Violent Toronto Police

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
Do You ever think that Toronto's Police Department ... or even any police department are supposed to be Roll-Models for todays youth... I believe that even if they have No previouse backround that they should be prosecuted more harsh than any other. A police officer is hired as A) a person to make sure the Law is in Place. B) to be a roll-model to Canadian youth or even some adults. People will think... "hmm... if the cop does it... why dont I... he got away with it" ... People are to nieve to notice that a cop is a roll-model.. and that they should have a more harsh punishment for crime.

Do you think Cops should be roll-model?


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Yes, they should, along with politicians (hah), men of the cloth, many should. Basically all adults should and be accountable.


Feb 6, 2004
I believe they should be role models for children. Our biased media is always beating them up when a few cross the line, or even if they dont cross the line, the media portrays it as if they do. The police in my city have pretty much shut down. They dont chase bad guys on foot because they have a new foot chase policy that gets them in trouble if they dont abide by it to the letter. They dont allow them to chase bad guys in cars anymore because an innocent bystander may get hurt. They have all kinds of civilian review boards that are anti-police and judge their every move. The police here has finally wisened up and are giving the public the service they want and deserve...NONE. Until the press leaves the police alone and stops hammering them on every move they make, I dont blame them for not doing anything. They few I talk with said if its not their home being burglarized, their car being stolen, or their family being assaulted, they simply dont care anymore. Who could blame them?

Do I think they should be held to a higher standard? No, I dont. All citizens should be treated equally in the court system.They already prosecute police more so than any other civilian that commits the same crime, and they also punish them departmentally. Thats basically called double jeopardy in the courts.
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
Just putting in my 2 cents. I dont think when you become a cop that you are taking on the mantle of being a role model. Its a job, a dangerous necessary job, but a job nonetheless. Cops are looked up to however, and I think the code of conduct of a cop is always under scrutiny cause the job is so exposed and public.

I think that we are way too caught up in what is a role model...shouldnt your role models be your dad and your grandad. Just do your job well, whatever it is and dont be a shit...and I bet you 99.99% of cops do just that.

As for punishing someone more harshly cause they have been elevated to the status of role model...I say bullshit on that. Take for example pro ball players who use aas...give me a break...they are losing thousands if not millions, villified in the press and spit on by fans, but because it is fashionable to ride the anti aas merrygoround they are being crucified...and by everyone

NOw if you will open your hymnals to page 100 we will take up the collection



Registered User
Oct 19, 2004
I work as a bouncer, and not 2 months ago had an undercover come in and slam a kid on his face. Why? Because the kid "touched" the officer.

First off, the officer did not identify himself to staff or customers as a police officer.
Second, because a 110lb asian touched him, is not a reason to slam him to the ground and cuff him.
Third, the kid was 21 years old, well old enough to drink. And if the officer had only waited a minute, the kid would have produced his ID.


Feb 6, 2004
remylebeau said:
I work as a bouncer, and not 2 months ago had an undercover come in and slam a kid on his face. Why? Because the kid "touched" the officer.

First off, the officer did not identify himself to staff or customers as a police officer.
Second, because a 110lb asian touched him, is not a reason to slam him to the ground and cuff him.
Third, the kid was 21 years old, well old enough to drink. And if the officer had only waited a minute, the kid would have produced his ID.

Was the undercover cop armed with a gun? Im betting he was. He is trained not to let people touch him. If the kid would have taken the cops gun and shot you or someone else in the bar, then everyone would blame the cop. The cop probably didn't tell you he was a cop because he was undercover. How can he check the bar and make sure they are conducting business in accordance with their licensing if he told you who he was?

The problem with our society today is everyone wants to place blame elsewhere. Cops are an easy target to blame being in the public eye as was mentioned. When I was a kid and saw the cops chase a guy, kick his ass, and haul him away, I said, "I wonder what that bad guy did?" Today, given the same scenario, people say, "Look at the brutal cops!" They dont know or care what the crook did. He may have just raped a baby, shot the mother and was running. Nobody cares though. Their job is truely thankless. Yes, there is assholes in their profession. Every profession has them. At least cops are doing something that most are either afraid to do, or wouldnt have a clue how to do it. Im personally glad we have them.