Were to start.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
I’ve been reading around the boards and being so new to understanding gear it can be a lot to take in. As I posted in my 1st post http://www.anasci.org/vB/showthread.php?t=15566 I’m at the point ware I’m looking to get big/put size on. I just had my BF done last night by a trainer at my gym I’m happy to say I finally broke into the signal number at 9.2% BF. So here is my questions.

Before I found this site I was reading up on gear profiles at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/catsteroids.htm so if this is an incomplete list please link me a new one so I can read up on them.

Next my stats,
5’7 162-LBS Male 36yrs BF 9.2% cut-up nicely but small in mass ie.. no width. I eat six meals a day and six 60g protein shake. My daily protein intake is 504g.

Looking for a cycle that adds size but also try to look cut/hard.

If one for you more knowable members could take a few min to lay out a cycle so I could read up on the profiles of the items you post this would be a great help. This way the information I’ll be reading will be on the stuff I’m going to use on my first cycle not my second or third one. By the time I’m ready for a second cycle I’ll have read so much and would have in real life understanding that I hope some of the overwhelming of this will seem small.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I would suggest running Test Enan alone and see how you like that...You will be able to put on considerable size that you will able to manage easily.....


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Thanks for the information;
I had seen that on Dragons post http://www.anasci.org/vB/showthread.php?t=2304 so if I was to use that I would just go with it the way he posted the info.

Also and I'm not trying to start a flam seeing that the site is a free site now how would I go about finding a legit site/listing?

No I'm not with any USA government agency just a guy trying to spend his money the right way not getting scammed.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Yes, a 10wk cycle of Test Enan would be perfect, followed by a proper pct (as stated by DragonRider)...To answer your other question, check out the board sponsers, all are legit that is why they are board sponsers!!


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Thanks for the help, I logged into Alin and was looking things over.

Dragons post reads "The most common Newbie Cycle is Testosterone Enthanate, run at 500mg per week for 10 weeks,split up into two shots per week (250mg on day 1, and on day 4)."

On Alin it reads,
250mg/ml/amp means "250 mg per 1 ml ampoule" or "one ampoule of 1 ml contain 250 mg active substance".

So is my math right I would need 20 in total or I'm I not getting it?


Nov 13, 2005
MRMom said:
Thanks for the help, I logged into Alin and was looking things over.

Dragons post reads "The most common Newbie Cycle is Testosterone Enthanate, run at 500mg per week for 10 weeks,split up into two shots per week (250mg on day 1, and on day 4)."

On Alin it reads,
250mg/ml/amp means "250 mg per 1 ml ampoule" or "one ampoule of 1 ml contain 250 mg active substance".

So is my math right I would need 20 in total or I'm I not getting it?

hi bro. A fellow Boston-ite here...

You got it, you will need 20 Amps to do a 10 week cycle. But get yourself some "extras" in case you break one, or you love the 10 week gains and want to go 12 weeks. GET 30!!

You may want to consider HCG as well, 500iu's every week from week 4-10. It will help keep your nuts full size and speed up recovery of natural test.

Here is your cycle in full

wk 1-10 Test E 500 mg/wk (two shots every 3.5 days 250 mg each)
wk 4-10 HCG 500 iu's E7D

week 11 and 12 NOTHING


week 13 clomid 100 mg ed / nolva 40 mg ed
week 14 clomid 50 mg ed / nolva 30 mg ed
week 15 clomid 50 mg ed / nolva 20 mg ed

100% gains = 60% diet/rest + 25% workout + 15% AAS. Make SURE you spend as much time on the 60 and 25% as on the 15.

Another board where ther is more traffic is www.alinboard.com. Tell em drob29 sent ya. I post there alot and there are some good people there. There is a newbie forum to ask question at.

Hope this helped, later :cool:


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Hi drob29 nice to see bean town boys using this site,
I seen this kit it has more than just Test.E
and the PCT is as you posted. Bit much for a first cylce?

I take Milk Thistle for liver support any other item I should add to help my liver?

