TMT Q and A.......


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
here me and Mini will answer any questions you may have...

not sure...??? ask and get our view and our opinion on the subject.



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
ive personally never ran it...

it has potential to be a very interesting compound because
of its versatility....


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
I'd be more than happy to experiment with some in the offseason! lol.

Also, I think this thread is a fantastic idea as you and MT have a ton of knowledge and experience to offer people :headbang:

ive personally never ran it...

it has potential to be a very interesting compound because
of its versatility....


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
here me and Mini will answer any questions you may have...

not sure...??? ask and get our view and our opinion on the subject.


As far as cardio leading up to a November show... please critique my cardio routine, improvements and anything I'm doing well. For August it has and will be 20 min 3x a week incline at 4 speed at 3.5. In September I was going to do 3-4 a week doing incline at 5 and speed at 4 mph. For October 2 a days thinking 30 minute session 3-4 days a week same speed and incline. Is this enough? Too little too much?

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Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
I'd be more than happy to experiment with some in the offseason! lol.

Also, I think this thread is a fantastic idea as you and MT have a ton of knowledge and experience to offer people :headbang:

ive personally never ran it...

it has potential to be a very interesting compound because
of its versatility....

I'm going to be running some in 6-8 weeks after cruising. Was just wondering if you had. I agree, sounds like it could be really good. I'll be bulking. Thinking of kickstarting it with 4 weeks of anadrol-inject.

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
Honest answer..................it depends on your conditioning right
now and as the weeks tick by.

12 weeks out approximately? You should be in pretty decent shape
at this point. Not shredded of course, but clean lines with some
legitimate separation.

It always boils down to diet.

Have you competed before?
Weight? When? Conditioning for that show?
Need pics tbh...............they never lie ;).


As far as cardio leading up to a November show... please critique my cardio routine, improvements and anything I'm doing well. For August it has and will be 20 min 3x a week incline at 4 speed at 3.5. In September I was going to do 3-4 a week doing incline at 5 and speed at 4 mph. For October 2 a days thinking 30 minute session 3-4 days a week same speed and incline. Is this enough? Too little too much?

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Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Honest answer..................it depends on your conditioning right

now and as the weeks tick by.

12 weeks out approximately? You should be in pretty decent shape

at this point. Not shredded of course, but clean lines with some

legitimate separation.

It always boils down to diet.

Have you competed before?

Weight? When? Conditioning for that show?

Need pics tbh...............they never lie ;).


Hey MT... it's RetiredArmy... didn't know if you know this screen name is me. So obviously never competed before and I'm sitting at 175. Down 5 pounds in a month. Diet hasn't been too hot until the last 2 weeks which has been REALLY good as it's been since you guys trained me.

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Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
Hey Bro,

Send some pics to tmt and I'll take a look.

Front and back in board shorts or something similar.


Hey MT... it's RetiredArmy... didn't know if you know this screen name is me. So obviously never competed before and I'm sitting at 175. Down 5 pounds in a month. Diet hasn't been too hot until the last 2 weeks which has been REALLY good as it's been since you guys trained me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Hey all, this is a GREAT thread by these two! There's a lot of knowledge between these two!! Remember, they coached MyTreeFiddy to an IFBB Pro Card...enough said!

If you have a question or two, that's great but don't try to get them to set up your entire diet, training, etc for you...that's why they offer their services as a business. Putting up this thread is very generous on their part.


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
Hey all, this is a GREAT thread by these two! There's a lot of knowledge between these two!! Remember, they coached MyTreeFiddy to an IFBB Pro Card...enough said!

If you have a question or two, that's great but don't try to get them to set up your entire diet, training, etc for you...that's why they offer their services as a business. Putting up this thread is very generous on their part.

Indeed they did.... these two compliment each other perfectly... quite different but work great together.... pick their brains!

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
Time for Your Prep

How many months is your normal prep time.

Tenny mentioned a full year he begins the mental portion of
his prep and I agree.

I stay around 10 pounds over contest conditioning year round,
and still give myself a full 6 months of strict dieting because for
me, the longer I stay very close to contest shape, the leaner and
leaner I become.

