Tren/Winny Only Cycle


New member
May 1, 2005
Hello, I have a copy of the Anabolics 2004 Reference Manual, inside describes certian cycles. One that has caught my eye is the following cycle (word for word guote":

"Tren/Winny (Cutting Cycle)
Wk1 Tren 150mg
Wk2 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk3 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk4 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk5 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk6 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk7 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
Wk8 Tren 150mg Winny 150mg
(This is a potent cutting/hardening cycle. Do not let the low 300-375mg dose fool you. These are two very active steroids, and the combination is sure to provide guite pronounced effects"

Now pertaining to the above I have a few questions:

1). Based upon the general concensus on these boards that you should always include some sort of Test in your cycle. Belive the main isse is Test helps with your overall libido. Now this book is written by some William llewellyn and from reading this serveral times this guy seem pretty knowledgeable. Should a Test be added to this cycle, I have always added Test to my cycles but would think that these two items alone would cut you up alot without the Test...any thoughts.

2) Dosages, this is supposed to be a beginner/medium level cycle. It does not go into detail if this is ED/EOD/E3D/once a week. If someone was to try this cycle, what woudl be the best dosages for a medium cycle, nothing to crazy just a middle or down the road type of cycle eg. 75mg Tren E0D, 50mg Win ED??

3.) Depending on your diet do you think you woudl still be able to gain some lean mass on this cycle. Obviously assuming diet is dialed in.

4.) Has anyone ever tried this, how did you make out?


based on all the posts i have read on various message boards over the years, the absolute best cutting cycle/lean mass would be a prop/tren/winny cycle. it will help prevent lack of libido by having the prop in there but you will still get all the benefits of tren & winny. dosing should be close to this:
weeks 1-10 test prop 100mg eod
weeks 1-10 tren ace 75-100mg eod
weeks 4-10 winny oral 50mg ed or injectible at 50mg eod
start a standard pct therapy about 3 days after the last injection.
although tren/winny would work, it is best to make sure your jewels will remain in proper working order during the cycle :)


Registered User
Nov 27, 2004
what kind of cardio and diet would complement this cylce? High potein intake would still obviously be a must, but would one cut back immensely on carbs? I am interested in trying this one after my current bulking cycle, I just want to keep my energy up for added cardio. I am guessing I will have about 10 lbs of fat to lose.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
ajc197925 said:
what kind of cardio and diet would complement this cylce? High potein intake would still obviously be a must, but would one cut back immensely on carbs? I am interested in trying this one after my current bulking cycle, I just want to keep my energy up for added cardio. I am guessing I will have about 10 lbs of fat to lose.
don't cut back too immensely on the carbs.......the right amount of carbs are just as important as protein.... :cool:


Mar 31, 2004
Zaven said:
don't cut back too immensely on the carbs.......the right amount of carbs are just as important as protein.... :cool:

I would take in 1 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight while running that cycle. And no carbs within 4 hours of bedtime.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
I do my carbs in the morning and my protein at nite...It's worked out pretty good so far


there are a few different ways to take in carbs and have it be effective when trying to cut.
some will do a reverse pyramid and start with their largest amount of carbs early in the day and slowly taper them off as the day goes on
others will only do a small amount of carbs such as some oatmeal in the morning then take in no carbs at all other than a preworkout meal/shake & also a post workout meal/shake.
just make sure you dont consume carbs within 3-4 hours of bedtime like was stated earlier.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
pincrusher said:
there are a few different ways to take in carbs and have it be effective when trying to cut.
some will do a reverse pyramid and start with their largest amount of carbs early in the day and slowly taper them off as the day goes on
others will only do a small amount of carbs such as some oatmeal in the morning then take in no carbs at all other than a preworkout meal/shake & also a post workout meal/shake.
just make sure you dont consume carbs within 3-4 hours of bedtime like was stated earlier.

Yes, The Oatmeal method is what I like. I eat a healthy quantity in the AM and then try to limit my carb intake for the remainder of the day. As to your orriginal question regarding adding test I must clarify the answer you will get from most of us, that being YES you need test. To clarify, YES you can do a Tren/Winny only cycle with great results. To say you absolutly need Test is not entirely accurate. Given the fact that the Tren is actually more anabolic than Test (you can actually grow quite well on it) from a goals standpoint, you would probably have a great cutting/lean mass experience without Test. The Test is simply there to combat the EFFECTS of having your own Test production stop. Test actually shuts down HPTA just like Tren, but since it is Testosterone, your boy will still perform when called to duty. For the sake of argument however, there are those who have used tren with no noticable sexual side effects and some who even report increased libido. I personally don't like scare tactics and that is what I feel a lot of people succomb to when planning their cycle. The bottom line is it's your body, and you must get to know it and how it reacts to AAS's. Now as to adding prop to your cycle I say "why not?" Prop is CHEAP (as are most forms of Test) so why not use a tried and true cycle. Personally, I have found that I am not Gyno prone, and have experienced no negative sides from Test or Masteron (acne, hairloss, etc) which were the basis of my cycle (ending today.) I would be inclined to do it without the Test, but that is just because I'm naturally curious and I want to experiment with the Anabolic potential of Tren on my next cycle. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide! :)


Registered User
May 18, 2005
pincrusher said:
there are a few different ways to take in carbs and have it be effective when trying to cut.
some will do a reverse pyramid and start with their largest amount of carbs early in the day and slowly taper them off as the day goes on
others will only do a small amount of carbs such as some oatmeal in the morning then take in no carbs at all other than a preworkout meal/shake & also a post workout meal/shake.
just make sure you dont consume carbs within 3-4 hours of bedtime like was stated earlier.
good post....I like to consume most my carbs early am......helps keep my muscles pumped throughout the day