9 Week Advanced Mass Kit
Week / Test.E / Metanabol / Winstrol :
1) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
2) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
3) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
4) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
5) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
6) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
7) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
8) 500mg/week
9) 500mg/week

Post Cycle Therapy
10) 100mg/day Clomid and 20mg/day Nolvadex
11) 50mg/day Clomid and 20mg/day Nolvadex


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
For liver support go with:
Synthetek's Synthergine (liver protectant)...Link located at the top of the page.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
MRMom said:
Hi drob29 nice to see bean town boys using this site,
I seen this kit it has more than just Test.E
and the PCT is as you posted. Bit much for a first cylce?

I take Milk Thistle for liver support any other item I should add to help my liver?

9 Week Advanced Mass Kit
Week / Test.E / Metanabol / Winstrol :
1) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
2) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
3) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
4) 500mg/week 20mg/day 20mg/day
5) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
6) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
7) 500mg/week -------------- 20mg/day
8) 500mg/week
9) 500mg/week

Post Cycle Therapy
10) 100mg/day Clomid and 20mg/day Nolvadex
11) 50mg/day Clomid and 20mg/day Nolvadex

That cycle is ok (compounds) but you could do so much better. There is no need for metanabol. If it is your first cycle then test e at 500mg alone would be ideal. But if you wanna add an oral then I would pick anavar or turinabol. They are not "strong" but really good. You want to put mass on but a manageable amount so either oral will be fine with the test. I would add proviron into your cycle at 25mg per day to harden you up (the anavar will do that too). I would run the test for 11 weeks and the anavar for about 6-8 weeks at a dose of about 35mg per day. You should use HCG at 500IU every 7 days whilst on.

As it is your first cycle you will need a anti-e on hand for during (that is a must anyway) incase you are extra sensitive. I would rec armidex at dose of 0.5mg per day. If your using the proviron too then even 0.25mg per day would do.

That cycle suggestion is really fucked up cos it starts PCT straightaway! That could mislead many people who just buy it and think that will be cool because it is written on a website. You need to wait 2 weeks after you last injection then start PCT. You need to run PCT for 3 weeks and not 2. So my full cycle for you would be.

Week 1-11= Test E or C at 500mg per week (2 injections Mon and Thurs at 250mg)
Week 1-6/8= Anavar at 35mg per day
Week 3-13= Armidex at 0.5mg per day (if more sensitive to test then 0.75mg if less sensitive then 0.25mg)
Week 6-13= Proviron at 25mg per day
Week 3-11= HCG at 500IU every 7 days


Week 14-17- Clomid at 200mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg per day, days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 14-16= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 18= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

Anavar is slighty liver toxic as is test (lower). Armidex is liver toxic too so all together you need a good liver protector. The best is synthergine and kawasaki mentions were to get that. But getting liv52 and milk thistle would likely do the job although they are not very strong but they would help. You should get a good multi-vitamin too. Drink lots of water and make sure you diet and training is spot on as they are the most important elements to any cycle. Hope it helps. Kev
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New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Elvia1023 said:
Week 1-11= Test E or C at 500mg per week (2 injections Mon and Thurs at 250mg)
Week 1-6/8= Anavar at 35mg per day
Week 3-13= Armidex at 0.5mg per day (if more sensitive to test then 0.75mg if less sensitive then 0.25mg)
Week 6-13= Proviron at 25mg per day
Week 3-11= HCG at 500IU every 7 days


Week 14-17- Clomid at 200mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg per day, days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 14-16= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 18= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

100% gains = 60% diet/rest + 25% workout + 15% AAS. Make SURE you spend as much time on the 60 and 25% as on the 15.

I also seen this kit, Looks like it has the items you posted.
I would then buy Anavar, Armidex and the Porviron on the side and follow the cycle layout.