That's my tip of the day :sniper:!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
There's really nothing I could ask that isnt info that I'd need to pay for , and rightly so. What's a rough estimate of a year of your services, my end goal is 240-245 lean by 44, I hoped to be lean and as close as possible by 43 ,this Sept, I'm gonna lean out to see where I stand but won't be where I should have been. Im stuck in the 260 area and this last trip I had to take this week wasn't good. Travel was an issue this year, not enough food ect but end of the day it comes down to I didn't get it done why is just an excuse I'm not going to make.

This run will end last of Sept . at that point I can send some pics to figure where I'm actually at. I plan to cruise and keep leaning down after that up till the next blast . Just to be upfront I plan to throw anything that's needed at the next year because 44 is my end game. After that I really need to be in a shape that I can just concentrate on health , shape, look ect instead of size.

If not interested that's fine too because I want someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to hit my goals.

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
Hey Aon,

We break up times into 4 month segments.

Please send tmt an email and I'll send you details but a rough
estimate on a 12 month plan is about the same as a
12 week prep that Meadows or Starnes charge and you
get 2 coaches instead of one who uses a cookie cutter approach :confused:.


There's really nothing I could ask that isnt info that I'd need to pay for , and rightly so. What's a rough estimate of a year of your services, my end goal is 240-245 lean by 44, I hoped to be lean and as close as possible by 43 ,this Sept, I'm gonna lean out to see where I stand but won't be where I should have been. Im stuck in the 260 area and this last trip I had to take this week wasn't good. Travel was an issue this year, not enough food ect but end of the day it comes down to I didn't get it done why is just an excuse I'm not going to make.

This run will end last of Sept . at that point I can send some pics to figure where I'm actually at. I plan to cruise and keep leaning down after that up till the next blast . Just to be upfront I plan to throw anything that's needed at the next year because 44 is my end game. After that I really need to be in a shape that I can just concentrate on health , shape, look ect instead of size.

If not interested that's fine too because I want someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to hit my goals.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hey Aon,

We break up times into 4 month segments.

Please send tmt an email and I'll send you details but a rough
estimate on a 12 month plan is about the same as a
12 week prep that Meadows or Starnes charge and you
get 2 coaches instead of one who uses a cookie cutter approach :confused:.


That gives me a decent idea what I'm looking at, give me till toward the end of this run (sept) and I'll definatly get with you guys . I'm definitely interested and should have the cash I just need to make sure at that point.

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
We'll be here Aon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get ready to be challanged:action-smiley-036:.

Thanks Bro,


Hey Aon,

We break up times into 4 month segments.

Please send tmt an email and I'll send you details but a rough
estimate on a 12 month plan is about the same as a
12 week prep that Meadows or Starnes charge and you
get 2 coaches instead of one who uses a cookie cutter approach :confused:.


That gives me a decent idea what I'm looking at, give me till toward the end of this run (sept) and I'll definatly get with you guys . I'm definitely interested and should have the cash I just need to make sure at that point.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
We'll be here Aon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get ready to be challanged:action-smiley-036:.

Thanks Bro,


I am going to go ahead and shoot you an email for the details...just thinking about it that will get me an idea when we need to start to......and doing 4 months at a time I should have the cash unless something goes terribly wrong with my work plans between now and starting

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
This ever happened to you?

This is for anyone who has competed or plans to.

For the last 4-6 months you trained your ass off, dieted perfect,
did your cardio, blah, blah, blah.

The week before you are looking really good.

But the days leading up to the show.....the wheels start falling off.

Show day - smoother, flatter, no vascularity, feel like shit.

The day after the show, you look better than ever!

What happened???????????????????????????????????????

What'd you learn?

What would you do or not do next time?

Share your stories.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
This is a little off the direction your going hear but I ask psych his opinion and figured since we'll be working together before long I'd ask you guys to where should a guy who's after what I'm after be weight wise with his lifts to be normal or just above normal as far as deads ,squats, ect.? I've learned alot about how to lift but I've just never really payed attention to how much people where lifting.