What is the best route to take.


Registered User
May 2, 2013
Ok guy this is hard to talk about for me because it has to do with my man hood. I was on my way to NPC Nationals when all of a sudden I started having problems with my prostate. Yes you read right. I all of a sudden couldn't pee very well. Well this went on for a year then I decided to have the corrective surgery. This all happened when I started taking Anadrol. Is there anything else I can take to get size without having to take Anadrol? I welcome all comments even if they are jokes.


Nov 1, 2012
Being older, and liking dht based gear (mast primo)I find Cialas to be great for easing the pressure in the prostate, the peeing 3 times at one standing goes away. Weird thing deca and drol are worse for my prostate.


Registered User
May 2, 2013
Being older, and liking dht based gear (mast primo)I find Cialas to be great for easing the pressure in the prostate, the peeing 3 times at one standing goes away. Weird thing deca and drol are worse for my prostate.

I need to try that. Thanks for the info.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
You really need to make a trip to the Doc to get this sorted out. He'll need to do some lab work and check your PSA's. As long as it's just basic BPH, then 5-10 mg/day of Cialis should fix you right up. If it's not BPH, then you really need to be working with your doctor to get it figured out, for your long term health. Even if that means not using anymore, it's still a better option than the alternative.


Registered User
May 2, 2013
I had TURP. My PSA test came back a little high but nothing alarming to the doctor. Went to another doctor and they gave me antibiotics for about a year. Could not get rid of information in my prostate. I'm slowly getting back to normal from the surgery.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I have been running a cruise, Nandrolone @ 400 weekly with Test @ 400 weekly. I am 49 soon to be 50, I have been having "night time" pee issues as well, I knew it had to be the Nandrolone so I dropped it, BPH has gotten a little better, just started low dose Cialis daily (today). Deca will stay active for a while so I need to be patient, the Cialis should kick in a few days. Deca has never done this to me before, and I have never been almost 50 either, I believe it a combo of both. I need to start watching prostate friendly Rx's


Registered User
May 2, 2013
I have been running a cruise, Nandrolone @ 400 weekly with Test @ 400 weekly. I am 49 soon to be 50, I have been having "night time" pee issues as well, I knew it had to be the Nandrolone so I dropped it, BPH has gotten a little better, just started low dose Cialis daily (today). Deca will stay active for a while so I need to be patient, the Cialis should kick in a few days. Deca has never done this to me before, and I have never been almost 50 either, I believe it a combo of both. I need to start watching prostate friendly Rx's

I wish I had paid more attention with it. I probably would have probably avoid the TURP surgery. But I'm ok with this. I just wanted see if anyone else has gone through with what I went through and what course of action they took to avoid this again.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
look this is really embarrassing for me to admit. but i have had problems for years pissing. my prostate is fine but when i piss, it just has a slow stream and i have o strain sometimes. even when im done pissing and shake alot, i still dribble. like it all doesnt come out. i have found that when i sit and pee it comes out easy with no problems. i feel like such a bitch pussy to sit and pee, but it works. i feel so gay for telling u this. just shows how much i trust you guys to tell you.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Fuck it I'm not embarrassed to admit I've had pissing, prostate, and ed issues since I was in my early 30's. These are all issues that whether you want to admit it or not with age and the compounds and hormones we all screw with here are gonna come up. My issues actually have gotten better as I've aged. Only reason for that is because I finally swallowed my pride and got hooked up with the right type of Docs and was honest with them.
I have no doubt after learning from professional people about how using AAS effects our bodies that all my issues where caused by not taking the time first to learn about the long term effects of PED's and how to combat them the right way. My worst enemy when I first started juicing was some of the ancillaries like HCG. I way way way overused it with the trane of thought that more was better. No it rocked my world for a long time. Well that and a lot of other bro science that I so regularly viewed as golden. Bottom line, and take it for what its worth, but if your gonna mess with AAS and all the other compounds that come with the lifestyle you gotta have some kind of professional advice at some point so you don't end up fucking your body up. It took mine years to start to turn the corner back to somewhat normal.
I will say too though that these issues again should not be embarrassing to talk about. Its part of the issues we have to deal with as men and our lifestyle. Plus this board without a doubt as a whole has more solid guys here than anywhere on the net. Especially when someone needs a good honest and intelligent answer or advice on health issues. Just my two Cc's though....AR....

Oh and djpace I too sit alot when I piss. I actually started out doing it because my stream was all over the place and I was pissing everywhere but the hole. But in doing that I found too that I seem to release much better and no dribble.
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