Some Crazy shit i never knew.. about Cayenee Pepper


Sep 17, 2003
This post was taken from a website it is not related to me at all.
i found it, to be very interesting.

Several weeks ago I heard a story that disturbed me so much that I have decided to share with you a fact that you may not know and that could save your life or the life of someone you love.

The story was a sad one. A thirty-something man was at work performing his normal daily routine when he collapsed and began to hemorrhage. He was rushed to the hospital where he was given intravenous blood transfusions. He was losing blood faster than they could put it back into him. A call was sent out to all his friends and their friends to go immediately to the hospital to donate blood on this man’s behalf.

I knew my hands were tied in this situation but I became aware that everyone might not know the benefits of the herb called Capsicum (also known as Cayenne Pepper, African Pepper, African red pepper, American red pepper, bird pepper, and Spanish pepper). Capsicum is a medicinal and nutritional herb.

This herb is a great food for the circulatory system because it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that they regain the elasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure normalizes itself. It rebuilds the tissue in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers. In equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth. In stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestine, it aids in assimilation and elimination.

Herbalists believe that in cases of severe cuts, gun shot wounds, etc., capsicumcan be taken internally as a tea and the bleeding will stop by the time, in most cases, you can count to ten. Cayenne goes immediately into the bloodstream and adjusts the blood pressure from the top of the head, to the bottom of the feet, equalizing pressure over the whole body. This takes the high pressure, which causes rapid bleeding, away from the wound and clotting starts immediately.

The finest food for the heart is cayenne, and yet there is a rapid increase of heart attacks in our country today because people are starving their hearts while feeding their taste buds. If someone is having a heart attack, stir one teaspoon or more of cayenne pepper in a cup of boiling water, steep until cool enough to drink without scalding the throat tissue, prop up the heart attack victim and administer the reasonably hot cayenne tea and the attacks will stop promptly (the capsicum will take effect in about two minutes). This could effectively save someone’s life before the medical team can get to the scene.

A hemorrhage is a frightening condition. If someone has a hemorrhage in the lungs, stomach, uterus or nose, have them take teaspoonful of capsicum in a glass of extra warm water and by the time they count to ten the bleeding will stop; for instead of all the blood pressure being centralized, it is equalized and the clotting becomes more rapid. Whether the bleeding is internal or external, a teaspoon of cayenne taken orally in a glass of hot water will stop the bleeding quickly. For hemorrhage of the lungs, a vapor bath with warm cayenne infusion is very beneficial. Lastly, for external bleeding, take cayenne powder or tea internally and/or place the powder directly on the wound.

If the gentleman mentioned at the start of this article, who had been bleeding so profusely was aware of the fact that cayenne pepper tea could stop his hemorrhaging… and ultimately heal his ulcer, he would have been spared much pain and many days in the hospital not to mention the great expense of it all.

Most every home has a spice cabinet and most contain the one herb that could stop a heart attack, stop internal bleeding, or be used as a styptic for external cuts no matter how severe. Is your spice cabinet properly stocked?

When I began to study herbs I remember my teacher saying that she is never without some capsicum in her purse (or her herb bag) just in case of an emergency.The Herb Cottage has made it extra easy to carry around capsicum in either capsules or liquid extract. If your life or that of a loved one was in danger of a heart attack or hemorrhage are you prepared?

- Candy Robinson, C.H.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2003
wow!..... i never knew that, i guess i ned to carry around one more herb with me ;)


Feb 6, 2004
Interesting. Cayenne pepper (Pepper spray) is also what the cops use to incapacitate people causing a disturbance. I can see it now. Well, I sprayed the suspect in the face with my pepper spray because I thought he was having a heart attack and wanted to save his life! lol