tren question


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
Okay so I am on my 4th week of tren and test, and for the past week I bumped the dosage up to 75mg/day. I still have not had any side effects?? I thought surely I would get bad sides from this stuff from what people have said. What are you guys experiences with tren? I am thinking of bumping it to 100mg/day on week 6. Oh forgot to mention I am running 750mg/wk test e. I am also running letro at 2.5mgs, and i am really impressed with this stuff.. no bloat.. hardly any water retention just pure muscle gains. So what u guys think should I bump it up to 100mg's? Cause I have enough don't want to let it go to waste. :)


Registered User
May 5, 2005
I can't say for sure but in my experience little to no side effects are a blessing. it still may be working effectivly.


Registered User
Jun 16, 2005
I was running 100mg every other day with test prop and it was amazing. But I did run into some trouble with some gyno symtoms around week 4 or so. How much longer are you running it?


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
Must be nice. I did a cycle of tren and deca about a year ago and I noticed side effects after 2 weeks. So, personally, I couldn't bump it up, but since you're not experiencing any side effects, why not???


Macstanton said:
Must be nice. I did a cycle of tren and deca about a year ago and I noticed side effects after 2 weeks. So, personally, I couldn't bump it up, but since you're not experiencing any side effects, why not???

probably because those 2 are rarely stack as they are both heavy progestins, not to mention they're the 2 most suppressive drugs there are. tren/deca cycle w/o test is probably the worst thing you can do.


fuzion said:
Okay so I am on my 4th week of tren and test, and for the past week I bumped the dosage up to 75mg/day. I still have not had any side effects?? I thought surely I would get bad sides from this stuff from what people have said. What are you guys experiences with tren? I am thinking of bumping it to 100mg/day on week 6. Oh forgot to mention I am running 750mg/wk test e. I am also running letro at 2.5mgs, and i am really impressed with this stuff.. no bloat.. hardly any water retention just pure muscle gains. So what u guys think should I bump it up to 100mg's? Cause I have enough don't want to let it go to waste. :)
is it tren acetate or tren enanthate? if it is the enth estered version you may not feel much till week 4 or more due to the longer ester.
if this is your first time using tren i would leave the dosage where it is at. if you dont feel anything from the dosage you are currently running i dont think upping it more will do anything else for ya.
tren ace should be felt in the first week, 2nd at latest and the enanthate estered version will start to be felt around week 3-4 but considering your test level it may take a little longer to feel it.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
fuzion said:
Okay so I am on my 4th week of tren and test, and for the past week I bumped the dosage up to 75mg/day. I still have not had any side effects?? I thought surely I would get bad sides from this stuff from what people have said. What are you guys experiences with tren? I am thinking of bumping it to 100mg/day on week 6. Oh forgot to mention I am running 750mg/wk test e. I am also running letro at 2.5mgs, and i am really impressed with this stuff.. no bloat.. hardly any water retention just pure muscle gains. So what u guys think should I bump it up to 100mg's? Cause I have enough don't want to let it go to waste. :)
Isn't 2.5mg ED of Letrozole a little high? I had a post (on a couple of boards) on letrozole a while back and most people (even those gyno prone) seemed to think 0.5mg ED of Let was enough. Have you tried lower doses and found them insufficient? Just interested, as I am about to try it with next cycle as well soon. I figure I'd just use the min. dose of Let. required and save some cash and possible side effects.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
probably because those 2 are rarely stack as they are both heavy progestins, not to mention they're the 2 most suppressive drugs there are. tren/deca cycle w/o test is probably the worst thing you can do.
how is adding test gonna help...?
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Zaven said:
how so..?

how so what? deca and tren are nor-tests. they are progestins and can activate the progesterone receptors at 20% and 60% the rate, respectively. This is what causes the massive shutdown w/ tren and deca. All it takes is 1 100mg shot of deca to make your test go to zero. Just imagine how much tren you need to do the same!!! Certain steroids cause a suppression, where these 2 cause complete shutdown. Females will be producing more test than you will. thats why its crucial to take testosterone with these 2 things.


