Stricly Mass Cycle!

big o

Mar 20, 2005
I'm 6 weeks removed now and ready to get this cycle going...My last cycle was more of a fat reducing cycle rather than bulk.....I'm looking for some input on nothing but pure bulking of quality muscle not so much water.....D-bol is out..It gets the gyno symptoms going within 5 weeks and then I have to take so much anti-estrogen shit that I'm really thinking that d-bol is counter productive....A-drl gets me strong but i have a vilent tendencies so I have to save a-drol if I decide to compete in Dec. before my knee surgery...

Guys lay it on me with your personal bulking gains...I'm a hard gainer so keep it high.....


big o said:
I'm 6 weeks removed now and ready to get this cycle going...My last cycle was more of a fat reducing cycle rather than bulk.....I'm looking for some input on nothing but pure bulking of quality muscle not so much water.....D-bol is out..It gets the gyno symptoms going within 5 weeks and then I have to take so much anti-estrogen shit that I'm really thinking that d-bol is counter productive....A-drl gets me strong but i have a vilent tendencies so I have to save a-drol if I decide to compete in Dec. before my knee surgery...

Guys lay it on me with your personal bulking gains...I'm a hard gainer so keep it high.....
1 ml of andropen ed for 6 weeks LOL j/k :D :D :D


200mg of long estered test ed
100mg test suspension ed injected into the muscle you will be working that day
800mg deca per week
600mg eq per week
50-75mg proviron ed
adex .5-1mg ed
this is a good basic hard core bulker and should work well for ya with some minor tweeking. the deca & eq are very synergistic with each other as i have used this method a few times in the past.
you could also run 100mcg of igf per day the first 4 weeks skip 4 weeks then run it again.


We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
pincrusher said:
200mg of long estered test ed
100mg test suspension ed injected into the muscle you will be working that day
800mg deca per week
600mg eq per week
50-75mg proviron ed
adex .5-1mg ed
this is a good basic hard core bulker and should work well for ya with some minor tweeking. the deca & eq are very synergistic with each other as i have used this method a few times in the past.
you could also run 100mcg of igf per day the first 4 weeks skip 4 weeks then run it again.

Very good suggestion. Test/deca/EQ is a proven mass cycle.


Registered User
big o said:
I'm 6 weeks removed now and ready to get this cycle going...My last cycle was more of a fat reducing cycle rather than bulk.....I'm looking for some input on nothing but pure bulking of quality muscle not so much water.....D-bol is out..It gets the gyno symptoms going within 5 weeks and then I have to take so much anti-estrogen shit that I'm really thinking that d-bol is counter productive....A-drl gets me strong but i have a vilent tendencies so I have to save a-drol if I decide to compete in Dec. before my knee surgery...

Guys lay it on me with your personal bulking gains...I'm a hard gainer so keep it high.....
So are you saying that D-bol gives you gyno symptoms but anadrol does not, that jsut does not make sense to me. if you can handle the drol and want to see some good size and strength increases early on then i would have to say yeah go with the drol but your gonna find the bloat and water retention are gonna be high as well. What kinda diet are you gonna be running since If I understand this correctly that you are getting ready for a show in december that would put you about12 - 16 wks out and most people i knwo who compete would never consider bulking hard core that clsoe to a contest unless you were eating all lean and clean and not trying to "bulk" so to speak but to gain solid muscle mass and 0 bf....what show are you doing in December. Or what type of competition are you doing might be a better question so I dont seem like a stupid ass...lol. M-

big o

Mar 20, 2005
It's the Mass./R.I. power lifting championship.....I was seriously thinking of doing the masters division and setting a new squat record in the 242/275's...It's only 570...I'm 47 and squatting mid 5's somewhere...NO suit and knee wraps.....I want to bulk for the meet and then cut a little...Because of my age I'm not sure what my body can take now..I realize I'm not 20 years old again....Then after the meet do a more civilized work out with reps....

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Pin I can see you haven't lost your sense of humor...I know andropen and I/P cypionate....LOL..
Hey M..I know it doesn't make sense but that's what happens...I started out with 2-25mg capsules and then switched to methabol because of the lower mg so I could spread out my dose a little more..In the 5th week my tits were screaming...I completely got off the d-bol and stayed with the injectables and added a-drol for 4 weeks at the end of my cycle...I was on proviron towards the end....I/p adrol if you must know...I was good I could tell that on my second week exactly I gained a couple a reps on my set of 5's..Then I got off because of being grouchy all the time...
I want to do something totally different this time...


Apr 4, 2005
da ville
i know you said you don't want to use drols, but i'm gonna suggest them anyway. my next cycle in september is going to be this.

week 1-12/ cyp 600mg/week
week 1-4/ drols 50mg/day
week 10-14/ drols 50mg/day
week 1-14/ hcg 250-500iu/twice /week
week 1-16/ l-dex .25-.5mg/day depending on bloat

pct clomid/nolva.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
I usually use the drol at the end when everything is kicking in...I usually wait till 5-6 weeks before a meet and then I'll do 5-7 50mg tabs as a kick....! drol is a waste of time unless you stay on it for awile....IMO