What gets you busted?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
We have been talking about this a bit in the Sources section, but this is good information for everyone. It is my contention that it is usually the rec drugs that get you busted and not the steroids. http://newsok.com/article/1330296/?template=home/main#
As you can see from the article, marijuana, cocaine, ecstacy,GHB (the date rape drug), methamphetamines and prescription drugs were involved. Also, cops got busted. There are many law enforcement officers using steroids. So lighten up on these guys a little. We tend to demonize these guys as if they are hunting down every personal steroid user in society. A few sentences down a DEA agent states it is NOT routine to investigate illegal steroid sales. If you read the story on just about any steroid bust that makes the news you usually see rec drugs in the list somewhere.
As I've said before, steroid use is all about health and fitness. Rec drugs should not even be mentioned in the same conversation.
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Feb 6, 2004
I agree that rec drugs are most of the drug busts and tend to grab the interests of law enforcement officers. The thing that is disturbing, at least in my state, is the focus law enforcement has been having lately on steroid only arrests. I have the upmost respect for law enforcement. I do not have any respect for law enforcement officers that focus on politically motivated laws such as AAS possession though.
Within the last two years, there has been at least 3 steroid only related arrests that made it into our local news, and 2 more that were law enforcement officers that had ordered a personal amount of steroids.


New member
Oct 12, 2004
Having been around the juice scene for some time, my general observation is that 90% of people get busted for doing STUPID SHIT or by associating with people who do STUPID SHIT. Things like getting pulled over for a DUI and having your gym bag that is conveniently filled with gear in the back seat. Being a hot-head jackass and doing something, like smacking your girl around, that bring the cops into your home. Talking to much. And definitely rec drugs! I'm not really talking about the occasional joint in the privacy of your house, but hanging around a crowd that is big into rec drugs, dealing rec drugs, etc.

Drugs and cars don’t mix, period, end of story. Even gear. Only transport your gear if you absolutely must. You basically have no rights when you are in your car and you can easily get into a situation, as when someone crashes into you, that you have no control over.

Other than that, I've also seen waves of paranoia sweep across our community. It seems to come and go in a cyclical pattern. Everyone forgets that it is illegal and people get sloppy. A few big sources get busted, and then everyone is convinced that the FBI is lurking around every corner. Then it swings the other way.

I have a general rule about anything I do in life. First I take a serious moral inventory of my life and what I'm doing. Then I ascertain the risks. After I've made my decision, I keep a level head. If I got busted for a small amount of gear, I would in no way feel embarrassed or ashamed, because I know in my heart that I didn't do a damn thing wrong. As long as you know that you will sleep better at night.



Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
NobleSavage said:
Talking to much. NS
This is also a biggie. I don't know what it is about us that we feel the need to tell someone or brag about what we are doing.
My favorite saying is "the only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead and the other one isn't talking".
My biggest gripe is people who just have to tell their girlfriends. Why? What does the fact that you juice have to do with your relationship. If you want to break honest about something, tell her how many girls you slept with before her and then tell her how many you knew were going to be just for one night. See, it doesn't seem like such a smart idea now. Does it? I don't care if it's your best friend since kindergarten, if he aint juicin, there's no reason for him to know. Shut the F up.

OK, I'm done ranting now.


Isnt It Funny How In The News Tho Its Always So And So Was Busted With Controlled Substances Including Anabolic Steroids. And They Never Mention The Coke, Weed, X Or Whatever Else By Name But They Always Say Anabolic Steroids.


New member
Oct 12, 2004
DragonRider said:
If you want to break honest about something, tell her how many girls you slept with before her and then tell her how many you knew were going to be just for one night. See, it doesn't seem like such a smart idea now. Does it?

LMAO You're cracking me up DR.

But, yeah, you are 100% right about women. What are the odds that you will someday break up? Considering 1/2 of married couples get divorced, I'd say there is a good chance. Now how many times during a break up does shit get really fucking bad; you hate the bitch and she hates you? All the damn time! We've all been there. If you haven't, you're not trying hard enough. :D

How safe are you going to feel knowing your ex, who wants you dead, had dirt on you? If she doesn't rat you out, she will tell everyone.