UG vs. legit

UG labs provide better results than legit pharmaceutical manufacturers.

  • Strongly agree

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Agree

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Strongly disagree

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • don't know

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters


I love boobs
Mar 9, 2005
well the way i understood your question is what do we prefer? ug or legit companies product. Is that correct? I want to make sure before i turn this thread into something it's not.


Mar 31, 2004
thunderterd said:
well the way i understood your question is what do we prefer? ug or legit companies product. Is that correct? I want to make sure before i turn this thread into something it's not.

Yes, I would just like us to explain the differences in gains that we've made. Or, for what other reason we prefer one over the other.


I love boobs
Mar 9, 2005
OK, here it is...

first cycle...qv test e with a 4 week dbol kickstart. 10 weeks total. body weight up about 15 pounds. Bench max up about 50. Awful acne on my back, emotional rollercoaster. couldn't wait to finish.

now, 9th week of cycle 2...i feel great, a little wierd first few weeks (i'm using gen pharma test e 500mg a week and deca 400 a week)
By week 5, my bench max was up 60 pounds and now at week 9, my bench max is up 90 pounds. No bloat, my body weight is where it was when i started my cycle, which is what i wanted. I look and feel so much better from this product. We'll see how i keep the gains...

Genpharma seems to be more potent and a cleaner product.

So, to answer your question, my experience with a ug lab blew away my experience with a legit lab.


Mar 31, 2004
thunderterd said:
OK, here it is...

first cycle...qv test e with a 4 week dbol kickstart. 10 weeks total. body weight up about 15 pounds. Bench max up about 50. Awful acne on my back, emotional rollercoaster. couldn't wait to finish.

now, 9th week of cycle 2...i feel great, a little wierd first few weeks (i'm using gen pharma test e 500mg a week and deca 400 a week)
By week 5, my bench max was up 60 pounds and now at week 9, my bench max is up 90 pounds. No bloat, my body weight is where it was when i started my cycle, which is what i wanted. I look and feel so much better from this product. We'll see how i keep the gains...

Genpharma seems to be more potent and a cleaner product.

So, to answer your question, my experience with a ug lab blew away my experience with a legit lab.

Nice man. I am not yet partial to either but I would advise this - know that there is quite a differece between legit human products and legit vet products! My poll doesnt really specify this. Maybe I should post another poll so that we can all vote on this other issue. I guess what I'm saying is this - there are 3 categories. Legit human grade, UG human grade, and vet grade. I would not turn my back on legit human grade because of negative experiences with vet stuff.


homebrew and gen pharma for me......never do anything else


Feb 6, 2004
I would have to say its a toss up as for gains made and depends on several factors as to what you choose.
#1, is your underground lab a good one or IP shit?

#2, With pharmaceutical grade, I know its going to be clean because it was packaged in sterile conditions

#3, homebrew is a lot cheaper than anytting UG or Pharm grade, and if I make it myself, I know I took proper precautions when I made it to hopefully avoid contaminating the product, and I know it is what its supposed to be.

#4 With legal pharm grade (a prescription), Johnny Law can't touch me.:2gunsfiri


Mar 31, 2004
tee said:
I would have to say its a toss up as for gains made and depends on several factors as to what you choose.
#1, is your underground lab a good one or IP shit?

#2, With pharmaceutical grade, I know its going to be clean because it was packaged in sterile conditions

#3, homebrew is a lot cheaper than anytting UG or Pharm grade, and if I make it myself, I know I took proper precautions when I made it to hopefully avoid contaminating the product, and I know it is what its supposed to be.

