Weightlifting Supplements..


New member
May 11, 2010
Although the widely shared opinion is that no significant muscle gain can be achieved without weightlifting supplements, this is not always true. This is totally false particularly since the solution for good bodybuilding nutrition is in natural foods. Even the chemical reactions for hormone secretion can be triggered by diet. To cut a long story short: weightlifting supplements can be synthetic or natural. Some are safe, some are dangerous, some are useful and others totally inefficient; you have to be very carefully what you buy, how you administrate and how you stay healthy.

Many products have no FDA approval although they claim to be natural weightlifting supplements; it's best to avoid them. Choosing on recommendation, this is one very safe way of getting something of real quality and tested results. A health care provider or a coach should know how to guide you for a good bodybuilding nutrition. You have to know how to combine weightlifting supplements that contain minerals and vitamins with others that rely on protein alone. Even herbal extracts are used to stimulate the hormone secretion and boost up muscle growth.

We should further mention amino acids as favorite weightlifting supplements. They are usually available in a large number of foods and can be included in every meal you have. Every type of amino acid plays a separate role in the maintenance and the growth of the muscle fibers. Meat and fish are the richest in amino acids, or you can choose to buy some very concentrated but expensive weightlifting supplements to increase the daily intake. Do not administrate supplements chaotically because you may cause a body over-stimulation.

We should also point out that weightlifting supplements are sometimes used for recovery purposes in order to produce muscle mass in a shorter period of time. The majority of such intense ingredients are of a synthetic origin and they should be used with care and caution. Check the items you buy for FDA approval or medical certification because you can thus be sure of the product quality. If the product is approved, at least you have a guarantee concerning the safety and the health risks. Always read the instructions carefully and do not administrate by the ear.