Testosterone Cypionate 400mg / Week


New member
Mar 25, 2016

I am a disabled military veteran and have been put on Testosterone Cypionate 400mg / week for Low-T where I inject 1 mil 200mg twice per week and I feel absolutely great and have never felt better.....

My Dr says that I should be on Testosterone Cypionate 400mg / week for 12 weeks and off for 2 weeks as the Dr doesnt want my levels to drop significantly, however the Lab says that I should go off 4 weeks instead.....

My question is which would be the best option to keep my gains but let my body recover, off T for 2 weeks or off T for 4 weeks?

Also, what is the range for Estradiol for males who are taking Testosterone; I have found 2 ranges, one lists 0.5-2.2 and another lists 15-60 or could it possibly be 1.5-6.0 perhaps?

Here are my results;

Total T 1300
Free T 600
Estradiol 2.8

Isnt there a Total T range that uses 1300 for the optimal range end?

Could the Free T score actually be 60.0, as I have never seen a 3 digit Free T score before?

Thank you
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Brother I don't doubt you but is there any way you can black out personal info and post up a pic of your bloodwork? The reason I ask is I may be able to answer you better.
I have been on trt a good while and literally done thousands in bloodwork and those numbers don't add up for a normal test. At least the ones I have taken.

Here's what I mean by that unless you have an issue no one on 400mg of legitimate pharmacy test should be in the 13-1400 range it should be more like the 2000s also your free test should be somewhere in the ball park of 2% of your total test if I'm remembering right so on 400 a week 60 might be a closer guess I'd have to do the math of what your total test should be on 400 a week. Does your blood test maybe top out at 1300 ?

I will say congrats though your doc has you on cycle at 400 not trt those docs are hard to find.

There is a sticky in the lab test section by another board member that shows a pretty close comparison of where your blood levels should be on testosterone, I'll copy it over here if I can figure out how to do it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ok, this one is for testosterone. There is also a protocol for HGH.

Originally posted by Heavyiron:

How to test Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate

The following protocols must be followed exactly for at least 4 weeks. No other gear or ancillaries may be used during the first 4 weeks. If you have been on either dose for longer than 4 weeks you may get labs 7 days after your last injection.

All injections must be intramuscular (IM). The first week is a front-load.

Testing Protocol - (for labs that only range up to 1,500ng/dl):

Day 1. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 7. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 14. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 21. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Post lab results once you receive them. Please be specific about the dose, ester and protocol you used in your first post.

Passing results should be about 1,345 ng/dl +or- 139 ng/dl. Due to the crude nature of this protocol, passing results may vary greatly.

Testing Protocol #2 - (for labs that range ABOVE 1,500ng/dL):

Day 1. 600mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 7. 600mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 14. 600mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 21. 600mg Cypionate or Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Passing results should be about 2,370 ng/dl +or- 150ng/dl. Due to the crude nature of this protocol, passing results may vary greatly.

Failure to follow protocol exactly will result in useless results.

Reference Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men

Pharmacokinetics of Testosterone cypionate Injection

Source: Schulte-Beerbuhl, 1980 Figure. Pharmacokinetics of 200mg Testosterone cypionate injection. Source: Comparison of Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone in serum after injection of Testosterone enanthate or Testosterone cypionate. Schulte-Beerbuhl M, Nieschlag E. Fertility and Sterility 33 (1980) 201-3.

OK my memory was a bit off but you should be mid teens


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Going by the above rather than what my bloods come back you should still be higher and your free test around 2% of total.

The above test draws blood at 7 days I draw at 3 days
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New member
Mar 25, 2016
This is basically all the information from the test, they dont show a whole lot, I took some blood tests before I even got on Test and my Dr stated that I should be at my optimal range not mediocre.

Yes my Dr. is great and I really like this Dr alot, their understanding is uncanny and went through a couple before I found the right Dr.....
As for the Testosterone 400mg Inj per week, as stated I havent felt this good in years and not about to give it up.

Test Name Result Units Range
Estradiol (Saliva) 2.8 H pg/mL 0.5-2.2
Testosterone (Saliva) 600 H pg/mL 44-148 (Age Dependent)
Testosterone (Blood) 1300 H ng/dL 400-1200 (Age Dependent)

I have a second blood test out still and will see what its results are when it comes in for comparison. Keep in mind that when I did this bloodwork I stopped my other prescribed meds since a lot of prescribed meds can reduce your Testosterone.

The next bloodwork that I have done will be done along with my prescribed meds and see what the difference is.

*So should I go off Test for 2 weeks or 4 weeks and what about the Estradiol score; does that score look okay, as I havent seen an Estradiol range like that, .5-2.2 and 15-60, or is that supposed to be 1.5-6.0 perhaps?

Looking to keep as much of my gains long-term as possible so short cycling is out then from what I have heard about it and losing gains.....

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New member
Mar 25, 2016
Also, considering that my T was low to begin with and has been the problem all along then perhaps the Testosterone scores are correct then.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
As for taking 2 weeks off I've never had a doctor want me to come off at all but have heard others who's doctors did, usually yearly but they wearnt getting 400 a week so personally I'd listen to your doctor .

As for estro I'd watch for issues like sore nips, emotions,bloat and if you start noticing them let your doc know right away so he can deal with it before there's problem .If at that point he won't do anything for them,some docs won't,there some pretty knowledgeable guys here that can point your in the direction of fixing just about anything.

As for the free test and estro I havnt seen them like that with bloods for a total test anytime I've ran them it was all one blood test so it could explain why they dont add up.

