What makes a decent diet?


Sep 19, 2004
There is a lot of talk about how your diet is key when cycling. I am basically a gym rat, no bodybuilder, so I always lift for size. I'm natty cut very little bf, I think 12% right now.

For a guy like me, what is the best way to maximize gains with my diet?
Here is a sample of what I eat, ehh, most days.

Breakfast 5am-Bagel,protein bar
Lunch 12pm Grilled chicken sand. about 8oz
2 protein bars
rice cake
Snack 4pm protein bar, rice cake
post workout 50gm whey protein
dinner Beef, chicken, pasta,potato,veggies, whatever
8pm whey shake
Lots of water all day


you dont have much fat in your diet.....fat is very crucial while trying to get mass (obviously not trans fats) but you need some type of EFAs and a bit of saturated fat (crucial to cell and hormone function)....add some peanut butter or some canola oil to your shakes. Your breakfast is lagging a bit add a glass of OJ, multivitamin, and some cream cheese or peanut butter on that bagel....adding another meal would be helpful as well.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
Is my diet any good just starte bout a week ago 2 get ready 4 cycle

Breakfest 8: Bowl of cerial, Oj , Vitima pill
Lunch12: 2 cups of Pasta
1p.m: Protien shake
2p.m: cup of oats
4p.m: Cup of Rice
5p.m: Protien shake
6p.m: can of Tuna with mayo
7-9 Get ready 2 lift
9p.m supper : Steak or chicken with 2 types of Vegs N protien shake
11: 3 pjsanwiches Then Bed until moring

What do u all think its any good or do i need 2 add or take out anything


Jaysonl1424 said:
Is my diet any good just starte bout a week ago 2 get ready 4 cycle

Breakfest 8: Bowl of cerial, Oj , Vitima pill
Lunch12: 2 cups of Pasta
1p.m: Protien shake
2p.m: cup of oats
4p.m: Cup of Rice
5p.m: Protien shake
6p.m: can of Tuna with mayo
7-9 Get ready 2 lift
9p.m supper : Steak or chicken with 2 types of Vegs N protien shake
11: 3 pjsanwiches Then Bed until moring

What do u all think its any good or do i need 2 add or take out anything

Your diet could be better as well.....add a whey shake in your breakfast.....add another small meal (cottage cheese, yogurt, etc) between your breakfast and lunch. Your lunch on looks like its all carbs, hopefully you're adding some type of sauce with meat or dairy to your pasta (speghetti sauce, alfredo, etc). same with your cup of oats....add some raisens or bananas too it...your 1pm shake, add some flax or canola oil to it..add another chicken breast to your rice as well.....after your workout, down a protein shake with some dextrose (gatorade will suffice)


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
when i first started i weighed about 165 got up to 195 or so. my cycle was just dbol and test. I was told to eat eat and eat. at about week 3 i couldn't eat like i did when i started. So i started to take a weight gainer. It really helped out as far as getting the calories in. I was shooting for 2500 to 3000 a day. Hate to say it but you have to eat big to get big. if not, your wasting your gear.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Jaysonl1424 said:
Is my diet any good just starte bout a week ago 2 get ready 4 cycle

Breakfest 8: Bowl of cerial, Oj , Vitima pill
Lunch12: 2 cups of Pasta
1p.m: Protien shake
2p.m: cup of oats
4p.m: Cup of Rice
5p.m: Protien shake
6p.m: can of Tuna with mayo
7-9 Get ready 2 lift
9p.m supper : Steak or chicken with 2 types of Vegs N protien shake
11: 3 pjsanwiches Then Bed until moring

What do u all think its any good or do i need 2 add or take out anything

Way too many carbs and not enough protein.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
I took about 2lbs of protein for every pound of body weight.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Jayson- In addition to the pm I sent u, here are some more diet tips.

Each meal must contain either Protein and fat, or protein and carbs. Dont mix all three, but for a bodybuilder, it is mandatory to contain protein in EVERY meal.

