This D-Bol SUCKS!!

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
No D-Bol for me ever again...The past 3 weeks i had swallowed more than 100 ( 5mg ) tabs THAI, and still no gains...I am now just waiting for my Deca and Test to kick in......this is my 3rd week on cycle, so keep thumbs this aind fuckin fakes as well.....( or there is something DRASTICLY fuckin wrong with me....maby an Alien or something ) :twisted:


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Robin-Post your diet in detail...you should have seen at least some gains, even just water/bloating from the dbol. You are a pretty small guy, and a low dosage should still have an effect on you.

We can determine what is going on by you posting up your diet/training regimen.

Do you get enough sleep? How many cigs do you smoke per day? Any rec drug use? These things all add up bro. It is doubtfull your dbol is fake...most likely you are making some serious dietary/training/lifestyle mistakes which are hindering gains.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
dr woo said:
sorry to here that m8,
was this from the site you pm'd me
Yep....funny thing though...it seems that the test and deca is starting to cick in....but i'll keep you posted..It could also be that the D-bol has reached it's activation limit.....you know...pass it's expiring date?? ( can't make out the expiring date on the bottles )

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
heavy said:
Robin-Post your diet in detail...you should have seen at least some gains, even just water/bloating from the dbol. You are a pretty small guy, and a low dosage should still have an effect on you.

We can determine what is going on by you posting up your diet/training regimen.

Do you get enough sleep? How many cigs do you smoke per day? Any rec drug use? These things all add up bro. It is doubtfull your dbol is fake...most likely you are making some serious dietary/training/lifestyle mistakes which are hindering gains.
Mornings = Weatbix + EggSupreme
10h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
13hoo = Sandwiches with pollony
13h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
15h00 = Muscle Mass 4000 ( 1 jug )
17hoo = BIGG supper ( Mostly mince and noodles )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )

Remember that i also have some snacks during the day...ie Hamburger with Liqui Fruit

You see, what bugs me the most is, on my first cycle, i had 1/4 of the juice i'm on now....and picked up bladdy nice...the first juice i had, i purchased from a pharmisist....and i KNOW it was legit..
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Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Robin Hood said:
You see, what bugs me the most is, on my first cycle, i had 1/4 of the juice i'm on now....and picked up bladdy nice...the first juice i had, i purchased from a pharmisist....and i KNOW it was legit..

You'll never get the gains like you did in your first cycle. Just a part of the game. But you'll still see some gains on your future cycles just don't have your hopes of your first cycle because then you'll be mentally out of it and start doubting all your gear.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
oracle said:
You'll never get the gains like you did in your first cycle. Just a part of the game. But you'll still see some gains on your future cycles just don't have your hopes of your first cycle because then you'll be mentally out of it and start doubting all your gear.
lololol....will bare that in mind...thx :)

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Tainter said:
does smoking cigarettes affect gains?
Nope.......only thing is you'll have to work harder than the normal guy....ie i am a heavy smoker, and with my first cycle i picked up 2.2lbs per week...Smoking MOSTLY effects your stamina...thats all


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
Robin Hood said:
Mornings = Weatbix + EggSupreme
10h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
13hoo = Sandwiches with pollony
13h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
15h00 = Muscle Mass 4000 ( 1 jug )
17hoo = BIGG supper ( Mostly mince and noodles )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
Damn Robin, you are paranoid. I bet you don't sleep well at night either. I am new to this also, but you are not eating enough. Or at least eating enough of he correct things. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!! Let me say that again. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!!! You should be pushing 300 grams of protien, at least. Not to mention the correct balance of cards and fats. I see your posts on." I don't have enough time to eat". And, "with my job I can't eat all the time". Please forgive me if I am incorrect but, quit bitching and find a solution. It is pretty much that simple. I hope it works for you, I really do! I hope you figure out a way to get what you need. Otherwise, you will probably get a Christmas gift from your source for the money you are spending. Good Luck!

