The IRS f'd me on my tax return, along with 16,000 others


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I decided to do my taxes early this year, I filed online using turbotax, which is what I've used for the past 3 years without a hitch. Well, turns out I got a hefty refund b/c of tuition, etc. so I was pretty happy. I paid/e-filed my taxes on Jan 13th, which was the very first day the gov accepted returns.

Both state and federal refunds, according to turbotax, were supposed to be direct deposited into my bank account--my large fed return was scheduled to be deposited today. Well, I checked my account and nothing was deposited. So I checked turbotax online and they had mysteriously taken out any/all information about the direct deposit. So I decided to look check the "find my refund" deal on the IRS website. It said that my refund was scheduled to be "MAILED" on FEB 3rd!!!

So I called the IRS and I shit you not--the customer service guy tells me that over 16,000 e-filed returns that were supposed to be directly deposited into bank accounts are mistakenly being mailed out. Supposedly they just found out this morning that there was a "glitch" in their computer system that caused this for over 16,000 peeps (including me) that filed early. If anyone else got a refund and filed it for direct deposit already, I'd suggest you take another look at it and make sure you're not getting fucked by the IRS like I am.

Its not the fact that I NEED the money, but these assholes took out an interest-free loan from me last year and now they're taking their sweet time in repaying it. Dammit! I was gonna use my refunds to buy my next cycle. Now I'll have to dip into my checking account or work overtime to pay:( Poor me.

Anyways, just ranting.
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i just file it online for free. direct deposit. forgot the site...but just had to pay a small charge for direct deposit


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
i just file it online for free. direct deposit. forgot the site...but just had to pay a small charge for direct deposit

Turbotax requires a small fee--not a big deal. But this so-called "glitch" in the system that caused my friggen tax return to be mailed a week later than it was scheduled to be direct deposited into my bank account really gets me.

Every year it goes smooth, this year was just FUBAR. Hell, last year I got over 1200 dollars back, decided to bet it on the UFC title MW title match on Evan Tanner at 3:1 odds against Dave Terrell. I won and came away with 4800--3600+my original 1200 back. Paid off my car with that. This year I'll feel lucky just to actually get the damn return.

Oh, and I don't like getting tax returns, I hate lending the gov't money for free. I've only had one year in the past decade that I had to pay the bastards, so I'm no stranger to being robbed by uncle sam.

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
Hey Powermad......have U Ever Had A Problem With Your Home Computer??? How Long Did It Take To Fix It And What Was Any Info Lost Forever??? R U Going To Get Your Refund??? If U R What R U Bitchin About? All Computer Systems Have Problems And They All Seem To Get Fixed And If U Hate Gettin A Refund Change Whats Withheld, Simple As That. I Will Say "yes" Its Unfortunate That You Had This Problem But At Least You $$$$ Is Comin...i Have Got The Shaft With A Lost Refund That Took Almost A Year To Straighten Out And Then They Just Paid Me A Small Bit Of Interst And Thats It....if It Would Have Been Me Screwing Them I Would Have Been Nailed With A Hugh Penalty Too Probably. So Feel Lucky U R At Least Gettin Your $$$ Back....


Feb 6, 2004
I got f'd on a vehicle I purchased on ebay. Im still out $14,000. Even if I get enough government agencies after this asshole and get my money back, I'm still out the $600 I paid to ship it to me. That should make you feel better :D


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
ben johnson said:
Hey Powermad......have U Ever Had A Problem With Your Home Computer??? How Long Did It Take To Fix It And What Was Any Info Lost Forever??? R U Going To Get Your Refund??? If U R What R U Bitchin About? All Computer Systems Have Problems And They All Seem To Get Fixed And If U Hate Gettin A Refund Change Whats Withheld, Simple As That. I Will Say "yes" Its Unfortunate That You Had This Problem But At Least You $$$$ Is Comin...i Have Got The Shaft With A Lost Refund That Took Almost A Year To Straighten Out And Then They Just Paid Me A Small Bit Of Interst And Thats It....if It Would Have Been Me Screwing Them I Would Have Been Nailed With A Hugh Penalty Too Probably. So Feel Lucky U R At Least Gettin Your $$$ Back....

Do you work for the IRS or something? LOL. You seem to be taking this pretty personally when it in no way, shape or form affects you. Did you forget to take your meds or something? I've had computer problems before and I can kind of understand what caused the glitch, I just posted this to vent and share my story. No one is pointing fingers so SETTLE DOWN.

FYI, I only posted this b/c I was temporarily pissed and needed to vent. It wasn't directed at you or anyone else. I understand the IRS computer system screwed up. What else can you expect from the gov't?

And for the record, I was very calm and mild mannered when talking to the guy on the phone when I called the IRS, he actually thanked me at the end of the conversation for not getting angry at him. He told me the call center was getting a bunch of angry people calling them for the same reason I did and he really apreciated the fact that I wasn't abusive to him. I didn't take it personally or place the blame on anyone aside from the IRS. So CHILL OUT.

True, worse things can happen and HAVE HAPPENED TO ME, but I thought since this was pretty widespread and could effect others (again, THE IRS GLITCH AFFECTED OVER 16,000 TAX RETURNS) I decided to post it.

I've had worse things happen like getting screwed over by my insurance company for 12,000 dollars in medical bills--I had to take them to court and spent nearly a year in order to get them to pay it. Anyways, that's neither here nor there. This is just a small rant, don't get so upset.
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ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
powermad ... i dont work for them but a friend of a friend does and and it was their help that got my refund back to me, sorry if i came across like i was attacking i did not mean too, sometimes i do that. but hey....it will take what 2- 4 weeks for your refund?? it took mine a year....almost.

hey tee, that really blows man.

y cant things just go smoothly now-a-days...seems someone is always getting screwed who followed the rules and did it the way it was supposed to be done. anywayz like my pops always says "noone ever said it was going to be easy".