTHING, seriously everything.
But I am a MMA fighter and I can tell you that taking a "martial Arts" class will help you IF and ONLY if you take the right classes a tthe right school. This is my field of expertise and I highley suggest you DO NOT take karate, tae kwon do, kung fu or any of that BS. Find a school that teaches one or several of the following... BJJ (brazilian jiu jitsu), Vale Tudo, NHB, Muay Thai, MMA. Find you a well rounded school that actual fighters train at. It will push your body, teach you to react when exhausted and show you how to freaking crush people. Trust me, i do this 6 days a week. I am fat, 250+ over 20% body fat, and trying to slim down, but i crush people like its my job regardless of their size and strength.

yeah most martial arts teachers in america are garbage....really search and find one with the right credentials. Most these guys are trained by people who dont know shit themselves then open a dojo and teach the same watered down garbage to their students.......


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Livebig, I have to say this..........NOT NOW! You are too young to start playing games with your endocrine system. Believe me it is not a magic pill or shot that makes you get big. It is all about training and diet. I own a gym and train lots of guys your age. Guess what, they all grow and make big gains with the proper training programs and eating correctly. at least you are in ther right place to be asking questions. Most of us here are very experienced Body Builders and trainers. We do not want to see you come to harm or screw yourself up down the road. Now you will make great progress with your training if you follow a few basic rules. Do not over train.......more is not better. Eat clean and eat big to get big. This means no coca cola, no McD's and crap like that. Eat at least five to six times a day and make sure you get plenty of protein in these meals. Get lots of quality rest and sleep. be consistant with your training. I have a real basic rule......"Weightrs before Dates". The girls will wait for you to finish training. This means if you are supposed to train then go and do just that. You can see your girl afterwards. Follow good advice, I'm hoping that there are a few good bro's around where you are that will give you some guidance. Do not listen to the guys that tell you you need to be on some gear. YOU DO NOT NEED ANY NOW! Your body is producing GH and test at it's peak levels right now. Take full advantage of this and train hard. The next three to four years is where you will make your best gains and progress. be true to yourself and get on with it. You have a lot of growing to do! So lets go lad and get big, THE RIGHT WAY!


Registered User
May 6, 2007
xxxcaptjackxxx said:
yeah most martial arts teachers in america are garbage....really search and find one with the right credentials. Most these guys are trained by people who dont know shit themselves then open a dojo and teach the same watered down garbage to their students.......

Im actually about to start teaching down here, ive been coaching some guys for MMA but im getting the opportunity now to teach the Gracie Baha style Brazilian Jujutsu. It will be nice to make some extra $$$... I wanted to incorperate standup but it would conflict with some of the other teachers who are training people at Muy Thai (which I personally think sucks)... oh well, I like practicing ground fighting more anyways :p

BTW a guy above mentioned Vale Tudo as a fighting style, its not a fighting style its a full contact tournament. Vale Tudo is pretty much anything goes, or booth fighting. A competition, not a style.
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Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
bod1ggity said:
Im actually about to start teaching down here, ive been coaching some guys for MMA but im getting the opportunity now to teach the Gracie Baha style Brazilian Jujutsu. It will be nice to make some extra $$$... I wanted to incorperate standup but it would conflict with some of the other teachers who are training people at Muy Thai (which I personally think sucks)... oh well, I like practicing ground fighting more anyways :p

BTW a guy above mentioned Vale Tudo as a fighting style, its not a fighting style its a full contact tournament. Vale Tudo is pretty much anything goes, or booth fighting. A competition, not a style.

right on...sounds like you do alot of things Bod.....massage therapy, Personal Trainer and now this.....seems like you got your shit together


Registered User
May 6, 2007
xxxcaptjackxxx said:
right on...sounds like you do alot of things Bod.....massage therapy, Personal Trainer and now this.....seems like you got your shit together

Man im busy... full time student right now too :(

a little background on me...
training martial arts since 9... dont want to list all my styles
Joined the navy, Search and Rescue Swimmer/Aviation Mechanic
Trained @ shoot fighting and Judo while stationed in Japan
Got out, became a Personal Trainer
Used the personal training to pay for massage therapy school
Now im a personal trainer/LMT/martial arts instructor paying my way through full time college... and im only 24... :p


Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
well its seems like you have already accomplished more in that short time then peole do by the age of 50........

im just now starting to pull my shit together.....:confused:


Registered User
May 6, 2007
xxxcaptjackxxx said:
well its seems like you have already accomplished more in that short time then peole do by the age of 50........

im just now starting to pull my shit together.....:confused:

Oh trust me, ive fucked up plenty too. Im an over-achiever in alot of ways but im a fuck up all in the same. I just dont linger on mistakes and mover forward. I also dont watch TV (maybe an hour a week)... im always out doing something or learning something. Time is what you make of it, just like life. Hell if I was smart I would have just gone to college and I would be graduating right about now with a nice degree :D Instead I take the long route... and hit tons of bumps along the way... :sniper:

fuck it though. At least im having fun


Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
Know what ya mean.....Had tons of fun but figured it was time to attend school and get this shit on the road. Id rather get paid big bucks and be able to do what i want and go on vacation to kick ass places rather then scrap at factory jobs to make house and car payments.

I should have also gone right out of high school but i needed to learn that lesson myself and not just have it implanted in my head by every adult and teacher i came into contact with. I think i will try harder and appreciate it more now....knowing the benifits of doing it and the negetives of not finishing.