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
recess said:
Robin Hood said:
Mornings = Weatbix + EggSupreme
10h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
13hoo = Sandwiches with pollony
13h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
15h00 = Muscle Mass 4000 ( 1 jug )
17hoo = BIGG supper ( Mostly mince and noodles )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
Damn Robin, you are paranoid. I bet you don't sleep well at night either. I am new to this also, but you are not eating enough. Or at least eating enough of he correct things. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!! Let me say that again. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!!! You should be pushing 300 grams of protien, at least. Not to mention the correct balance of cards and fats. I see your posts on." I don't have enough time to eat". And, "with my job I can't eat all the time". Please forgive me if I am incorrect but, quit bitching and find a solution. It is pretty much that simple. I hope it works for you, I really do! I hope you figure out a way to get what you need. Otherwise, you will probably get a Christmas gift from your source for the money you are spending. Good Luck!
lololo.....ok....what do you guys think has the most f'n protien....so i can gobble it down...Remember my weight is only 134lbs.....so i can only absorb SO much...at the mo, i'm starting to shit my lungs out again of all the shakes etc...lol
PS:..remember that on my first cycle i basicly ate the same amount..AND picked up quite good..Also bare in mind i eat other stuff 2......this stuff i'm showing here, is only the food keep record of...
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Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
recess said:
Robin Hood said:
Mornings = Weatbix + EggSupreme ( +-100 protiens )
10h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
13hoo = Sandwiches with pollony
13h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
15h00 = Muscle Mass 4000 ( 1 jug 40 protiens)
17hoo = BIGG supper ( Mostly mince and noodles )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( 100carbs 40 protiens )
Damn Robin, you are paranoid. I bet you don't sleep well at night either. I am new to this also, but you are not eating enough. Or at least eating enough of he correct things. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!! Let me say that again. YOU NEED MORE PROTIEN!!!! You should be pushing 300 grams of protien, at least. Not to mention the correct balance of cards and fats. I see your posts on." I don't have enough time to eat". And, "with my job I can't eat all the time". Please forgive me if I am incorrect but, quit bitching and find a solution. It is pretty much that simple. I hope it works for you, I really do! I hope you figure out a way to get what you need. Otherwise, you will probably get a Christmas gift from your source for the money you are spending. Good Luck!
if you look carefully, my protiens are A-OK....1.25g/lb = 134 x 1.25 = 167.5 Protien........I total 260.....not even counting the ones i don't list
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May 13, 2004
They're called supplements...

they are made to SUPPLEMENT your diet, not make it up.

eat MOST of your protein from normal foods, chicken/beef/tuna. Then supplement what you are lacking.


Sep 19, 2004
Robin, QUIT SMOKING NOW Your muscles are oxygen starved. You're nuts if you think smoking only increases your recovery time between sets. I'm no biologist but I quarantee oxygen levels in your blood play a major role in muscle growth.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Blackbird said:
Robin, QUIT SMOKING NOW Your muscles are oxygen starved. You're nuts if you think smoking only increases your recovery time between sets. I'm no biologist but I quarantee oxygen levels in your blood play a major role in muscle growth.

Also, by smoking, your body is constantly trying to rid itself of toxins, and smoking creates massive amounts of free radicals in the body, which can lead to muscle damage.

Also, smoking kills the appetite...you cant build muscle unless you eat alot, and how can you do this when you never want to eat?

This is very important robin...you cannot build significant amounts of muscle if you chain smoke all day...


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
dugie82 said:
They're called supplements...

they are made to SUPPLEMENT your diet, not make it up.

eat MOST of your protein from normal foods, chicken/beef/tuna. Then supplement what you are lacking.

Thanks Dugie.

Robin - Eat means eat - not drink.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Ok ok ok .......i catch your drift...maby smoking DOES affect my appitite, but i can promise you that i still DO force myself to eat...geniune..Have a look at my protien intake...it's actually over the limit for MY tipe of build...I mean...why do you guys think i shit my lungs out....by smoking???...no my friends...by eating and forcing to many foods down this here stomach...To get back to the D-Bol business...i think i made a point to the guy who sold me the stuff.......this is what i wrote-->"Man, i hope you don't mind, but i'm gonna give you my stats and food-intake etc, maby you can tell me where i'm going wrong..