#4 With legal pharm grade (a prescription), Johnny Law can't touch me.:2gunsfiri

I would like for everybody to vote based only on gains in size and strength.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Well I'm in week 2 with G-P d-bols...I made 6 more reps on my major set of 10....I went from a hard 4 at 295-10 @ 295...In 2 weeks....I did add an under armour shirt under neath..I can't imagine that helping that much...I know the deca and cyp could not have kicked in that quick...I'm just doing 1 25mg cap..I just bumped it up to 2-25mg caps and added 2 10mg B-D methabols.....These areactual gains from G-p


Sep 19, 2004
thunderterd said:
OK, here it is...

first cycle...qv test e with a 4 week dbol kickstart. 10 weeks total. body weight up about 15 pounds. Bench max up about 50. Awful acne on my back, emotional rollercoaster. couldn't wait to finish.

now, 9th week of cycle 2...i feel great, a little wierd first few weeks (i'm using gen pharma test e 500mg a week and deca 400 a week)
By week 5, my bench max was up 60 pounds and now at week 9, my bench max is up 90 pounds. No bloat, my body weight is where it was when i started my cycle, which is what i wanted. I look and feel so much better from this product. We'll see how i keep the gains...

Genpharma seems to be more potent and a cleaner product.

So, to answer your question, my experience with a ug lab blew away my experience with a legit lab.

Please explain what you mean about your body weight. It sounds like you are saying that your bench went up 90lbs but you didn't gain any weight.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
imdaman1 said:
I would like for everybody to vote based only on gains in size and strength.
I would have to disagree that UG provides better results than legit pharmaceautical, but in my experience they are equal. Pharaceautical grade doesn't give me better benefits than UG.

So, based on the way the question is worded, I would have to say I disagree.
"UG labs provide better results than legit pharmaceutical manufacturers"
I just don't want my vote to indicate that it's worse.


to me this is a very unfair poll. with legit pharmacy grade products, there are many factors that make them better but actual gains results would indicate otherwise.
ug labs have a tendancy to overdose their products to ensure you get at least what you paid for. legit pharmacy grade products tend to be almost exactly what is advertised on the label. if you did 2 cycles, one with ug & the other with legit pharmacy grade, and ran them at the exact same dosages, the ug will probably give you better overall gains cause you would more than likely be injecting a higher dosage than what the label states.

i have used both ug & legit pharmacy grade and i prefer the legit stuff even though my gains may have been greater with uglabs. i also just dont like the idea of here today gone tomorrow, which we see with most of the ug labs that come around. i also see to high an incidence of uglabs eventually underdosing products and ripping people off right before they decide to get out of this high risk career.
this is just my opinion, but having a poll with gains being the determining factor as to which is better, is just not a good way to judge the differences between them cause they are like night & day.


Mar 31, 2004
pincrusher said:
to me this is a very unfair poll. with legit pharmacy grade products, there are many factors that make them better but actual gains results would indicate otherwise.
ug labs have a tendancy to overdose their products to ensure you get at least what you paid for. legit pharmacy grade products tend to be almost exactly what is advertised on the label. if you did 2 cycles, one with ug & the other with legit pharmacy grade, and ran them at the exact same dosages, the ug will probably give you better overall gains cause you would more than likely be injecting a higher dosage than what the label states.

i have used both ug & legit pharmacy grade and i prefer the legit stuff even though my gains may have been greater with uglabs. i also just dont like the idea of here today gone tomorrow, which we see with most of the ug labs that come around. i also see to high an incidence of uglabs eventually underdosing products and ripping people off right before they decide to get out of this high risk career.
this is just my opinion, but having a poll with gains being the determining factor as to which is better, is just not a good way to judge the differences between them cause they are like night & day.

Brother, the last thing I wanted to do is offend you! This purpose of this particular poll is clear and I believe it will be very useful. Don't get me wrong - many bros will stick to names such as British Dragon whole-heartedly - and I don't blame them! BD produces world-class products which are unmatched in quality and purity! I will say that I definitely recommend BD products for all those who do not wish to take chances on quality! On the other hand, these great products can be somewhat costly and we are all looking at both ends of the spectrum. No hard feelings?
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2004
imdaman1 said:
I would like for everybody to vote based only on gains in size and strength.

In that case, I would say I saw no difference as long as its a reliable underground lab.