Turanabol Oral Cycle Help


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
O.K. Brothers... I have decided to do a cycle with my younger brother using Turanabol (not looking for huge mass gains but lean muscle, etc.) We are both over 6 feet tall, and over 200 lbs already (he's 205 I'm 230.) Our BF % is probably in the range of 12 to 15 %. If I could add another oral what would be a good choice? My criteria for the original decision were 1. Chance of sides 2. effecacy of the compound 3. feedback I had gotten from you and others. I know in the eyes of some I'm a pussy for not using an injectible, but I wanted to do a cycle with my training partner (brother) that was the same, and he wussed out on the needles. as always I value and apreciate all your advise. :)


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
Chris is absolutely right -- you cannot be serious about anabolics unless you overcome your fear of needles. The reason, and you may know this already, is that the oral meds wreak HAVOC on your liver since the liver needs to metabolize and breakdown the compound so your body can use it. Intramuscular injections act by bypassing the liver and release into the blood stream. I too was squimish at first about pins but you get over it quickly -- I promise. I urge you to re-evaluate your approach.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
British Dragan makes Turanabol tabs bro and one of the sources here has them in stock. I disagree about your coment, and am sure I cant be the first guy who has done a cycle with only orals. I'm not sure if d-bol and t-bol would mix well, due to the fact that they are so similar chemically. If I were to add an injectible I was thinking of Boldenone (EQ).


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
I'm hearing you all loud and clear. and for the record I personally have no fear of needles (I give blood regularly...good ole Type O Hero!) I was just trying to do the same cycle as my little bro. I was looking at test for the fall, and if using an injectible, I guess I would ask if there is a good alternative. I am reading up on Equipoise, Parabolan, Tren, etc. As always, I'm looking for low androgenic side effects. My brother did a cycle with an oral I have never heard of called "bolasterone". It said "blasterone V-10" on the bottle. He got huge fast on what ever this stuff was. Ever hear of it?


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
chris 1 said:
I think Blasterone is a prhormone version of boldonone {eq}. Your better off with your little brother not wanting to shoot. I started out in 11th grade with d-bol and methytest. I did not wnat to shoot either . Than I shot 1 bottel of test . I had to have my friend do it for me. i could not push the needle in. My next cycle I shot myself after that a put needles evey where and never stoped since 1991.

Thanks Chris, Wolfy, and all! I appreciate the time you all took to answer my posts and the advise you all have given me. Now here is another question. I have already purchased the Turanabol tabs and would like your opinion on an injectible to use in conjunction with them. Something other then Test (yes, yes I know Test is king). What do you think of EQ or Primo? Just in case here are my vitals.

Age = 31
Height = 6' 1"
Weight = 230 Lbs
Body Fat = 13 %

I am not looking for 20 lbs of muscle here. I want high quality lean muscle gains with little or no water retention and low or no estrogenic sides.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
Freejay said:
Thanks Chris, Wolfy, and all! I appreciate the time you all took to answer my posts and the advise you all have given me. Now here is another question. I have already purchased the Turanabol tabs and would like your opinion on an injectible to use in conjunction with them. Something other then Test (yes, yes I know Test is king). What do you think of EQ or Primo? Just in case here are my vitals.

Age = 31
Height = 6' 1"
Weight = 230 Lbs
Body Fat = 13 %

I am not looking for 20 lbs of muscle here. I want high quality lean muscle gains with little or no water retention and low or no estrogenic sides.

I think primo would be a good one to try.


here is some info on turanabol by BD

Oral-Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed during the early 1960"s.

OT has a predominantly anabolic effect which is combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a scale of 1 to 100 the androgenic effect is very low only a 6- and the anabolic effect is 53. (In comparison: the androgenic effect of Dianabol is 45 and its anabolic effect is 90.) Oral-Turinabol thus has milligram for milligram a lower effect than Dianabol. It is therefore not a steroid that causes a rapid gain in strength, weight, and muscle mass. Rather, the achievable results manifest themselves in a solid muscle gain and, if taken over several weeks, also in a good strength gain. The athlete will certainly not get a puffy look as is the case with Testosterone, Dianabol, and Anadrol 50. The maximum blood concentration of Oral-Turinabol when taking 10, 20 or 40 mg/day is 1.5 -3.5 or 4.5 times the endogenous testosterone concentration (also see Dianabol). This clearly shows that the effectiveness of this compound strongly depends on the dosage.

