Steroids Linked to heart failure-article


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Now, before you spaz out newbs, this is just a study and if you read the end of it, they kind of back track and say they didnt know alot of key factors in heart failure, like obesity, diet and others. Just a study.

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Steroids Linked to Higher Heart Disease Risk

High Doses May Raise Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke, Study Shows

By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
on Friday, November 12, 2004

Nov. 15, 2004 -- Taking high doses of steroids (glucocorticoids) seems to increase the risk of heart disease including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke, according to new research.

Steroids fight inflammation and are often prescribed for conditions including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and inflammatory arthritis. Prednisone and hydrocortisone are two examples of steroids.

Yet well-known adverse effects of these potent anti-inflammatory medications can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity -- risk factors for heart disease.

What is less well known about these drugs is whether and to what extent steroids contribute to heart disease and heart disease death. They write this is not predictable since these medications have anti-inflammatory effects on blood vessels -- inflammation of blood vessels has been found to be a key mediator of atherosclerosis.

The new study conducted by researcher Thomas MacDonald, MD, FRCPE, of Scotland's Ninewells Hospital and Medical School appears in the Nov. 16 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

MacDonald and colleagues examined medical record data from more than 68,000 people with steroid prescriptions and about 82,000 people not taking steroids.

All patients were at least 40 years old when the data was collected by Scotland's National Health Service from 1993 to 1996.

Steroid types, doses, and length of treatment varied, so the researchers calculated equivalent doses for comparison. The scientists tracked participants' "cardiovascular events" including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

Heart disease risk was more than 2.5 times higher in people taking high doses of steroids compared with those not taking steroids.

"Treatment with high-dose glucocorticoids seemed to be associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease," write the researchers.

Patients taking the equivalent of 7.5 milligrams of prednisolone per day had "substantially higher rates of all cardiovascular diseases" during one to five years of follow-up, write the researchers.

Patients taking low doses of steroids fared better. They had a similar risk for heart disease as those not taking steroids.

However, the researchers don't say steroids cause cardiovascular disease, since other factors may have been at work. They could not establish whether the disease, for which treatment with steroids was necessary, account for the higher risk of heart disease in this group of individuals.

For instance, the scientists didn't have information on the patients' disease severity, smoking, obesity, exercise, and diet, although they tried to adjust for at least some of those factors.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
what their referring to isn't really AS from what i gather. But instead what they mean are these type of prescription drugs that contain steroids.


Representative glucocorticoids include cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, and methylprednsone.

These agents are frequently used to treat inflammatory disease such as arthritis, collagen vascular diseases, lung inflammation and asthma, certain types of liver inflammation, some skin diseases and granulomatous diseases.

I was taking prednisone when i had asthmatic pneumonia.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2004
Regardless. It says high doses. I would hope they are talking about Ronnie Coleman doses because theres quite a few studies which inform you low doses actually can help body functions and quality of life.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Yeah...i believe this..Hav'nt you guys noticed ppl dissapearing from this forum??...too much steroids...lolololol
What a lot of shit!!...Let me tell you guys something,,Smoking can kill you...yeah...so can booze, overeating, fucking, hamburgers...etc etc...Just a reminder, ANYTHING you "over do", can cause shit....that's a fact.All depends on a person's ginetics.What ppl are ACTUALLY suppose to say is...IF you are prone to certain "things", so-and-so MAY cause hassles. I smoke worse than a lokomotife..believe me..and i'm 100% normal...NO sicknesses..the last time i went to a doctor icw sickness, was +-30 years ago....and still going strong.I think that if you DO have weak lungs, stay away from smoking. Long story short....an "overkill" of ANYTHING.....can harm you....IF YOU ARE PRONE TO IT!!!....just my nickle :)


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
oracle said:
what their referring to isn't really AS from what i gather. But instead what they mean are these type of prescription drugs that contain steroids.


Representative glucocorticoids include cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, and methylprednsone.

These agents are frequently used to treat inflammatory disease such as arthritis, collagen vascular diseases, lung inflammation and asthma, certain types of liver inflammation, some skin diseases and granulomatous diseases.

I was taking prednisone when i had asthmatic pneumonia.

You hit the nail on the head Oracle. Glucocorticoids are catabolic. In other words they are the exact opposite of anbolic steroids.
Think about this the next time you get a cortisone shot for your joints. It may be great for reducing swelling in the joint, but it is eating your muscle away too. Try ANYTHING it takes to avoid cortisone shots.