many people think testosterone is needed w/ deca and tren just for the sake of getting your dick up. thats not the case. some people get away w/ it, but most won't


Registered User
May 18, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
how so what? deca and tren are nor-tests. they are progestins and can activate the progesterone receptors at 20% and 60% the rate, respectively. This is what causes the massive shutdown w/ tren and deca. All it takes is 1 100mg shot of deca to make your test go to zero. Just imagine how much tren you need to do the same!!! Certain steroids cause a suppression, where these 2 cause complete shutdown. Females will be producing more test than you will. thats why its crucial to take testosterone with these 2 things.
I still don't understand what your saying here.....How will adding test have any effect on the rate at which your body's natural test levels suppress....it will still suppress at the same rate whether or not test is added


Zaven said:
I still don't understand what your saying here.....How will adding test have any effect on the rate at which your body's natural test levels suppress....it will still suppress at the same rate whether or not test is added

think about it...you're ADDING test that your body can't and won't produce when take these drugs. Yes your natural test is still completely shut down, but you're getting it from an outside source and your body can't tell the difference.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
many people think testosterone is needed w/ deca and tren just for the sake of getting your dick up. thats not the case. some people get away w/ it, but most won't
ok....your saying right here... "that many people think test in needed w/deca and tren just for the sake of getting your dick up"........but you then said, "but this is not the case".......so what are you saying is the reasoning for adding test to a deca/tren cycle if its not for....."getting your dick up"....


Zaven said:
ok....your saying right here... "that many people think test in needed w/deca and tren just for the sake of getting your dick up"........but you then said, "but this is not the case".......so what are you saying is the reasoning for adding test to a deca/tren cycle if its not for....."getting your dick up"....

depression....lethargy.....erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, decreased bone density, inability to concentrate, etc.......I think you should google up testosterone and see exactly what it does to the male body. Test made us men. It gave us muscles. Its crucial for EVERY living human (including females). When you get older, low test causes many horrible things to your body. THats why older men will get on HRT. Besides all of these things, the anabolic properties of test are incredible. For the effectiveness, the cost, the side effects, all that, testosterone is the best steroid there is. This is why test should be the base of every cycle. The only no test route i would even remotely be ok w/ would be a var only cycle or a tbol only cycle as these 2 hardly suppress the HPTA, however they still do suppress. I'd rather always have high levels of test than reduced test therefore I personally would never run any cycle w/o it.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
wolfyEVH said:
depression....lethargy.....erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, decreased bone density, inability to concentrate, etc.......I think you should google up testosterone and see exactly what it does to the male body. Test made us men. It gave us muscles. Its crucial for EVERY living human (including females). When you get older, low test causes many horrible things to your body. THats why older men will get on HRT. Besides all of these things, the anabolic properties of test are incredible. For the effectiveness, the cost, the side effects, all that, testosterone is the best steroid there is. This is why test should be the base of every cycle. The only no test route i would even remotely be ok w/ would be a var only cycle or a tbol only cycle as these 2 hardly suppress the HPTA, however they still do suppress. I'd rather always have high levels of test than reduced test therefore I personally would never run any cycle w/o it.
Well said Wolfy!


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Zaven said:
I still don't understand what your saying here.....

Damn Zaven youve been here long enough to have got on the same page with Wolfy.You gave him quite a beat-down.
Wolfy,bravo.you showed a little patience and took it well.
You only explained it 6 different ways---


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
I am currenly running test prop and tren and Im in my third week. So far I really like the results: less bloat, more muscle definition but strength gains aren't jumping as quickly as previous cycles.

Given everything that was said about tren shutting you down, would it make sense to bump my test prop up and leave the tren at the same level? Im currently running 75/day for each prop and tren.
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