On your total test number I was low when I went on trt also and my number came back on point when I got on but everyone is different that's why I said normally unless something is wrong they should be higher, it is possible your a low responder,something could throw the test off ect.

Were all a little different and it will be a little trail and error at first but its a great thing for us that need it once you get it dialed in.It sounds like its already made a big difference for you.

I would rely on your docs advise for a good bit till its dialed in by then you'll have a very good idea of how your body does with estro,dose,sides ect.


New member
Mar 25, 2016
Thank you for the time and help, I have been researching all of this as well for a while now and there is a lot of good info right here on this website and some others.....
I also appreciate the professionalism too since there are some websites out there that get judgemental and are immature and like to flame, glad this one is cool though.

Okay, I will listen to the Dr over the Lab and go from there with 12 weeks on 2 weeks off which seems reasonable and will monitor very closely the Estra symptoms as well.

I have been on Test for 12 weeks now and havent noticed any side effects at all which is really great, but I feel great as well and I am very happy so far.
And from what I have researched you either develop Estra symptoms from being on Test or you wont, so far so good then.

I am starting to notice size and strength gains already as well, so thats encouraging and exciting and will see where it goes from there.

As for blood tests I will probably just keep doing them about every 3 months until I feel really comfortable.....
I will also compare this current lab test with another that I am expecting and see what the differences are if any.....

Thank you


Registered User
May 8, 2014
Why does he have you come off for two weeks? Your levels will drop and by the time you start injecting again it will take another month just to feel normal again.
And why is he giving you 400 on a trt dose?
If you are on trt you should just stay on continuous at aroind 200mg per week.
This sounds like your Dr has no clue what he is doing. And you should be on an AI at that dose as well.


New member
Mar 25, 2016
Getting back into the workout groove I am doing 3 sets of 10's 3x/week using dumbbells 55# biceps, 45# triceps, 55# back-rows, 55# behind head triceps, pushups, dips, then 2x/week crunches, run-in-place and punch/kick bag and 2 days off all workouts together.....

No doubt I will get better equipment as soon as I can, but for now I think that I can make some decent gains here.....
How does my regimen sound for the time being though?



New member
Mar 25, 2016
Why does he have you come off for two weeks? Your levels will drop and by the time you start injecting again it will take another month just to feel normal again.
And why is he giving you 400 on a trt dose?
If you are on trt you should just stay on continuous at aroind 200mg per week.
This sounds like your Dr has no clue what he is doing. And you should be on an AI at that dose as well.

Its from initial bloodwork indications of Low-T and the fact that I am on other meds which can effect Test levels and I didnt respond well to lower doses of Test.
This Dr most certainly does know what they are doing as this is what they have been doing for years and without any problems.

Its the run of themill Dr's that dont know what they are doing, telling everyone that their T is fine when its low and if they do prescribe its too low to do any good.
I went through more than one Dr until I found the right one that actually knew what they are doing and couldnt be happier, as it makes all the difference.

The Dr wants me at optimum not mediocre and we already tried lower levels and I didnt respond well as stated and is why the dose was raised a bit more and I couldnt feel better now with no signs of side effects either.
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Registered User
May 8, 2014
Ok I get it now. I didn't have the whole picture.
So if I may ask when on lower dose where was your t level at?


New member
Mar 25, 2016
This problem has been plaguing me my whole life, in school, in the military, etc, I only wish I had known all of this then and had a Dr like I have now then.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
Its from initial bloodwork indications of Low-T and the fact that I am on other meds which can effect Test levels and I didnt respond well to lower doses of Test.
This Dr most certainly does know what they are doing as this is what they have been doing for years and without any problems.

Its the run of themill Dr's that dont know what they are doing, telling everyone that their T is fine when its low and if they do prescribe its too low to do any good.
I went through more than one Dr until I found the right one that actually knew what they are doing and couldnt be happier, as it makes all the difference.

The Dr wants me at optimum not mediocre and we already tried lower levels and I didnt respond well as stated and is why the dose was raised a bit more and I couldnt feel better now with no signs of side effects either.

What is the logical reason for such a strange dosing protocol like that. What "other" meds are you taking that are effecting the bioavailability and mechanism of operation of synthetic Test..??

I'm just not buying that protocol AT ALL....and can't recall a publication regarding something that silly either. It is absolutely impossible to ever have a consistent respone to anything that way.


New member
Mar 25, 2016
What is the logical reason for such a strange dosing protocol like that. What "other" meds are you taking that are effecting the bioavailability and mechanism of operation of synthetic Test..??

I'm just not buying that protocol AT ALL....and can't recall a publication regarding something that silly either. It is absolutely impossible to ever have a consistent respone to anything that way.

See above answers, there is nothing silly about it, everyone's physiology is different and what may not work for you may work for someone else.
What is silly is Dr's that do not know what they are doing with T that waste the patients time and give false info that their Low-T scores are normal and fine which couldnt be further from the truth.
As stated lower doses of prescribed T were already tried with poor results and so the Dr raised the dosage with consistent blood-work and now I am doing great and not going to give that up regardless of naysayer opinions, not going to post other prescribed meds.


New member
Mar 25, 2016
Anyway, getting back into the workout groove I am doing 3 sets of 10's 3x/week using dumbbells 55# biceps, 45# triceps, 55# back-rows, 55# behind head triceps, pushups, dips, then 2x/week crunches, run-in-place and punch/kick bag and 2 days off all workouts together.....

No doubt I will get better equipment as soon as I can, but for now I think that I can make some decent gains here.....
How does my regimen sound for the time being though with workout days vs days off?

Also, who are the best running treadmill manufacturers?
