The Effects of Steroid Use by Adolescents


Feb 6, 2004
The Effects of Steroid Use by Adolescents
by wayne mercer


This is something I found. I thought it was worth starting a thread seeing how teens are so "ready" to juice. I've read many posts and try to advise against it, and was sometimes flamed for my opinions by teens. I am not bitter about the flames. I mean I am a big boy and shit like that really don't bother me. But, I still want to help the teens in making the right decisions. You have the whole life in front of you. Don't take the chance of screwing things up by starting too soon. Build a solid foundation and AAS will wait for you.

Last month I wrote an article titled "Steroids The Difference Between Use and Abuse". The emails came poring in, and there was something that really caught my attention as well as my concern. The concern that I am talking about was the overwhelming amount of emails that I received from kids, yes kids asking questions about steroid use and recommended cycles. I would estimate that about 65% of the emails I received were from individuals in the 12-16yr old range. This was, and obviously still is very alarming to me! As a result of this, I am dedicating an article solely to the dangers of adolescent steroid use. This article, is not intended to be used as a scare tactic, because I know that for one, that doesn't work, and secondly it only widens the gap between you and I. Instead this is a "For your information only" article.
I shall begin with the psychological dangers. The fact of the matter is that puberty effects more than just physical maturing, but also many personality characteristics that last your entire lives. Puberty is the period in which many influences, as well as practices will contain the most "sticking power". The problem is that steroids can lead to serious health problems, and that the sooner you start taking them the earlier the problems may occur. This is also the time where many insecurities and dependencies develop, and it can be very difficult to change these. Adolescence is not a good time to make any decision that can affect the rest of your life, like the decision to use drugs. The chemical make-up of a teen-age boy is extremely complex, and the complications steroids cause can be very detrimental.

In my opinion, the most detrimental thing that could happen is the stunting of growth plates. During adolescence the growth plates are not set, and foreign testosterone will very easily halt the entire process. What does this mean? This means that if you are 5'6" right now, then you will always be 5'6". Neither the NBA, nor the NFL will be knocking on your door anytime soon. The other complications involve extreme bone pain, as not all of your growth plates may set. Some may set, and others may not, it's a big gamble not worth taking. This is not to mention the liver toxicity, vascular damage, kidney damage, and joint problems.

There is no valid reason for adolescents to use steroids. For one, as I told one of you, you have more testosterone running through your veins than I do. Secondly, have patience, most of the mail I received was from kids who had only been working out for a very short while. Then there was the mail that especially upset me. This guy wanted to use steroids because there was some bully at school who kept abusing him. This one really bothered me, I know how cruel kids can be. My advice for anyone else in the same situation is to take the money you would scam out of your parents to spend on steroids, and take karate or some similar self-defense art. You should focus on doing something that's really going to endanger the health of the bully, and not your own.

Now lets look at some alternatives. There are tons of wonderful supplements, and workout routines available to provide you with an alternative means to your goal. You all have many more products available to you then I did when I was your age. I would recommend starting basic. First of all we all need multi-vitamins, protein powders, and other necessary supplements. Secondly, get a good routine going. I would also recommend getting a routine from someone other than your high school athletic coach. You can either email me, or visit a quality personal trainer in your area. I will be glad to assist you with this in any way that I can, and it is absolutely free!

To close this whole thing out, once again have patience, work hard, and stay strong. If you really want cycle advice from myself I must have a note from your mom! Thanks for reading and I hope you all make wise decisions.

Wayne Mercer


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Whether its cheesy or not could we rig it to when a kid 21 or under logs in and starts asking where can i get...? His post would be directed right to this sticky....I hate giving the young guys a hard time,i try not too but their usually so immature they make me verbally kick the ass


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Its amazing information of Adolescents.There is no valid reason for adolescents to use steroids.For one, as I told one of you,you have more testosterone running through your veins than I do.The use of a variety of substances has long accompanied efforts to enhance athletic performance.Its skeletal growth and maturation and effect of bone resorption and bone formation.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2005
In my own world
Good Post Bro.... There are way too many young guys not willing to shed sweat and tears and grow with the early pains. Shit thats the best part teaching your body to grow to it's Max stregnth and size when your young and full of the Natural blood pumping test! Than of course you get older and those levels drop off like niagra falls and you have to spend a shit load of money on blood work and go see the Doc and have him jab you once a week to bring you back up again. And than you get tired of that and become your own Doc to save time and money.


Nov 13, 2005
good post, but too focused on age and adolecents. If your 20 your probably done growing and your growth plates are all closed, but that does not mean you should use AAS.

Obviously a teenage boy of 16 should not use AAS. IMO if your 21 you should stay away as well, and this article could be taken as an ok to use AAS if your not a teenager.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I'm not really well versed in AAS but I read several places ones natural test is more effective than man made test. Why spend money, risk criminal charges and other complications associated with AAS for something that will shut off your natural test. If I'm wrong about the test please correct me.
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