So you want to put on weight


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
By Titan59

So you want to put on weight.
Just like everyone else right.
Except one thing, you're a hard gainer.
What does this mean?
It means
You have a hard time putting mass on.
You cant eat enough, you have a high metablism
You loose or gain weight, but cant keep at a level

The fix, well there is no quick fix, but there is one thing highly
over looked. Diet, and diet does not mean weight loss.
It is a simple term often misunderstood.

What do I know about being a hardgainer.
I am one/ was one
I started lifting for size at age 18 and weighing a massive
170-175 at 5'11. Not to bad actually, but thats from
8 yrs of football as life training lol.
I now weigh 256 at age 22, and plan on hitting 270 before dieting down in Feb-Jan
How did I do it?
Steroids, Creatine, Glutamine, Supplements, Andro, ect..
Sure sometimes. I was 18, didnt know anybetter lol
But what really added size. Food. Whole, solid, fat, nutrional foods
Not 4 shakes a day, not 1 gm of test, not 3 servings of cell tech.
FOOD, and rest.

Ever see a diet in a magazine of some great transfermation
and think thats what I want. Well, I call bullshit on the mags.
No one, I mean no one, is going to gain 20lbs, loose 5% fat
in 8wks on creatine, and 3 food meals, non the less a hard gainer.
What are my methods, simple. Follow the biggest guys (not fattest) and watch what they eat. I met Lee Priest 5 yrs ago and he and Dorian changed my views 180 style.
I trained, trained hard, too much infact. I took in 250gms of protein. I did sleep. But what I didnt do was EAT, EAT, EAT somemore.

This is what it took for me to hit 200lbs at one point

3 meals of cheeseburgers with 1 quart whole chocolate milk
2 meals of chicken/turkey, veggies, potatos and rice
2 meals of whole egg cheese omelets and bacon
Then shakes, desert, soda, ect...
We're talkin boat loads of calories.
Just to hit 200lbs.
Sound like famliar
I hit 200lbs @ 10%. I couldn't get any fatter or bigger
for months. So I did a huge cycle of 400mg cyp and 20mg methlytest for 6 or 7 wks. Got 10lbs in that time.

Extremes. High measures. These are what your told to stay away from. But these are all that will make you big.
Think about it. If you cant get passed 150-160, how is training hard and not shoving food down going to work? Your body burns like a fire. The only way to build it is to add fuel right. Then the fire grows. But you want to stay big so you must keep adding fuel.
No ones body wants to be Ronnie Coleman or Flex Wheeler
No ones body wants to lift and row 400+ like dorian or levrone.
You must force it too. By extreme measures.
How can anyone expect to build a house with no material or tools.
You cant plain and simple.
Then how can you expect your body to build with scraps of food
and 4 shakes a day.

Its a vicious circle and cycle to get our bodys to grow.
You eat, lift, eat, sleep, and repeat.
Our body loves to be in equilibruim. It wants to stay constant.
Even worse for us hard gainers.
I hope this helps even just one person
understand what it really takes to build and gain.
No fancy workouts, no fancy drugs, no fancy diet.
Plain, simple, more = more additude.

Forget arm training like Lee Priest, Forget 6 a wk like coleman
Those guys got there by lifting heavy and cramming food.
Food, Food, Food. Drugs come in sure, but no subsitutions.
Forget trying to gain 30lbs of muscle, loosing down to 6% fat, seeing abs, veins, and 20in arms. Eat, train, Eat, Sleep and Eat.
You grow then strip fat. Its like walking right foot, then left foot.

Basic Sample caloric intakes for hard gainers
are based on your wants, goals, age, metabolism
There is no quick fix, no set number.
No fancy supplement or bullshit add
can fix

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
at the moment i bought myself some vitamin B-Complex and B12 tabs........they work GREAT for appetite.......I usely ate only 1 and half meals a day 2 months ago ( before i started BB ), now i eat roughly 6 meals a day....Apparently it's the B12 tabs that does the job ....


Registered User
Nov 7, 2004
I heard that about b12...i'll have to give it a shot...........i usually pig out on cycle anyway...one time I downed 3 dbl cheesebrgs and 2 mcrib sandwiches and was still hungry..........that damn d-bol!