sustanon info for your enjoyment



here is a copy of a post i made in another thread. i wanted everyone to read it so i placed a copy here in the anabolic forum since i didnt think people would see it in the other section. hopefully this will help clear up why i claim that it is not needed to inject sust eod for it to be effective :)
the makeup of sustanon:
test prop=30mg
test phenylprop=60mg
test isocaproate=60mg
test decanoate=100mg
sustanon was originally produced as a way for someone on HRT to get 1 injection per month and have a slow steady release of testosterone into their system. this is why there are multiple estered versions of testosterone in sustanon.
for a bodybuilder, this is obviously not enough so we need to take much more, the question then is how much? since
no matter what ester is attached, the base product is still testosterone, you are in essence just taking test so you need to find the most effective dosage for your exclusive situation. if you want to effectively make use of all the esters at the very start of a cycle, then you would need to take sust at high enough dosage to make use of the prop @ phenylprop portion immediately. since about the lowest effective dosage to take either prop or phenylprop is 50mg ed or 100mg eod then you would need to take sust at a minimum of eod to be getting close to that 100mg of prop/phenylprop product into your body.
if you do not desire to make immediate use of the short esters in sust, anotherwards you have the patience to wait till the long estered portion starts to kick in, then all you need to do is determine what the total testosterone dosage is that will fit into your current needs based on cycle experience, size, gym experience, etc. since we can all pretty much agree that it is generally a good idea to start out a first cycle somewhere between 400-500mg per week, then 2amps of sustanon would be sufficient.
will you be loosing effectiveness of the short esters during the first few weeks? yes but long term your potential gains will be no different than if you take a single estered product for the same duration.
will you see a slightly higher peak/valley change in bloodlevels? yes but not enough to cause any extra significant side effects.
the only way to accurately keep bloodlevels even throught a cycle would be to do a first day frontload of a single long estered test product then using the roid calculator, determine how much steroid is released into your body daily and then inject that amount each day of the cycle till the end. anotherwards, if you injected say 1000mg of test on day 1 of your cycle, then starting on day 2 you would need to inject somewhewre in the neighborhood of 75-80mg daily till you are ready to end the cycle. this is due to the fact that this is the approximate amount of test that would be released from the depot that you created with the injection.
hope this helps to clear up the issue of how much sustanon do i inject? LOL

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Now Pin...You know I can't resist this.....I'm trying to hold myself back........eeeh....ehhhh....I can't,sorry Bro......How about this instead....500-1000 mg's of test c or e and prop at the begining for a kick for the first 3-4 weeks till the longer estered test kicks in....I think sustanon is.........I won't say it Bro...


big o said:
Now Pin...You know I can't resist this.....I'm trying to hold myself back........eeeh....ehhhh....I can't,sorry Bro......How about this instead....500-1000 mg's of test c or e and prop at the begining for a kick for the first 3-4 weeks till the longer estered test kicks in....I think sustanon is.........I won't say it Bro...
i know you dont like multiestered products yourself but looking at your example, if you used the equivalent amount of sust & enanthate, you would actually have more usable testosterone in your body with the sust due to ester weights. the prop & phenlyprop have lower ester weights than the enanthate or cyp so total testosterone less ester weights would be higher with sust. there isnt much of a difference but since ya wanted to argue i figured i would back up my thinkin even more :D

big o

Mar 20, 2005
No Bro...I do trust your opinions....I had a cousin who was fucking huge using sus...I', talking 20 1/2" guns...He came in 3rd in the States...He had no legs and calf's...The rest was huge.....But he would do something like 4 weeks on and then 2 weeks off...I never understood that reasoning but the results were obvious.....Pin....I noticed that Marssel had some sus in the amps IYO is that much better than you know?


big o said:
No Bro...I do trust your opinions....I had a cousin who was fucking huge using sus...I', talking 20 1/2" guns...He came in 3rd in the States...He had no legs and calf's...The rest was huge.....But he would do something like 4 weeks on and then 2 weeks off...I never understood that reasoning but the results were obvious.....Pin....I noticed that Marssel had some sus in the amps IYO is that much better than you know?
i have never used anything other than you know what so im not sure how the stuff that comes in amps works. i just ordered a few vials of the sust like product from you know who so we will see what it does for me here as i will be using alot of it over the next few weeks :D


Registered User
May 29, 2005
down south
with all this being said i could wait until the long esters kick in two shots a week is enough for now.. so for a second cycle what would be suggested sus/deca or sus/d-bol ,or considering i already have taken test e would test c/deca or d-bol be better. or is it just preference?

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
so if it was an eod thing for sus... how many ml a dose would it be? and isnt an amp 1 ml? so one 10 week cycle would be a lot of amps right?

big o

Mar 20, 2005
I tried I/P cyp,deca the last cycle ..all I'll say is I expected more from 1 g a week & 600 mg's of deca....I'm running E this cycle with eq/deca and turinabol in the first half....I'm going mild on the orals for a longer cycle and my thoughts are I'll keep more of the gains I made this cycle..with the right pct.


sesso said:
so if it was an eod thing for sus... how many ml a dose would it be? and isnt an amp 1 ml? so one 10 week cycle would be a lot of amps right?
if you wanted to do the eod injection it would work best by doing 1ml/amp per injection. this is the only way to ensure that you would be injecting enough of the short estered product for it to effectively work at the beginning of the cycle. only issue would be that at 1ml eod it would run about 875mg per week which would be a high dosage for anyone with less than at least a few cycles worth of experience


enough said

all understood, was curious at what dosage eod the short esters kick in. thanks for the post.


rben said:
all understood, was curious at what dosage eod the short esters kick in. thanks for the post.
im here to help :) any other questions just hollar!