Spartan Labs Bust


Sep 17, 2003
Do you think this is the same Spartan that is over on Promuscle and he is cooperating which is why he is still posting on the board?

I believe it is the same because they seized all of the manufacturing equipment as well. Sparty was on Promuscle claiming that is was just some customer that bought in bulk but why would a customer buying in bulk be manufacturing and labeling vials that they bought from someone else?


Bay County Sheriff's Investigators are worried an illegal steroid operation may have put people's health at risk. They had charged three Panama City Beach men with making and selling the illegal drugs. Sheriff's investigators raided two locations Friday, seizing steroids worth about $1million on the streets, but it is the side-effects of the drugs that have them worried. "This is not something we're real familiar with,” said Capt. Faith Bell. “We have worked steroid cases, we'll find one-to-10 bottles. This was a manufacturing operation which I don't think many agencies deal with." They questioned, then charged Mitchell Hardy, Garrett George and Christopher Gipson with manufacturing and trafficking illegal humane growth steroids. Authorities said the trio sold the drugs through online forums and person-to-person at local gyms. They also said their so-called lab was not safe. "It is being manufactured in a kitchen, in a house, bedroom somewhere non-sterile environment, then sold to people to inject," said Bell. The steroids in these vials are supposedly 3 to 10 times stronger than medically approve dosages. All three men reportedly have serious health issues and authorities are concerned their customers have problems as well. "Potential to spread the fungus and bacteria was our main concern,” said Bell. “In this case, that people would be injecting this stuff and within a short window of time be dead." Capt. Bell is advising anyone, who bought steroids in the past six months, to see a doctor immediately for possible complications. Deputies are warning anyone who may have used illegal steroids created in Panama City Beach homes to consult a doctor because of the side effects known users are reporting. An investigation by the Bay County Sheriff’s Office led to the seizure last week of homemade steroids with a street value of approximately $1 million, said Capt. Faith Bell. Investigators believe the drugs were distributed at local fitness clubs and possibly worldwide over the Internet, and they’re likely not as pure as consumers might have been led to believe. “We were also hearing that people were getting sick … and we don’t know if it’s from the steroids itself or from the stuff in it,” Bell said. “Of the ones we’ve talked to, they were all experiencing some of complications from it.” Many of the vials recovered were marked “sterile,” though Bell doesn’t believe that’s the case. Some vials had residue coating the inside while others did not, and some vials had small pieces of debris floating inside. The cook plate deputies seized appeared anything but sterile. Bell said the operation was “very primitive,” and urged anyone who might have used the steroids to see a doctor. Side effects Bell said she is aware of include chest pain and coughing. Garret George, 23, Mitchell Hardy, 29, and Christopher Gipson, 21, have all been arrested on possession charges, and George faces a charge for manufacturing controlled substances. The “labs” were operational at least six months, Bell said. None of the men arrested have any medical training or background that Bell was aware of. Deputies are continuing to investigate with the help of federal agents, and additional arrests are expected, Bell said. Non-medical use of anabolic steroids, the type of performance enhancing steroids synonymous with bodybuilders, Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong, are dangerous as is, said University of Florida pharmacy professor Paul Doering. But when the steroids have been created outside of a lab setting, users are playing “Russian roulette,” and could be at risk of anything from infection to overdose. “These drugs are dangerous enough in the hands of smart people,” Doering said. “The good news is these are injected into the muscle and not the vain; the bad news is it’s injected into the muscle.” Dr. Carlon Colker is the author of “Extreme Muscle Enhancement” and a physician in Connecticut; part of his practice includes treating men who have used steroids without a legitimate medical purpose. He said the use of anabolic steroids has become “profoundly common” among bodybuilders regardless of whether they’re competitive. “The designer, or ‘garage-made’—steroids are of particular concern,” Colker said. “The side effects we don’t know … which is the scary part of it.” “Weekend alchemists,” as Colker referred to untrained steroid cooks, create their product in uncontrolled settings, potentially introducing unknown substances. The product is then sold on a “huge black market” without any testing or quality control. “You can unload this stuff as easily as painkillers,” Colker said. Doering was careful not to call the process George, Hardy and Gipson were allegedly using manufacturing. It would be more accurate to call it compounding, basically converting materials from powdered form to liquid, he said. He said China is the primary source for powdered steroids, and that he’s never seen an illegal steroid compounding operation that didn’t at least have someone with a medical background involved. “I’m just flabbergasted that that kind of thing goes on,” Doering said. “I would urge those receiving these compounds to cease and desist.” Side effects from anabolic steroids manufactured in a laboratory setting can include heart problems, the development of female breast tissue in male users, increased cholesterol levels, liver failure or cancer of the liver if the drugs are ingested orally, and of course, sterility, Colker said.