As for 100%-60%-25%-15% layout you gave here is were I’m at on that,
I eat Chicken, Broccoli & Brown Rice six times a day and have a 60g protein shake with each meal, I only have red meat once a week I weigh and cut my meat to length each meal has 3-3-3oz of Chicken, Broccoli & Brown Rice. I only train on Sun, Tues & Thurs cardio is on Mon & Fri. Being I’m a stay home dad I get a great deal of rest bed at 9/10pm EST up at 6am EST so about 8hrs of sleep on avenge.

:confused: As for the 15% AAS not sure what this is if you could please advise:confused:

Cycle #2 (SILVER) [NewCyc2] $230.00 USD
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 11 to 12: Rest
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

3 x CLOMID 50mg by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
1 x CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg by HUBEI PHARM (backorder) (Size: 50 tabs)
2 x NOLVADEX 10mg by HEXAL (Germany) (Size: 100 tabs)
3 x TESTOSTERON-C DEPOT 10ml vial by Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Thanks for all the help,
I'm happy I came to the boards to get informed; You all have been so great with helping. I feel much better spending my cash now.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Bro, you're making it too complicated...Run with this:
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 11 to 12: Rest
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Great this is what all get then it is just at you posted and the cost is not that bad,

Cycle #2 (SILVER) [NewCyc2] $230.00 USD
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 11 to 12: Rest
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

As for the Clenbuterol for PCT what is the best dose? Per-day, Per-Week and for how long? or I'm I geting it I run it for weeks 13 to 15 also?

3 x CLOMID 50mg by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
1 x CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg by HUBEI PHARM (backorder) (Size: 50 tabs)
2 x NOLVADEX 10mg by HEXAL (Germany) (Size: 100 tabs)
3 x TESTOSTERON-C DEPOT 10ml vial by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
MRMom said:
Great this is what all get then it is just at you posted and the cost is not that bad,

Cycle #2 (SILVER) [NewCyc2] $230.00 USD
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 11 to 12: Rest
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

3 x CLOMID 50mg by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
1 x CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg by HUBEI PHARM (backorder) (Size: 50 tabs)
2 x NOLVADEX 10mg by HEXAL (Germany) (Size: 100 tabs)
3 x TESTOSTERON-C DEPOT 10ml vial by Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Yeah that will be cool. I wasn't the one who done the percentages thing. All drob meant was people think it is 100% steroids and they don't put the effort in diet and training and rest. But all elements are vital if you want a successful cycle. So he was just saying his opinion on the percentages which he was right. But to be honest they can be all important as each other cos if you miss one i.e. resT then you mess up your cycle. I don't mean you mess up your hormones but just the performance of it. You eat the same meal 6 times per day? Wow... you must hate the site of chicken now! You should mix it up alittle.

1st cycles should be nice and simple and with as few compounds as possible. So the above is a very good cycle. If you doing clen then do that in the 2 weeks rest period but again that is not completey needed. My suggestion of proviron isn't either so you can scrap that. What I suggested is complex and most will think too much to take it for a 1st time and I understand that completely.

But to be honest what I suggested simply covers all bases and although many will say it's too complicated to me it's not. But I understand cos some of my mates have difficulty remembering how and when to inject just test c alone so if you throw in other 3/4 compounds they would be lost. Thats why a good suggestion for any cycle would be to have a diary and just write in eveything you need to take in that particular day. So I just tick off when I have my nolva and proviron and test c etc etc etc

That cycle suggestion is a cool one and you will get great results from it. I just said the pro cos it really does help harden you up and it is $30 for 50 days supply so super cheap.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If your gonna do clen just start of with 20mcg. The usually protocol is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. You can do it whenever but I would just do it in the 2 weeks rest period or during PCT.