Hight 1.65M
Weight 60,5kg
Current cycle ( This is my 2nd cycle ) Starting week 4 next week-----[ 40mg/day Dianabol + 400mg Deca/week + 400mg Test/week ]

6h00 = Weatpix + Egg supreme
8h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
10h00 = Sandwitch + polony
12h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
15h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
17h00 = Supper ( big plate )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )

As you will notice, so far i havn't pick up one bit, although i have become stronger....I know that Test and Deca can take anything from 4-5 weeks before it kicks in, therefore i'll still wait a while, but the Dianabol was suppose to kick in within a week....but nothing happened
What i can't figure out is, my first cycle i only did Deca 100mg/week and Test 200mg/week.....and i picked up +- 1kg/week bodyweight

Can it be that the Dianabol became "stale"??......I'm just asking hey, cause i don't know WHERE to go from here :(.....The only thing
that will come to my rescue now is the Test and Deca......"

He then replied with this-----> "I want to take some quality time to study all the facts you have sent me, so give time till say Monday to get back to you. We’ll get something sorted out for you, even if it means charging you my cost or below cost to get it sorted. I’ll never leave you out in the cold budy, I’m just not that kind of person."

This statement he made, tells me that i MIGHT have a point in regards to the D-Bol....

Also to the guys i gave the source to....I doubt if this guy is a fake...he REALLY tries to help a person....Also what i can say is, I can AT LAST, feel the Test kicking in because i get as horny as hell.....feel like a teenager again ;) So guys, stay away from his D-Bol as it MAY be stale or something...the rest???...well, it seems to be A-OK!!...cheers

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
chris 1 said:
Guys all this talk back and fourth about diet , smoking, how he eats. They do mean alot. But he is takeing 3 steroids if I read corectly. Even if he ate like crap and smoked he should still be making gains even if he was getting big and fat from eating like shit. He should be making some strenght gains.
Thanks chris....and also..i know my supplements and stuff......i just hate to keep explaining how much of this, how much of that.....basicly to make a long story short, my protien intake is about 300...if not more...i only listed the stuff i keep track of...and also bare my weight of 134....ANDDDD also bare in mind that i had good gains before ( 1st cycle )...with the same amount ( +- ) of protiens....so about supplements ppl can tell me nothing.....If only they KNOW how many diff supps i've already tried...lol


Robin Hood said:
Ok ok ok .......i catch your drift...maby smoking DOES affect my appitite, but i can promise you that i still DO force myself to eat...geniune..Have a look at my protien intake...it's actually over the limit for MY tipe of build...I mean...why do you guys think i shit my lungs out....by smoking???...no my friends...by eating and forcing to many foods down this here stomach...To get back to the D-Bol business...i think i made a point to the guy who sold me the stuff.......this is what i wrote-->"Man, i hope you don't mind, but i'm gonna give you my stats and food-intake etc, maby you can tell me where i'm going wrong..

Hight 1.65M
Weight 60,5kg
Current cycle ( This is my 2nd cycle ) Starting week 4 next week-----[ 40mg/day Dianabol + 400mg Deca/week + 400mg Test/week ]

6h00 = Weatpix + Egg supreme
8h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
10h00 = Sandwitch + polony
12h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
15h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )
17h00 = Supper ( big plate )
19h00 = Mega Mass Fuel ( shake )

As you will notice, so far i havn't pick up one bit, although i have become stronger....I know that Test and Deca can take anything from 4-5 weeks before it kicks in, therefore i'll still wait a while, but the Dianabol was suppose to kick in within a week....but nothing happened
What i can't figure out is, my first cycle i only did Deca 100mg/week and Test 200mg/week.....and i picked up +- 1kg/week bodyweight

Can it be that the Dianabol became "stale"??......I'm just asking hey, cause i don't know WHERE to go from here :(.....The only thing
that will come to my rescue now is the Test and Deca......"

He then replied with this-----> "I want to take some quality time to study all the facts you have sent me, so give time till say Monday to get back to you. We’ll get something sorted out for you, even if it means charging you my cost or below cost to get it sorted. I’ll never leave you out in the cold budy, I’m just not that kind of person."

This statement he made, tells me that i MIGHT have a point in regards to the D-Bol....

Also to the guys i gave the source to....I doubt if this guy is a fake...he REALLY tries to help a person....Also what i can say is, I can AT LAST, feel the Test kicking in because i get as horny as hell.....feel like a teenager again ;) So guys, stay away from his D-Bol as it MAY be stale or something...the rest???...well, it seems to be A-OK!!...cheers

way too much mega mass fuel. start eating lots of beef, chicken, and dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc)