

Sep 17, 2003
Vitamins and Minerals - Uses and Sources VITAMIN USE IN BODY SOURCE

Vitamin A (whole) Needed for new cell growth, healthy skin, hair, and tissues, and vision in dim light Dark green and yellow vegetables and yellow fruits, such as broccoli spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and apricots, and in animal sources such as liver, milk, butter, cheese, and whole eggs.

Vitamin D Promotes absorption and use of calcium and phosphate for healthy bones and teeth Milk (fortified), cheese, whole eggs, liver, salmon, and fortified margarine. The skin can synthesize vitamin D if exposed to enough sunlight on a regular basis.

Vitamin E Protects red blood cells and helps prevent destruction of vitamin A and C margarine and vegetable oil (soybean, corn, safflower, and cottonseed), wheat germ, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin K Necessary for normal blood clotting and synthesis of proteins found in plasma, bone, and kidneys. Spinach, lettuce, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, wheat bran, organ meats, cereals, some fruits, meats, dairy products, eggs.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) An antioxidant vitamin needed for the formation of collagen to hold the cells together and for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels; improves iron absorption and resistance to infection. Many fresh vegetables and fruits, such as broccoli, green and red peppers, collard greens, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, lemon, cabbage, pineapples, strawberries, citrus fruits

Thiamin (B1) Needed for energy metabolism and the proper function of the nervous system Whole grains, soybeans, peas, liver, kidney, lean cuts of pork, legumes, seeds, and nuts.

Riboflavin (B2) Needed for energy metabolism, building tissue, and helps maintain good vision. Dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, grains, broccoli, turnip greens, asparagus, spinach, and enriched food products.

Niacin Needed for energy metabolism, proper digestion, and healthy nervous system Lean meats, liver, poultry, milk, canned salmon, leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Needed for cell growth Chicken, fish, pork, liver, kidney, whole grains, nuts, and legumes

Folate (Folic Acid) Promotes normal digestion; essential for development of red blood cells Liver, yeast, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, and some fruits.

Vitamin B12 Needed for building proteins in the body, red blood cells, and normal function of nervous tissue Liver, kidney, yogurt, dairy products, fish, clams, oysters, nonfat dry milk, salmon, sardines

Calcium Needed for healthy bones and teeth, normal blood clotting, and nervous system functioning Dairy products, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tofu, sardines and salmon

Iron Needed for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the body cells Meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains and enriched food products

Phosphorus Needed for healthy bones and teeth, energy metabolism, and acidbase balance in the body Milk, grains, lean meats, food additives
Magnesium Needed for healthy bones and teeth, proper nervous system functioning, and energy metabolism Dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, green vegetables, legumes

Zinc Needed for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair Meat, seafood, and liver, eggs, milk, whole-grain products

Pantothenic Acid Needed for energy metabolism Egg yolk, liver, kidney, yeast, broccoli, lean beef, skim milk, sweet potatoes, molasses

Copper Needed for synthesis of hemoglobin, proper iron metabolism, and maintenance of blood vessels Seafood, nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables

Manganese Needed for enzyme structure Whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, tea

Potassium Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, support cell integrity, muscle contractions, nerve impulse transmission Meats, milks, fruits, grains, vegetables, legumes

Iodine Regulate growth, development and metabolism Iodized salt, seafood, bread, dairy products

Chloride Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, proper digestion Table salt, soy sauce, processed foods

Sodium Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance Table salt, soy sauce, processed foods

Selenium Works with Vitamin E as an antioxidant Seafood, meat, grains

Manganese Facilitator of many cell processes Widely distributed in foods

Fluoride Formation of bones and teeth Drinking water, tea, seafood

Chromium Release of energy from glucose Meat, unrefined foods, fats, vegetable oils

Molybdenum Facilitator of many cell processes Legumes, cereals, organ meats