0.4 x pound (body weight) x days = number of tablets to take overall during the interval of intake
mg / tablet

An athlete weighing 200 pounds would take only 2 tablets of 10 mg (20mg/day.) Bodybuilders take 8-10 tablets of 5 mg, that is 40-50 mg/day. Many enthusiastically report good results with this dosage: one builds a solid muscle mass, the strength gain is worthwhile seeing, the water retention is very low, and the estrogen caused side effects are rare. Not without good reason OT is also popular among powerlifters and weightlifters who appreciate these characteristics.

Due to its characteristics OT is also a suitable steroid both for men and women in competitions. A usually very effective stack for male bodybuilders consists of 50 mg OT/day, 228 mg Parabolan/week, and 150 mg Winstrol Depot/week. Those who have brought their body fat content to a low level by dieting and/or by using fatburning substances (e.g. Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Salbutamol, Cytomel, Triacana), will find that the above steroid combination will manifest itself in hard, sharply defined but still dense and full muscles. No enlarged breasts, no estrogen surplus, and no watery, puffy looking muscle system. If OT were available on the U.S. black market for steroids, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters would go crazy for this East German anabolic.

OT enjoys a great popularity since it is quickly broken down by the body and the metabolites are excreted relatively quickly through the urine. The often posed question regarding how many days before a test OT can be taken in order to be "clean" is difficult to answer specifically or in general. We know from a reli-able source that athletes who only take OT as a steroid and who, in part, take dosages of 10- 15 tablets/day, have discontinued the com-pound exactly five days before a doping test and tested negative. These indications are supported by the fact that even positive urine analyses have rarely mentioned the names Oral-Turinabol or chlordehydromethyl-testosterone.

The potential side effects of OT usually depend on the dosage level and are gender-specific. in women, depending on their predisposition, the usual virilization symptoms occur and increase when dosages of more than 20 mg per day are taken over a prolonged time. In men the already discussed reduced testosterone production can rarely be avoided. Gynecomastia occurs rarely with OT Since the response of the water and electrolyte household is not overly dis-tinct athletes only rarely report water retention and high blood pressure. Acne, gastrointestinal pain, and uncontrolled aggressive behavior are also the exception rather than the rule with OT An increased libido is reported in most cases by both sexes. Since the substance chlordehydromethyltestosterone is 17-alpha alkylated the manufacturer in its package insert recommends that the liver func-tion be checked regularly since it can be negatively affected by high dosages and the risk of possible liver damage cannot be excluded. Thus OT is also a steroid that can be taken without interruption for long intervals. Studies of male athletes who over a period of six weeks were given 10 mg OT/day did not show any indications of health-threatening effects.

Till now, the availability of OT was extremely poor. British Dragon has now made this very poular product available to you.
the bolasterone your little brother used is an old product from about 30 yrs ago. it was extremely popular back then but was very harsh on your body. RSOC introduced a new version of bolasterone called blasteron that had a slight modification to it to make it less hazardous on your body but still maintain quite a punch when it came to strength and weight gains. i have used the bolasterone product and absolutely love it. made the biggest strength gains ever when using this product at a dosage of 20mg ed.

for your cycle i suggest test cyp or enanthate. it will be much cheaper than primo and you can control your gains with your diet. eat clean and adjust your daily intake till you hit a spot where you are gaining lean muscle without adding to much fat,

concerning your little brother, i suggest you try to talk him into using an injectible. offer to do the injections for him the first few times till he see's that they are painless when done in the glutes. even if it meant once per week injections of either test product i already mentioned he would be much better off than oral only cycles. at 1.5ml 1x per week, he would certainly be getting enough test to have a good working cycle that will give him better quality keepable gains than oral only cycles will.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
pincrusher said:
here is some info on turanabol by BD

Oral-Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed during the early 1960"s.

OT has a predominantly anabolic effect which is combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a scale of 1 to 100 the androgenic effect is very low only a 6- and the anabolic effect is 53. (In comparison: the androgenic effect of Dianabol is 45 and its anabolic effect is 90.) Oral-Turinabol thus has milligram for milligram a lower effect than Dianabol. It is therefore not a steroid that causes a rapid gain in strength, weight, and muscle mass. Rather, the achievable results manifest themselves in a solid muscle gain and, if taken over several weeks, also in a good strength gain. The athlete will certainly not get a puffy look as is the case with Testosterone, Dianabol, and Anadrol 50. The maximum blood concentration of Oral-Turinabol when taking 10, 20 or 40 mg/day is 1.5 -3.5 or 4.5 times the endogenous testosterone concentration (also see Dianabol). This clearly shows that the effectiveness of this compound strongly depends on the dosage.

