Sust or Test C @ 1g


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Past cycle history:

1st-Andropen 10 weeks (500mgs per week)
2nd-Supertest/D-bol (900mgs total per week/40 mgs per day)
3rd-Test-E/Dbol (500mgs per week/ 50mg per day)
4rth- Sust/Dbol (750mgs per week/30mg per day for 5 weeks)
5th- Test-E/Deca/Dbol (Test n Deca mixed at two shots week Test-700mgs Deca 400mgs per week/Dbol at 30mgs per day for 4 weeks)
6th- Test-C/EQ/Anadrol (Test C 750mgs per week/EQ 400mgs per week/Anadrol 50mgs per day at 25days)
7th- Sust @ 500mgs for 14 weeks/ 75 Mg.Dbol per day 4 weeks(catch up cycle after injury)
8th- Test C 750mgs for 14 weeks/Deca 400mgs for 12 weeks/Anadrol 100mgs ed for first 4 weeks
9th-Test C 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 400mg 12 / Dbol 75 mg eod

**Fill in blank**

1g *** / Deca 600-800mg / Adrol 100mg Ed 5 weeks

Debating Sust or Test C?!
Deca only been at 400mg week so wanted to bump that up too 600 or you guys think 800mg?

This I feel is next step before massive size before hitting tren wagon.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
Past cycle history:

1st-Andropen 10 weeks (500mgs per week)
2nd-Supertest/D-bol (900mgs total per week/40 mgs per day)
3rd-Test-E/Dbol (500mgs per week/ 50mg per day)
4rth- Sust/Dbol (750mgs per week/30mg per day for 5 weeks)
5th- Test-E/Deca/Dbol (Test n Deca mixed at two shots week Test-700mgs Deca 400mgs per week/Dbol at 30mgs per day for 4 weeks)
6th- Test-C/EQ/Anadrol (Test C 750mgs per week/EQ 400mgs per week/Anadrol 50mgs per day at 25days)
7th- Sust @ 500mgs for 14 weeks/ 75 Mg.Dbol per day 4 weeks(catch up cycle after injury)
8th- Test C 750mgs for 14 weeks/Deca 400mgs for 12 weeks/Anadrol 100mgs ed for first 4 weeks
9th-Test C 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 400mg 12 / Dbol 75 mg eod

**Fill in blank**

1g *** / Deca 600-800mg / Adrol 100mg Ed 5 weeks

Debating Sust or Test C?!
Deca only been at 400mg week so wanted to bump that up too 600 or you guys think 800mg?

This I feel is next step before massive size before hitting tren wagon.

Theres not any real differance between Test cyp or Test E..Choose either one but Id avoid sust personally.
Deca at 600-800mg will work just fine for ya...
Keep your protein high & follow your diet properly.
I never liked EQ but if you choose to run it most people need high dose and a long cycle for it to be effective. Best wishes !!!


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks man. I've just done so much Cyp I wasn't sure if more beneficial to switch to Sust completely or up Cyp and stay same compounds. That's may only real debate.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Why "stay away from dust"?
You get the benefits of short and long esters without multiple compounds. And you can cease administration the same time as the deca. I am not a sust junkie, but rather than waiting until week5 for results, you only wait 2-3.
I am mixing p & e right now and have realized that sust would have been easier.
You also hold less water with sust.

Happy pinning


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Why "stay away from dust"?
You get the benefits of short and long esters without multiple compounds. And you can cease administration the same time as the deca. I am not a sust junkie, but rather than waiting until week5 for results, you only wait 2-3.
I am mixing p & e right now and have realized that sust would have been easier.
You also hold less water with sust.

Happy pinning

I was leaning toward Sust myself to try a different compound so im not getting so used to the Cyp. At 1g I'd be pinning 3x a week mixing the Deca. Pros and Cons Cyp Vs Sust for my situation welcome


Registered User
May 10, 2013
Mg for mg you get more test from a single compound. If you're taking an oral to jumpstart your cycle there's no need for the prop/phenylprop in start


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
Cyp all the way. if you are worried about water change your diet.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Test C over Sust everyday. But if you have want to try something new you could do ed/eod test p injections. In that event you could try npp instead of deca too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I was leaning toward Sust myself to try a different compound so im not getting so used to the Cyp. At 1g I'd be pinning 3x a week mixing the Deca. Pros and Cons Cyp Vs Sust for my situation welcome

There's no such thing as getting used to a certain ester. Some might build up a tolerance to a certain hormone after a long run, but even that's up for debate.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
This is one of those things that is kind of personal preference.
I LOVE sustanon. I get way less sides from it than straight test c or e. I cant go above 750mg without an ai on test e for example or I turn into a water buffalo.