For example, breakfast would be oatmeal and eggwhites...never just eat oats, or whole wheat bread, etc, without protein.

Also...if your bulking, include carbs in each meal. You need the carbs to creat an insulin response, as insulin is a nutrient transport. But, dont eat simple carbs like sugary stuff, because the insulin response is too quick to be beneficial, and you will store fat. Eat high quality protein, with your complex carbs. Complex carbs create a slow rise in blood sugar, and a steady but stable supply of insulin which will keep you in an anabolic environment. But, you will only be in this anabolic environment if you eat protein with your complex carb meals...

So...there is no point eating a bowl of rice with no protein...it is stupid.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Here is an example of a bulking diet...cuz yours really sucks...but thats okay, cuz your learning.

Meal1- 8 eggwhites, 1.5 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, Glutamine, Multivitamin

Meal 2- 2 Roast beef sandwhiches on whole wheat, large glass skim milk, 2 scoops whey

Meal 3- Brown Rice, Veggies, 2 chicken Breasts


Post workout- Meal 5- Gatorade, Whey Isolate, Glutamine

Meal 4- Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggies, 2 Chicken Breasts

Meal 5- Steak, Baked Potatoe, Large glass milk

Meal 6- 2 Tuna Sandwhiches on whole wheat, 1 cup cottage cheese

Meal 7- 3 tbsp Natural Peanut butter, 1 cup Cottage Cheese,
Last edited:


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
dugie82 said:
making me hungry heavy, god damn u its too late at night to eat.

I know bro...im cutting, and that diet i posted i want to eat now!!!!!!

Time to go eat some borrrrrrrrring chicken breasts. lol :sniper:


May 13, 2004
yea man i just went downstairs to fry up some chicken, ended up eating a turkey on wheat. BTW i cant stand anything but american cheese on my sandwhiches, how bad is it for you?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
heavy said:
Here is an example of a bulking diet...cuz yours really sucks...but thats okay, cuz your learning.

Meal1- 8 eggwhites, 1.5 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, Glutamine, Multivitamin

Meal 2- 2 Roast beef sandwhiches on whole wheat, large glass skim milk, 2 scoops whey

Meal 3- Brown Rice, Veggies, 2 chicken Breasts


Post workout- Meal 5- Gatorade, Whey Isolate, Glutamine

Meal 4- Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggies, 2 Chicken Breasts

Meal 5- Steak, Baked Potatoe, Large glass milk

Meal 6- 2 Tuna Sandwhiches on whole wheat, 1 cup cottage cheese

Meal 7- 3 tbsp Natural Peanut butter, 1 cup Cottage Cheese,
We might have to make this diet a sticky so we can just refer back to it. A lot of people THINK they eat a lot because they eat more than their parents or friends. The problem is you are comparing to the wrong people. Compare what you eat to this diet and see how much you really eat. Eating a family size bag of potato chips when you come home at the end of the day isn't eating a lot.


heavy said:
Here is an example of a bulking diet...cuz yours really sucks...but thats okay, cuz your learning.

Meal1- 8 eggwhites, 1.5 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, Glutamine, Multivitamin

Meal 2- 2 Roast beef sandwhiches on whole wheat, large glass skim milk, 2 scoops whey

Meal 3- Brown Rice, Veggies, 2 chicken Breasts


Post workout- Meal 5- Gatorade, Whey Isolate, Glutamine

Meal 4- Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggies, 2 Chicken Breasts

Meal 5- Steak, Baked Potatoe, Large glass milk

Meal 6- 2 Tuna Sandwhiches on whole wheat, 1 cup cottage cheese

Meal 7- 3 tbsp Natural Peanut butter, 1 cup Cottage Cheese,

great post heavy. this is exactly what newbies need to see to give them an idea of just how much it takes to grow. i tried to explain this to a training partner recently who was on his second cycle and used the same diet as the first and kept asking me why he wasnt gaining. he didnt realize that with each successive cycle he did he weighed more and therefor needed to eat that much more to gain.