0.4 x pound (body weight) x days = number of tablets to take overall during the interval of intake
mg / tablet

An athlete weighing 200 pounds would take only 2 tablets of 10 mg (20mg/day.) Bodybuilders take 8-10 tablets of 5 mg, that is 40-50 mg/day. Many enthusiastically report good results with this dosage: one builds a solid muscle mass, the strength gain is worthwhile seeing, the water retention is very low, and the estrogen caused side effects are rare. Not without good reason OT is also popular among powerlifters and weightlifters who appreciate these characteristics.

Due to its characteristics OT is also a suitable steroid both for men and women in competitions. A usually very effective stack for male bodybuilders consists of 50 mg OT/day, 228 mg Parabolan/week, and 150 mg Winstrol Depot/week. Those who have brought their body fat content to a low level by dieting and/or by using fatburning substances (e.g. Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Salbutamol, Cytomel, Triacana), will find that the above steroid combination will manifest itself in hard, sharply defined but still dense and full muscles. No enlarged breasts, no estrogen surplus, and no watery, puffy looking muscle system. If OT were available on the U.S. black market for steroids, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters would go crazy for this East German anabolic.

OT enjoys a great popularity since it is quickly broken down by the body and the metabolites are excreted relatively quickly through the urine. The often posed question regarding how many days before a test OT can be taken in order to be "clean" is difficult to answer specifically or in general. We know from a reli-able source that athletes who only take OT as a steroid and who, in part, take dosages of 10- 15 tablets/day, have discontinued the com-pound exactly five days before a doping test and tested negative. These indications are supported by the fact that even positive urine analyses have rarely mentioned the names Oral-Turinabol or chlordehydromethyl-testosterone.

The potential side effects of OT usually depend on the dosage level and are gender-specific. in women, depending on their predisposition, the usual virilization symptoms occur and increase when dosages of more than 20 mg per day are taken over a prolonged time. In men the already discussed reduced testosterone production can rarely be avoided. Gynecomastia occurs rarely with OT Since the response of the water and electrolyte household is not overly dis-tinct athletes only rarely report water retention and high blood pressure. Acne, gastrointestinal pain, and uncontrolled aggressive behavior are also the exception rather than the rule with OT An increased libido is reported in most cases by both sexes. Since the substance chlordehydromethyltestosterone is 17-alpha alkylated the manufacturer in its package insert recommends that the liver func-tion be checked regularly since it can be negatively affected by high dosages and the risk of possible liver damage cannot be excluded. Thus OT is also a steroid that can be taken without interruption for long intervals. Studies of male athletes who over a period of six weeks were given 10 mg OT/day did not show any indications of health-threatening effects.

Till now, the availability of OT was extremely poor. British Dragon has now made this very poular product available to you.
the bolasterone your little brother used is an old product from about 30 yrs ago. it was extremely popular back then but was very harsh on your body. RSOC introduced a new version of bolasterone called blasteron that had a slight modification to it to make it less hazardous on your body but still maintain quite a punch when it came to strength and weight gains. i have used the bolasterone product and absolutely love it. made the biggest strength gains ever when using this product at a dosage of 20mg ed.

for your cycle i suggest test cyp or enanthate. it will be much cheaper than primo and you can control your gains with your diet. eat clean and adjust your daily intake till you hit a spot where you are gaining lean muscle without adding to much fat,

concerning your little brother, i suggest you try to talk him into using an injectible. offer to do the injections for him the first few times till he see's that they are painless when done in the glutes. even if it meant once per week injections of either test product i already mentioned he would be much better off than oral only cycles. at 1.5ml 1x per week, he would certainly be getting enough test to have a good working cycle that will give him better quality keepable gains than oral only cycles will.

Hey Pin,

If I were to take the Taranabol at 20mg perday, how should I breake it up? 1 pill before a workout and maybe one at bedtime? Or one in the AM and one after a workout?


take 1 in the am and 1 about 1 hour before your workout. do not take any orals right before bed.


Sep 19, 2004
23g pin. You don't even feel it. You don't even feel it.

Did I mention, You don't even feel it.