Good sust on the other hand I've ran at 1200mg with no ai, just 50mg winstrol and stayed relatively dry.

So my suggestion would be to try the deca at 600, and do a half a cc of sust every day. For 875mg a week. If/when you plateau bump it up to 3/4cc ed.

See how you like it.
Then the next time you cycle, do 800mg deca and start the sust at like 1250. I like to do a cc mon thru fri.

There are two ways I have found sustanon to be most effective. Small frequent injections like I mentioned above, to really take advantage of the shorter esters,
OR one big bolus dose every 10 days.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks guys. Mostly I was concerned with tolerance build up to Cyp so I thought trying the Sust as a step up for shocking usual routine(. Maybe unnecessary?!

Seems most favor single compound over Sust. I'll keep research going and update with final decision


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I'm with a few of the guys on this. Not sure what you meant by waiting 5-6 weeks big poppie if using test c or e. I personally would use a single long ester UNLESS
I am pinning Eod or daily. Then if sust was cheapest I'd go that route.
Seeing as you have tren planned for the future then I'd make it E or c.
That way you are not pinning needlessly on a bulker.
As far as E or C? Whichever you have easiest access too.
Big poppie you don't get "the kick" from test E or c for 5-6 weeks?
Bummer . With a half life of 11 -14 days with those esters is that something you have experienced or been told? If you have been told that the info source is incorrect.I have never had a 5-6 week wait for those esters to become effective. I have been around this for a bit now. Not being a know it all smart ass. Just curious if you'd had it go that way for you.THX T......

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I love enth, cyp seems to give me acne (strange, I know as it's very similar, but it's true) and I really like Sust. Based upon your post, choose E or C, as Lavey said watch the diet closely, that makes or breaks cycles. I can't stress this enough. I'll say it again: DIET MAKES OR BREAKS CYCLES. There. ;)
Deca at 600 should be fine.
Good luck and KILL IT!


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks guys, I'll probably go Test C at 1g. I've only ran Deca at 400mg per week and lot people seem to say jumping to 600mg is all called for, no need to push 800mg; yall agree?

Kick off with Adrol and only pin twice a week. Any benefits to 3x a week with high dosages ran or naw since half life stays the same?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks guys, I'll probably go Test C at 1g. I've only ran Deca at 400mg per week and lot people seem to say jumping to 600mg is all called for, no need to push 800mg; yall agree?

Kick off with Adrol and only pin twice a week. Any benefits to 3x a week with high dosages ran or naw since half life stays the same?

I would have said yes but if you are doing 1g test (more than the past) I think the 600mg is enough of an increase. Although you could mix it up and so something like approx. 800mg of each ;) I remember doing an experiment with 750mg test and 300mg deca then 300mg test and 750mg deca to see what I preferred. I got much better results on the high deca. Granted it was second and hormones would have built up but I felt much better (same batch of each used). Although most don't like to recommend high deca due to health and libido factors.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
I'm with a few of the guys on this. Not sure what you meant by waiting 5-6 weeks big poppie if using test c or e. I personally would use a single long ester UNLESS
I am pinning Eod or daily. Then if sust was cheapest I'd go that route.
Seeing as you have tren planned for the future then I'd make it E or c.
That way you are not pinning needlessly on a bulker.
As far as E or C? Whichever you have easiest access too.
Big poppie you don't get "the kick" from test E or c for 5-6 weeks?
Bummer . With a half life of 11 -14 days with those esters is that something you have experienced or been told? If you have been told that the info source is incorrect.I have never had a 5-6 week wait for those esters to become effective. I have been around this for a bit now. Not being a know it all smart ass. Just curious if you'd had it go that way for you.THX T......

The 5-6 seems is from what I have read over the past couple years. I am not talking about when you start to feel it, but when it is coming on strong. I personally do not have experience with all of these esters, but the ones I do, these numbers are pretty close. Of course dosage plays a part too.
Orals/Ace 2-3 weeks
Prop 3 weeks
E/C 5-6 weeks
Dec 6-7 Weeks
Undec 9 weeks

Feel free to tell me experience otherwise.