I am doing it for the first time soon myself. I plan to do it for 2 weeks at the end of my cycle and then 2 week later start it again during the start of my PCT. Most people can be very sensitive to it and no one can say how much you will be able to manage with. You should get used to the feeling within 1 week or so. Strt with 20mcg and maybe do that for 2 days then move up to 40mcg and so on. The most I would say you should go to is 100mcg per day Put it this way I am only going up to 60mcg per day! If I feel ok with that I might do 80mcg. Many do excess of 100 easy but I feel there will be no need and I don't wanna be too hot etc etc. In the 2 weeks you need to gradually go up to the max after 1 week or so and then taper it back down so you finish on the 20mcg for the final 2 days.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Boston, Ma, USA
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 3-10= Proviron at 25mg per day “Not in the kit I would buy on the side
Week 11 to 12: Rest “Use the Clenbuterol day 1 & 2 at 20mg / day 3 to 5 at 30mg / day 6 to 10 at 50mg / day 11 to 12 at 30mg / day 13 to 14 20mg stop use. Did I get this right ramp up then ramp down?
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

If this looks good I'm going to place my order and put this to bed. I will wait for any last post so let me know if I got the cycle layout on the money.

Would this be a good combo set or not?
INSULIN, HGH, HCG, PEPTIDE SYRINGE/NEEDLE COMBO 29g 1/2" needle with100IU (1ml) syringe 100 per box
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
MRMom said:
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 3-10= Proviron at 25mg per day “Not in the kit I would buy on the side
Week 11 to 12: Rest “Use the Clenbuterol day 1 & 2 at 20mg / day 3 to 5 at 30mg / day 6 to 10 at 50mg / day 11 to 12 at 30mg / day 13 to 14 20mg stop use. Did I get this right ramp up then ramp down?
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

If this looks good I'm going to place my order and put this to bed. I will wait for any last post so let me know if I got the cycle layout on the money.

Yeah that cycle looks spot on. It is nice and simple and will give you great results. The test takes atleast 3 weeks to properly kick in so to realize the difference the proviron will give (and it's best to do this anyway) start it in week 5 or even 6. Cos I can almost guarantee you will notice lots more size after 5 weeks. But of course alot of that will be water based due to estrogen and you may have afew more fatty deposits (all to be expected). Then when you start the pro at 25mg per day you will feel the difference physically (hardness) and it will give you alittle boost too. By the way it is used to treat libido problems at times so it will make you harder in all areas! I love the stuff but everyone is different but it's not gonna do anything bad so always worth a go. Oh continue taking the the pro till your PCT (so in the 2 weeks break). Test C has an active life of about 2 weeks so that is why you have to wait that long before starting PCT (incase you didn't know).

If you use Alinshop it is 50 days supply for $30 so if you start it week the beginning of week 6 you finish it just b4 your PCT so great timing.

The clen you say sounds good. I haven't taken it yet but I know many who have and they go up to 100 or so. But 50 sounds fine. They are 20mcg tabs so you just split them in half to do the 30's and 50's. It will be good and the shakes etc won't be so bad and it will help cut you up at the end so do that. If you react well to it then maybe look at doing 20, 40, 60. I am not going above 60mcg cos it is my first time and I don't want to be too hot etc.

So it looks like you are sorted for your cycle. Nice and simple and test is great as everyone will agree.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Week 1 - 10= 500mg of test c or e per week (250mg in 2 injections)
Week 6 - 12= Proviron at 25mg per day

Week 11 - 12= Use the Clenbuterol day 1 & 2 at 20mg / day 3 to 5 at 30mg / day 6 to 10 at 50mg / day 11 to 12 at 30mg / day 13 to 14 20mg stop use. Just kept the one you suggested. You could do 20, 40, 60, 40, 20.

Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

You are ordering alot of nolva aren't you? You should have lots just incase you need it for during your cycle.

The needles you need are anything like 23G and 25G etc

Length then 5/8 are good for most body parts. But for your glutes (for you) I would rec 1 inch pins.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Oh and 1ml sryinges would do cos you are just doing 2 250mg injections per week. And test will be 250mg per ml.

I use sachets and put it all in the same syringe so use 5ml ones. So just get 5/8 or 1 pins that are about 25G


Nov 13, 2005
kawasaki1 said:
Bro, you're making it too complicated...Run with this:
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
Week 11 to 12: Rest
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Clenbuterol for PCT

bump this.

You dont need to get a kit, just go select individual items and put them in your cart.

the bottom line: TEST ONLY, two weeks off, then PCT!!!!