Sep 17, 2003
Investigators may have put a halt to an underground steroid manufacturing and distribution operation after searching two beach homes.

Two search warrants led Bay County Sheriff’s Office investigators to 8206 Beach Drive and a residence in Lake Towne Wharf, where they found packaged homemade steroids and product manufacturing equipment, a news release said.

The bust came after the office obtained information about a possible steroid lab at the residences.
According to the release, several suspects apparently had been injecting the product and experienced rapid muscle increase and unusual health problems.

The product, believed to have been made and sold as a strong steroid, was sold directly and online, and purchased at $13 to $70 per bottle, the release said.

The case is currently under investigation; arrests and charges are expected, the release said.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
All I know is when you get caught with the production equipment you are in a world of shit unless you decide to roll...I know he has tried to get back on ProM sponsoring for a while, he was also hitting up other suppliers trying to join on working for them (even as a shipper) just to make the cash!! His only option to stay in this business was to go the local route so I wouldn't be surprised if it was him and he was doing whatever he could to keep his ass out of jail...He always spoke about having guys that knew and worked with him...Who knows though?!


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
All I ever heard from him was trouble. Yea, his story doesn't make any sense for reasons you brought up above, Asci. If a guy was buying in bulk, finished products, why the heck would he even need equipment...doesn't make any sense.


Sep 29, 2012
I'm driving an didnt get to read all of it but does it say the guys caught were on probation already?


Sep 29, 2012
It doesn't say. Just says names, ages and charges.

Then he's definitely cooperating an trying to post or a LE is posting for him. He stated that they were on probation in the ProM thread. Otherwise how would he have known?


Dec 16, 2004
I guess I missed something how do we know this is Spartan? I cant see anything by the pic on my computer. I cant seem to find the thread on proM either? Guess Im old dumb or slow. Probably all three!


Feb 17, 2008
I think it's him posting, writing style is too similar to be someone else. I would not be surprised at all to find out he rolls on someone. Those bottles were definitely Spartan and someone just buying in bulk wouldn't be producing like that article claimed.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Hm.. very suspicious, I wonder if all the names were made public.. There are people who know his real info so it won't be long before it is known if he is rolling.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
yeah, from what i remember looking at their site link from ProM thats definitely Spartan labs from there.



Nov 5, 2012
Its a shame to give them everything to hang you with and to spin. What a bunch of bullshit that got spun.

I know kitchen gear! It worked back then and works today in my humble opinion.

They are phucked!

There may be a hero in there who doesnt cave, but its not looking good.

If Sparty is involved and not one of the three, then nice job sparty of setting up a bunch of kids to get phucked over for life!

Operating a lab in US is crazy!

Been known to contemplate it, and wont ever say never. But damn if I wouldnt be revealing something about me that is far more bizzare than anything else I got going on.



Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
He " spartan labs"
Pm me today asking if mexite was still around.
He said not mexy, but the old
Mexite with yellow tops.

I ignore the guy and figure he is cooperating.
Why pm me of all people? I made it no secret
That I never liked them or how they did things.

Wasn't he busted just before also?
A few other brands he was making?


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
I used Spartan products. Was a long time ago. I think they had some huge sale like buy 10 get 2 more free or something like that. I bought 20 bottles and they were garbage. I sold them to a pro and he complained too they were junk. Wondered what happened to them.

*I had to come back here and edit this. I do remember buying from these guys now. It was 22 bottles of 10ml cypionate and it was all garbage. They had a buy 10 get 2 free sale and I bought two seperate times. My trainer who is an IFBB Pro bought a bunch from me and he was pissed. I smashed the last remaining and flushed the broken glass. Spartan was the lab I remember.
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2004
few men can stand the heat and keep quiet. I only know 2 men who have. One of those men I look at everyday in the mirror.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
He seems to be making his rounds across the forums...even ones he has never been a member of. He just popped up over at TID.


Nov 5, 2012
few men can stand the heat and keep quiet. I only know 2 men who have. One of those men I look at everyday in the mirror.

You are one of the few, and I am happy to report, I know another around here as well.

But it takes a whole lot more faith than most have, but they will never know the magic that occurs when you choose to own it all and risk it all.

But guys that dont learn to decrease their exposure after the fact are doomed to repeat it and then all bets are off.